The town radius in Colonisation worked well because they were never expected to become true modern cities within the timespan of the game. Colonies typically were founded to exploit one single local resource and then either grew in importance because they were in the right place or dwindled into obscurity when the goods they produced ran out or became less desirable. It worked very well and I would have liked it if a good system of slowly expanding radius could make it into a true Civ game (CtP2 ddin't get it right imo). The very unautomated way in whigh the game worked was par for the course at the time. Indeed if you had a governor who sensibly automeated all craftsmen switching and training of new experts there would be little for the user to do most turns.
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new game of colonization
Yesterday I tried to play colonization on my PC. I couldn't even start the game, because some freaky code error about "dividing with zero" or something.... maybe I should try to install the game again...I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.
You can't win independence without fighting the war for it. Basically, the game is set up so that the war of independence is the goal you're supposed to be driving towards. Of course, there's nothing to stop you from just playing in "sandbox mode", never declaring independence and just building a thriving set of colonies. I assume there's some time limit built into the game, but I don't know what it is.
Other countries' colonies do get their independence (your final score is lowered for each one which gets it before you do), but they don't fight wars for it. At least, their wars aren't played out where you can see them. You're simply informed that they're now independent."THE" plus "IRS" makes "THEIRS". Coincidence? I think not.
Originally posted by Rex Little
You can't win independence without fighting the war for it. Basically, the game is set up so that the war of independence is the goal you're supposed to be driving towards. Of course, there's nothing to stop you from just playing in "sandbox mode", never declaring independence and just building a thriving set of colonies. I assume there's some time limit built into the game, but I don't know what it is.
Other countries' colonies do get their independence (your final score is lowered for each one which gets it before you do), but they don't fight wars for it. At least, their wars aren't played out where you can see them. You're simply informed that they're now independent.Thanks.
You're a man- you can be replaced.
Originally posted by Andemagne
if you ask me what COL2 would need I would answer:
*better graphics (is this really needed?)
*better diplomacy
*more colonizers
*a better AI, of course
these are "at least".
- better diplomacy is on of our goals, too
- I don't know what you mean with that but I think we'll have more than 4 nation, yet perhaps not in the first version.
- Our first version might be hotseat only, though we have a new programmer who is especially interested in AI-programming, we'll see.Interested in creating a TBS game similar to Colonization?
Have a look here !
New C++ programmers needed!
More colonist type won't hurt either.
One thing that I found annoying was the fact that there wasn't a way to see info for the indians villages (what they would teach, what they will trade), other that to send a scout over there.
Also, no real support in war from the allies, but I guess that goes to better diplomacy."Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
"Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto