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SCENARIO: The Napoleonic Wars

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  • SCENARIO: The Napoleonic Wars

    4th Project update:

    I've completed some major work regarding the map in the past couple days. What I've done is eliminated roads altogether (hold on), and given each city a people 'resource' underneath, which allows each city to be able to produce certain nationality units depending upon what kind of 'people' resource is tucked away underneath each city. This allows the British to create 'German Line Infantry' in Hanover and Bremen, but no where else (since the 'German' resource isn't present anywhere else that Britain controls). It took forever to think out, and another forever to create, and a 3rd forever to make it work. In addition to that, I eliminated jungle, transforming into a sort of 'pseudo-road' which looks identical to grassland, but gives the same sort of bonus as if it were a road. Check out my thread in the general forum about '1-Tile Road Suggestions' (or whatever I named it) to see what I've done regarding that.

    I'm working on a completed unit list, with unit strengths and types and all that fun stuff. Expect that fairly soon in the next update. I've gotten all of the units to work in the game (without it crashing) so far, so that's a step in the right direction. Now I just need the units to stick into the scenario.

    I've changed the standard 'mine' graphic into a small village sort of thing. It looks more accurate, and kind of cool also.

    I think that's about it for now. More in the next update.

    Project Details:

    So yes, this is my next project. I originally planned to do this one first, but I got a case of Civil War fever, and the rest is history. This time around though, I plan on spending more time on working on the scenario. For my Civil War scenario, I simply wanted to be the first one to get out a 'good' complete large-scale scenario, but now I want to make a 'great' scenario, no matter how long it takes. That coupled with the fact that I have about an hour to myself every day means that the pace for the creation of this scenario will be much slower.

    The current list of civs in the scenario is: Prussia, Russia, Spain, France, Britain, Austria, the Ottoman Empire, Sweden, Poland, Northern European Minors (Denmark, Portugal, Holland, etc.), Northern German Minors (Saxony, Kleves, Mainz, etc.), Southern German Minors (Bavaria, Wurzburg, Baden, etc.), Northern Italian Minors (Venice, Romagna, Tuscany, Switzerland, etc.), Papal States, African Minors (Libya, Algiers, Tunis, Morocco), and (of course) Barbarians (bah). I had to fit it within the 16-civ limit, and I think that was the best way I could do so.

    Currently, the basic unit list is like so (most infantry/cavalry units have a 1792 and 1805 variation):

    Line Infantry 1792 (Basic infantry)
    Line Infantry 1805
    Grenadiers 1792 (Heavy, veteran infantry formations)
    Grenadiers 1805
    Light Infantry 1792 (Skirmishing light infantry formations)
    Light Infantry 1805
    Dragoons 1792 (Standard cavalry like the one in Civ 3)
    Dragoons 1805
    Cuirassiers 1792 (Guys on horses with big swords that ride fast)
    Cuirassiers 1805
    Hussars 1792 (Fast cavalry forces with swords, used mainly for skirmishing and scouting)
    Hussars 1805
    3 Pounder
    6 Pounder
    9 Pounder
    1st Rate Ship of the Line
    2nd Rate Ship of the Line
    3rd Rate Ship of the Line
    Sailed Transport
    Keep in mind all land units require 1 population point, as they are rather large formations for the time.

    I've placed all of the nations navies on the map now. I'll give you the numbers that each has of each type of ship. If I don't name a unit, then it doesn't have any ships. The total warship count at the end doesn't include transports.

    Naval Disposition

    * All total counts do not include Transports
    ** Nations that have one fleet have it located outside their capital city

    Nation			1st Rate	2nd Rate	3rd Rate	Frigate		S Transport	Total*
    BRITAIN			6		15		9		15		7		46 ships
    	London		3		7		4		6		7		20
    	Brest		2		4		4		5		1		15
    	Gibraltar	1		4		2		4		2		11
    N. E. MINORS		2		14		11		11		3		38 ships
    	Copenhagen	1		5		4		4		1		14
    	Amsterdam	1		5		4		4		1		14
    	Lisbon		0		4		3		3		1		10
    SPAIN			2		10		8		10		3		30 ships
    	Valencia	2		8		6		7		2		23
    	Naples		0		2		2		3		1		7
    FRANCE			2		10		8		8		4		28 ships
    	Le Havre	1		5		3		3		2		12
    	Bordeaux	1		2		2		2		1		7
    	Toulon		0		3		3		3		1		9
    RUSSIA			0		6		6		7		3		19 ships
    	St. Petersburg	0		4		3		5		1		12
    	Sevastopol	0		2		3		2		2		7
    OTTOMANS**		0		4		5		5		2		14 ships
    SWEDEN**		0		2		1		3		1		6 ships
    All cities and improvements are placed on the map currently. I'm tweaking cities a bit, to modify production and population values to try and make them more accurate, along with tweaking city names.

    Here's the current terretorial breakdown.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Jon Shafer; October 17, 2002, 13:54.

  • #2
    ooh i look forward to this one


    • #3
      sounds like it should be good, your Civil War scenario was excellent and this looks even bigger.
      One question though, what units will be used? Musketmen are too old and Riflemen too late for the early 19th century.
      You sunk my Scrableship!


      • #4
        Well, I'll be re-designing all of the units. This is the unit list that I have as of now:

        Imperial Guard

        3 Pounder
        6 Pounder
        9 Pounder
        12 Pounder

        20 Gun Frigate
        30 Gun Frigate
        40 Gun Frigate
        60 Gun Ship of the Line
        80 Gun Ship of the Line
        100 Gun Ship of the Line
        120 Gun Ship of the Line
        Galleon (Transport)

        I may (probably) end up reducing the # of artillery and naval ship choices available (who really needs 6 kinds of warships at once?), but I wanted to start off diverse. The Rifleman unit represents the crude form that only the British used in the Peninsular Campaign, not Civil War era riflemen or anything. I know that the Imperial Guard unit could probably be simply considered elite Musketmen, but it's just more fun to have an actual unit named that. Any other ideas for units would be appreciated.


        • #5
          Northern European Minors (Denmark, Sweden, Holland, etc.), No
          iirc, denmark and sweden were at war...,


          • #6
            hoooo hoooo

            i cant wait. make the infantry the real force (and real cheap), and cavalry just as a fast, mobile unit (thats expensive)


            • #7
              This definately sounds like a cool idea... have u heard of the game Europa universalis 1/2? no2 has the napoleonic wars and stuff and it lets you play with all the minor states and kingdoms in europe as it was at that time so it has all the accurate details... I could post a screenshot of the europe map or something, but it sounds like you have good enough info already tho.....

              anyway this looks like a cool idea. i hope this will be more fun than the EU2 napoleonic scenario, where france doesnt do anything - unless you control it , but then theres no stopping you taking over 2/3 of england in the first year... lol....
              Last edited by Daftpanzer; September 8, 2002, 19:06.


              • #8
                those unit choices sound good, especially for the land, it keeps the different kinds down and keeps the unit selection rather eloquent, ie, it looks like that with a modest number of units each will have their own role.
                I'm not so sure about the artillery, maybe 2 or three kinds. I'm pretty sure 3, 6, 9, 12 pounder guns would probably have just been grouped into mixed batteries. So some artillery unit that represented a battery comprised of different guns that would be used on a field would be good in my opinion. Then you can keep the howitzer as another unit, perhaps against fortresses and cities.

                I was mostly asking about the units for how they will appear, since for your Civil War scenario the riflemen looked perfect for the game. Have you found any good early 19th century user created units yet?

                Good luck with the scenario.
                You sunk my Scrableship!


                • #9
                  Little change in things. I made Sweden it's own country, and made Portugal into the Northern European Minors group. So don't worry about that.

                  Currently, Dark Sheer and Smoking Mirror are making some nice unit graphics.

                  I've played Europa Universalis, and a board game called "Empires in Arms", which I've gotten a lot of info from. Don't worry, I have good sources. Hopefully the Civ 3 AI will be smart enough to act nicely.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gangerolf

                    iirc, denmark and sweden were at war...,
                    What's more Sweden fought Nappy later on in the war (Bernadotte the swedish king was the same man who designed napoleons army hierarchy so he was quite valuable to Napoleons enemies...).
                    Denmark on the other hand fought on nappys side (after the brittish drove him away from them through one of thier worst diplomatic actions ever).

                    Russia also fought sweden at one point of the napoleonic wars (this was when they conquered Finland from the swedes)...

                    Also I'd group Portugal with Great Brittain but thats just me
                    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                    • #11
                      I will try it when its ready, even that the 1800s isnt my fav. era hehe.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Henrik
                        What's more Sweden fought Nappy later on in the war (Bernadotte the swedish king was the same man who designed napoleons army hierarchy so he was quite valuable to Napoleons enemies...).
                        Denmark on the other hand fought on nappys side (after the brittish drove him away from them through one of thier worst diplomatic actions ever).
                        And the British sunk the Danish fleet also, which was the only reason Nappy went after the Danes in the first place. The French can just never get any breaks.

                        Russia also fought sweden at one point of the napoleonic wars (this was when they conquered Finland from the swedes)...

                        Also I'd group Portugal with Great Brittain but thats just me
                        I think I'll just add Portugal to the Northern European minors. Not like they had much significance during the war, except for bases during the Peninsular campaign (the scenario starts in 1792, do you really think things will play out that accurately anyways? ).


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Trip
                          And the British sunk the Danish fleet also, which was the only reason Nappy went after the Danes in the first place. The French can just never get any breaks.
                          Which was the diplomatic action I was refering to, the danes wanted to be neutral (both the britts and french obviously wanted them as allies but they wherent planning of joining either), that wasnt enough for the britts, so they sank the entire danish navy, which in turn made the danes join napoleon (as the brittish had attacked them).
                          lol talk about shoddy diplomacy
                          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                          • #14
                            Let me know when this is reality. (So I can move the thread )
                            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                            • #15
                              when does the scenerio start? if it starts in 1789, the having Poland is fine, but if it begins later, at the time of Napoleons campaigns, such as 1798, the Poland as an independent player makes no sense. Having the Islamic states of Northen Africa as independent also might be a waste of a civ: either keep them ottoman, or leave it empty would be my advise.

                              As for units, the Russians also had an imperial guard.
                              Perhaps you could copy some of the excellent napoleonic scenerios for civ 2 as far as units go. A list may be:
                              Militias, Line Infantry, Grenadiers, Guards, Marines (for a few civs) Hussars, Lancers, Dragoons, Janessaries, Mamlukes (for Ottoman in Egypt) and so forth. Perhasp having several UU's might work, even character UU's that cannot be built again, like napoleon, wellington, so forth.
                              As for naval units, too many may not be wise. Wny make a 20 gun frigate at all, or a 60 gun Ship of the Line, unless you make the differences dramatic, and they why make frigates at all? Perhaps having just one form or two of frigates, one for fast aiding, one for battles, 3 at most of ships of the line (1st, 2nd, 3rd rates), including things such as scoops or ketchs to widen the variaty of naval units.

                              Well, just a ramble of ideas.
                              If you don't like reality, change it! me
                              "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                              "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                              "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw

