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How can we prepare for PTW today? Teamwork!

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  • How can we prepare for PTW today? Teamwork!

    So in the interest of being time-efficient I think its important that folks in the creation world start thinking about the type of art, maps, etc that will be needed to make churning out scenarios easier. Civ 3 requires a great deal more creation tasks than civ 2 did and I think its important for those with skill in one area work together with those with skill in another area. Primarilly Id say this is a distinction between artists, map makers, and scenario builders.

    I think before the editor comes out in July its important for all of us to begin to identify some scenario projects and then think about what can be done now to move forward on them. Not only that but to think about how our scenarios are going to be designed, what game features can be utilized etc.

    For example: Ever since I took a course on the Arab-Israeli dispute Ive wanted to make a scenario.

    Where should I begin? At Zionist colonization, after ww1, israeli indepenence?

    What units and art will I need? Civilopedia? Technology?

    Feel free to post your scenario ideas so we can discuss them.
    "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

    "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown

  • #2
    Great Idea Pythagoras,

    I think that a remake of the Civ2 scenario "Exodus" would be an excellent place to begin!
    As far as units go, for Israel you could probably have the Irgun militia and Stern Gang as your "commando" unit (i.e treats all terrain as roads) and Hagganah as your regular infantry unit. You might also have some sort of settler unit! They would also possess howitzers (WWII) as their main artillery pieces
    For the Palestinians, you could give them some sort of irregular unit (rifleman equivalent). They might also have refugees, which could be produced like settlers and/or produced when a Palestinian town is occupied by the Israelis
    Arab Forces would consist mostly of infantry. WWI artillery and out-of date destroyers etc. The Transjordanians, on the other hand, would possess the Arab Legion and WWII howitzers.
    You might want to have WWI tanks and motorized infantry, but I think that modern (WWII) tanks and Aircraft would have to be researched!

    Some improvements might be the conventional Civ3 ones, but also have Mosques and Synagogues. Jerusalem would have wonders like "The Dome of the Rock" and the "Wailing Wall". You could have a Kibbutz, which acts like an aqueduct or granaryI'd have a few military based production facilities which you can build if you get the tech "Munitions Production". Some techs, like Jet Propulsion and Advanced Armour, should also be available. I'm afraid that's all I can think of at the moment. As I said, have a look at the Civ2 scenario "Exodus" for more info!



    • #3
      I'd like to see a Post-Apoctaliptic senario, prefrebly based of the RPG "Fallout". Conquering those bastards at Vault City with a platoon of Power Armor would be awsome, & the leader heads are already there, you just need to convert them to Civ3 leader heads. Replace Barbarians with Deathclaws & maybe add a little land to the East, maybe even the intire US & parts of occupied Canada.
      Last edited by Darkworld Ark; June 7, 2002, 19:42.
      Know your enemies!
      "Mein Fuhrer! I can walk!" ~ Dr. Strangelove


      • #4
        I would take on World War II, but the quantity of people who are bound to be working on it after the first day is most likely astounding, so the chances of getting on the PtW CD is slim at best. Therefore, I'll start on my current favorite time in history... The Napoleonic Wars! Thankfully I know plenty about it... a pity though that there won't be that many alternative unit animations for me to use... that'll probably be my biggest problem.

        Also... I thought it was coming out in June, not July?


        • #5
          Well I am already working on a Contemporary world scenario. Basically the world divided into 12 or 13 different groups.

          You can see the 6 page long thread discussion about it here If anyone would be interested in helping me then private IM me and let's exchange e-mail addresses.

          I could mostly use help in unit graphics, tech layout, some research and advice on civ strengths. But hey, if you want to help, you can help any way you want!

          So take a look at the last page or 2 of the thread above and see if you would be interested .


          • #6
            Watch This Space

            Hi Guys,

            Though I would lack the time and skill neccessary to make a truly great mod or scenario, I have been working on a tool, based on Nero Woulds "CivStats" excel file, which I hope will be of use to those truly talented Scenario writers create an engaging WWII scenario when the editor and/or PtW is released!
            Just as a teaser, it will feature the following information:

            1) A relatively complete tech-tree featuring 4 main "eras": Pre-War (1935-1938), Early War (1939-1942), Late War (1943-1945) and Post-War (1946-1950/51).

            2) A complete list of 1930's, WWII and early '50's military units, with all stats and special abilities (including those which might not be possible, but I would like to be!)

            3) A complete list of improvements, Sm. Wonders and Great Wonders, again with complete stats and special abilities (again, some of these might only be "wishful thinking" but would be there for sake of completeness!)

            Anyway, at the current rate of progress I hope to have it posted by, at the latest, next Monday (17/06). Please note, this will NOT be a scenario OR a Mod, just a nicely presented list to help others!



            • #7
              Those are all great ideas. I have yet to see any good mods of the Napoleonic era, so that is particularly exciting to me, having an intrest in the time period.

              Anyway, I think Ive posted this before, but Im really looking forward to when I can remake my World War III possible future scenario for civ III(I originally made it for civ ii, but it got erased on my dads old computer and I thuoght id just wait to remake it with civ iii). It basicly happens in the near future when China, North Korea, Pakistan and the Middle East (a united Iraq[Babylon], Iran[Persia], and Egypt) commit a preimpted nuclear strike and invasion on the various nations comprising the Allies (America and Europe being NATO, India, A united South East Asia made up of Austarilia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Taiwan, and then Japan) and then Russia is sort of a wild card that will allways go to war with China at least, but somtimes also goes to war with some member of the Allies too. It is set up so the Middle East attacks and invades NATO, North Korea attacks and invades South Korea and Japan(which both have a whole lot of money to plunder, making it a juicy target), China goes after Taiwan(obviously), the nations of South East Asia, and Invades Russia, and then India and Pakistan duke it out.
              Its set so that the Allies are significantly stronger to begin with but are weakend signifcantly by the initial strike.
              Anyway I know some of the possibilities arent at alll likely, like a united middle east! but I made it when i was a freshman so it wasnt perfect to begin with. Even though it wasn't realistic, I remeber it was alot of fun and with PtW I think i can make it work really well. I may even update the plot so as to make it somewhat more realistic with how world events are going these days. I probably add Isreal and I never liked the large void in Africa and South America durring the game. I might have some guerilla war go on in those areas. And Im just going to go crazy with UU. I think Im actually going to make most units UUs or at least units specific for a few nations, having very few common units. I already know Ill have some sort of a terrorist unit, Republican Gaurd for Iraq, a Chinese Conscript thatwill be really cheap to build, have a decent a/d/m, but have a hit point penalty of -2. I can just see massive numbers of these invading Russia and trying to overrun the Mig and Spetznaz or something like that. NATO will have something like the AEGIS Cruiser all to themselves, a Ranger or Navy SEAL or something like that(maybe a couple of these).

              Wheewwww. Im never writing this much again. As you can see I like the idea. I cant help it, I just think its interesting. If yo gots ideas, comments or suggestions, Ill love to hear'em. Thanks.

              "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
              - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
              Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum

