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My Fantasy Mod, Ideas anyone?

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  • #31

    1) I wasn't specifically targetting you. I was targetting all the peoples who are into that stuff and who have lost grip on reality with it, its obvious most people here haven't, but there still might be the odd one who has who might be saying something like : "The Gradyllokokilik (I bet you can tell I was just banging my hand on the keyboard 4 times) Elves didn't wear green, but wore a slightly blue tutu and carried a giant chicken in one hand and a rubber mallet and they attacked by using laser eyes instead of using the mallet or the more lethal chicken". OK, obviously they wouldn't be saying that "EXACTLY" but they would be getting all pedantic about it and thus removing a lot of the fun from it, and making it complex

    2) You got me there. But unlike the real world, I would have no idea between the differences between and Wood elf and a Night elf for example. A little ellaboration couldn't hurt

    3) And thank god you are actually going to do make it, and have the intention to. I've been looking at the forums longer than I have been logged in as a user, and I have seen at least 5 fantasy proposed mods which are just abandoned for no reason other than the person who wanted to make it wasn't all that interested and stopped posting for a month or two so it would be forgotten. You can't really blame me for being slightly critical about you up-and-going on a world trip. Some people even had put in a tonne of effort for them, and what did they get out of it - nothing; ie: the mod nwas never worked on seriously

    4) Can we see the units soon


    • #32
      Alls Cool in Forums

      Originally posted by Mongoloid Cow
      1) I wasn't specifically targetting you.
      Hey Thats Cool, I dont mind, I've been guilty of being a bit pedantic at times,
      2) A little ellaboration couldn't hurt.
      I'll give you a few ideas from my note book which I have on me (you never know where you'll come up with a good idea)Typically this is what I've got for each race:

      Well The Dark Elves/Drow/Nightelves/whatever you call em, typically have dark skin, and Thier ethics are questionable, So I'll enable necromancy techs and demonology but disable Angelic, If I can get the Assassin/Spy unit to work (or someone shows me how) I'll make the UU something along those lines,

      Since I'm a bit of a perfectionist I'm working on the Civilopedia text at the same time as everything else
      3) And thank god you are actually going to do make it, and have the intention to.
      My intention is to make such a complete mod, that when Firaxis 'release' a gathered scenario CD (DVD?) in the years to come, Mine will appear alongside others. Now with a release date of October for PtW, and most probably at least 2 patches after that (once a month) I'll be back from my holiday about the same time I would even start to program the mod anyway, rather start from a working multiplayer version of the game, than start with whats available and have to change it over and over.
      4) Can we see the units soon
      WEll I'm sure my (lazy) bro will get something posted soon, I'll be sure to add a new thread with link details the Day that I get it, since I'm the web-head and he's the 3D Max head. But when I get to beijing I have a friends scanner so I'll scan my scetches for characters and post them too (mostly this is so I dont have to email them to my bro, he can get my ideas from my website) that wont be till mid august, so hang tight.
      EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


      • #33
        banestar: i tried to post yesterday, but somehow it flubbed. here's what i've come up with.


        this covers the four types of human cultures.

        Sylvan Elves
        ‘High’ Elves
        Shadow Elves

        your average everyday demihumans. the Centaurs, pixies, while important i see more as a mercenary. the same thing goes for dragons. dragons are indeed powerful, but they aren't organized like a traditional Civilization.


        garden variety humanoids... fairly self-explanatory. if we're writing our own history, the orcs should enslave the goblins somewhere along the timeline. Also, Beastmen is sort of the GW beastmen type.

        ‘Wet Undead’
        ‘Dry Undead’

        all but one of these is pure evil. the constructs (golems, clockwork people) should be more of a neutral. 'Oni' are basically Asian demons. also, i'm using 'Chaos' as a malevolent entity bend on dominating the world (ala GW's Chaos Gods).
        Wet Undead describes Zombies and Vampire types, Dry describes more of a skeleton/mummy type undead.

        I really think we should write our own history to this... i can get started on at least placing civs, if i can get my editor to work, but i need a .dll file. besides, i'd rather let someone else design the map.

        anywho... my two cents.
        I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
        [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


        • #34
          I've finished the base Elven Princess Leader flic for my fantasy mod, you can see a preview at GhengisFarb's Leaderhead Previews. Feel free to use it in your mods once it's complete

          Now, if I can just find her some clothes.....
          Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; July 8, 2002, 14:34.


