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SCENARIO: The United States Civil War

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  • SCENARIO: The United States Civil War

    Here it is, finally up.
    Trip's United States Civil War scenario v1.03 is now complete and ready for download.

    Apolyton viewers, please go to the link here:
    to get the file, since I can host the large size on CFC's server.

    The File is about 3 MB in size, so non-broadband users be patient.

    It contains some valuable information, and if you skip it, you may be sorry later on, so spend 5 minutes and read the darn thing alright?

    To install, just follow these directions:
    Download the .ZIP, then go into your Civ 3\Text\ folder. Right-click on the file "Civilopedia.txt", then uncheck where it says "Read-Only". Then with an up-to-date version of WinZip (I have v8.0), extract the .ZIP into your Civ 3 folder. It will overwrite nothing except your 'Civilopedia.txt' and 'Pediaicons.text' files, which is no problem if you're not using modified versions of those files. If you are, make back-ups of them first. After you've extracted the .ZIP, then everything will be ready for you to play. Go into Civ 3, select 'scenarios', find the folder and .BIC, and you're set to play.

    Right now the Civilopedia on all the units and techs is not functioning, do not try to open them up in the Civilopedia or your game will crash. I may add Civilopedia support later on, but that's for another version, another day.

    Anyways, I think that's about it. Hope everyone enjoys the scenario! Send feedback to, or PM me.

    My next project will probably be a scenario about Napoleon. We'll see when I can get started on that.

    'Til then...

    Go here for the file:

    New Version 1.04
    The problem of the massive money shortage has been fixed. You will now make more cash.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Jon Shafer; July 23, 2002, 18:55.

  • #2
    Very interesting project.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      I can´t wait to play this one Trip... although I think you´ll need some more variation to the units...
      Maybe you should use Adv. Infantry and entrenched Inf like in the civ2 cilvilwarscenario?
      Just a thought ...

      And will you have to use research to get all of the present units or do you have them from the start?

      Anyway keep working
      Last edited by Fatwreck; July 17, 2002, 17:48.
      You saw what you wanted
      You took what you saw
      We know how you did it
      Your method equals wipe out


      • #4
        I'll probably add some more units later. More 'veteran'-ish units. I'll probably add a rifled Artillery unit as well. But I need ideas. The Advanced Infantry and Entrenched Infantry are good examples. However, I don't think they really fit in this kind of scenario. Early units were Muskets, then later Rifled Muskets. The same with artiller: Smoothbore cannons to rifled ones. I'll try to come up with more ideas for units.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Trip
          More 'veteran'-ish units.
          One idea is to call your first riflemen Regular rifleman then (if this EVER becomes a possibility) trigger an event that makes all of these Regulars: Crack Troops
          Or just create a unit that is called crack Troops and upgrade them the ordinary way...

          And the early musket - later rifle muskets: Use it like that, no need to get technical...
          And give the rifled ones a boost to defence rather than offence...
          You saw what you wanted
          You took what you saw
          We know how you did it
          Your method equals wipe out


          • #6
            I'll certainly have to playtest everything first, but thanks for the suggestions, I will keep them in mind!


            • #7
              Anytime ... hope it won´t take to long...
              You saw what you wanted
              You took what you saw
              We know how you did it
              Your method equals wipe out


              • #8
                BTW IIRC I don´t think that ironclads were in use from the start, i think it was the confederates who came up with the idea and then the union used them as well...
                You saw what you wanted
                You took what you saw
                We know how you did it
                Your method equals wipe out


                • #9
                  I know, but I'm sure either could have built them at any time. Neither will start with them, and they're fairly expensive, so I doubt many will roam the seas for some time.

                  I wanted to make some kind of "Veteran" infantry unit for later in the war. It would represent: a shift from smoothbore muskets to rifled ones, as well as the increasing numbers of veteran troops. This would allow for both an increase of the attack and defense of the units (since half of the attacking during this era involved gaining the courage to run forward with a thousand guns aimed at you... veterans were more apt to do this than green troops).

                  I think I will make it a 9/12 for both sides... not sure what to call it yet. "Veterans" would work, except I don't want to have a popup saying "your Veteran Veterans have become elite".


                  • #10
                    I'm looking forward to playing this. I don't really know anything about the history of the period, but it seems like the perfect setting for a Civ3 scenario.
                    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by FrustratedPoet
                      I'm looking forward to playing this. I don't really know anything about the history of the period, but it seems like the perfect setting for a Civ3 scenario.
                      I hope to make it so that you'll be impressed with it.
                      If you have any suggestions, then any and all are welcome.


                      • #12
                        I also posted on your thread at CivFanatics, but I just had a few more ideas:

                        1) Observation Ballon - A flying unit that can only do reconnaissance missions.

                        2) Something with gatling guns, probably primarily a defensive unit.

                        Also, I believe at the beginning of the war (and throughout the war) most troops used muzzle loading rifles that fired minie balls (no, I'm not trying to make a joke with that name, that's what they were called). Minie balls were slightly smaller than the diameter of the barrel of the rifle (most of which were about .50 cal I believe), with a hollow cone at the base of the bullet. When fired, the gas hit the hollow base and expanded it so the bullet would fit the rifled grooves. This coupled rifle accuaracy and range with high rates of fire, at least until breach loading rifles came into wider use.

                        Eventually the North developed the Sharpes rifle, which was a repeating rifle that held about 7 shots. Mostly cavalry carried this rifle, though they would often dismount to fight on foot.

                        A great source for information about the Civil War is They have information about leaders, battles, the development of new weapon systems (such as the confederate sub who's name escapes me now), social changes brought about by the war, etc. I think they have an entire section of articles dedicated to the Civil War.
                        No comment.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ed O'War
                          I also posted on your thread at CivFanatics, but I just had a few more ideas:

                          1) Observation Ballon - A flying unit that can only do reconnaissance missions.

                          2) Something with gatling guns, probably primarily a defensive unit.

                          Also, I believe at the beginning of the war (and throughout the war) most troops used muzzle loading rifles that fired minie balls (no, I'm not trying to make a joke with that name, that's what they were called). Minie balls were slightly smaller than the diameter of the barrel of the rifle (most of which were about .50 cal I believe), with a hollow cone at the base of the bullet. When fired, the gas hit the hollow base and expanded it so the bullet would fit the rifled grooves. This coupled rifle accuaracy and range with high rates of fire, at least until breach loading rifles came into wider use.

                          Eventually the North developed the Sharpes rifle, which was a repeating rifle that held about 7 shots. Mostly cavalry carried this rifle, though they would often dismount to fight on foot.

                          A great source for information about the Civil War is They have information about leaders, battles, the development of new weapon systems (such as the confederate sub who's name escapes me now), social changes brought about by the war, etc. I think they have an entire section of articles dedicated to the Civil War.
                          Is there a balloon graphic? I remember seeing one somewhere... but that's probably not for Civ 3.

                          The problem with adding endless units now becomes the availability of graphics, since I'm not exactly an animator.
                          The Gatling wouldn't be a bad idea... not sure how exactly to impliment it though. They didn't have that much significance in this conflict, so I don't want to make them too powerful, but if I make them weaker, then people will be compelled to just use regular infantry instead.

                          I just looked at a site about the Civil War yesterday, and a lot of what you said was included (including the "Minie Ball".. I thought it was something out of a Walt Disney movie ).


                          • #14
                            I don't know about a ballon unit, but pesoloco did a dirigible unit over at CivFanatics. It's not perfect, but would do as a stand in until something better comes along.

                            As for gatling guns, maybe you should just drop them. As you mention, they didn't play that big of a role, and they were probably weren't independently deployed anyways.
                            No comment.


                            • #15
                              Trip, I think your map needs more forests...

                              I know units cost pop points, but this seems to favour the western part of the map too much, which wasn't the case in the civil war, was it?

                              or maybe i just can't see the map well enough...

                              sounds cool anyways
                              Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                              Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                              Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                              Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