          • #35
            helloooo...? Banestar? what do you think of me ideas?
            I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
            [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


            • #36
              Banestar's on a holiday, not to say he isn't interested. It might be a while before he get the chance to respond


              • #37
                Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                I've finished the base Elven Princess Leader flic for my fantasy mod, feel free to use it in your mods once it's complete

                Now, if I can just find her some clothes.....
                Anyway, I posted the _01 and _02 .flc of her without clothes (haven't made them yet) at my website so if you want to download them and draw your own clothes on her you can.

                There's a gif preview of the full animation with the download.


                • #38
                  Hehe dude, Im bigtime fantasy fan too and I really missed the fantasy part of the game. Test of Time was soooooo good with the fantasy part in it.
                  BUT the question is, that how you gonna make these races? You can make units, but where will you get the graphics for the units? This is the big question man.....


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Mortifer
                    Hehe dude, Im bigtime fantasy fan too and I really missed the fantasy part of the game. Test of Time was soooooo good with the fantasy part in it.
                    BUT the question is, that how you gonna make these races? You can make units, but where will you get the graphics for the units? This is the big question man.....
                    We're gonna make the graphics, I thought that was the primary purpose of this thread?

                    I uploaded another downloadable leadermate for July (I made the Base .flc of the Elf Princess the one for June) but she ain't got nothing to do with MEDIEVAL fantasy!

                    She's strictly an eye-candy leaderhead. I replaced Bismark with her, and didn't mind getting run over by Panzers.... as much.

                    I also used new light settings for rendering the Elf Princess. Does that style seem okay? If I can get some feedback I'll go ahead and finish her up with the four era clothing sets.


                    • #40
                      I completed a Fantasy mod for Civ III.... it had half and half of Tolkien and typical Fantasy. But, that was when LOTR was in theatres so I got alot of complaints that there was non-Tolkien in it like Merfolk and Sprites.

                      So, I made it completely Tolkien AND IT SUCKED! Man! The first one was fun but when I redit it... God, it blew. I kept it on my website for awhile just to get hits but I took it down because I couldn't stand being the one who made it.

                      It wasn't that bad, but having 16 Tolkien civs is horrible... it takes away from the excitement and you have to make up stuff like UU's and city names. I might... MIGHT... make a Tolkien Thru Time mod with just 10 Tolkien civs on a standard size map... because 10 civs were the ONLY FRIGGIN SOLID ONES! You'll be able to go thru time and even into Modern Times. Screw nobody wanting to get past Middle Ages. "There were no guns in LOTR". It's a GAME!

                      So, good luck with your Fantasy mod! Don't give in to the people who complain about innaccuracies and all that other bull. Make it the way you want, but still take suggestions. It looks cool, and when it's done I'll be sure to play it.


                      • #41
                        [QUOTE] Originally posted by sween32
                        I completed a Fantasy mod for Civ III.... it had half and half of Tolkien and typical Fantasy. But, that was when LOTR was in theatres so I got alot of complaints that there was non-Tolkien in it like Merfolk and Sprites.

                        So what happened to your original Fantasy mod? Don't tell me it went out the same way as your leaderheads?
                        Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; July 12, 2002, 16:10.


                        • #42
                          Oh, it's gone. I was an idiot and just went over the old one to make the Tolkien one, cause all I had to do was redo the Fantasy stuff and make it Tolkien. I'm such a fool. It was great too. The Gnomes kicked some serious ass! So didn't the Imps, cause they had the only air unit, but there were some ground units that could counter them.


                          • #43
                            I love All your Ideas but I have a Couple of Questions for selfbiased

                            Originally posted by self biased


                            I really think we should write our own history to this.
                            I take it American Indians is Amerindians?

                            and Constructs... While I love the idea of them in the game as either a rare barbarian or otherwise, How can you explain thier existance, Maybe if a given tech tree is followed religeously by a given player, then at the far end of an obscure set of techs are Constructs, while I love the idea of obscure distance techs resulting in fabulous units or buildings to make game place unique and interesting, I dont think that starting the game with a group that allready have construct knowledge is the direction I'm going with this MOD... Maybe a later Mod would be cool to have some race that has lost technology that needs to be 'rediscovered'

                            As for the History? Isn't that what the game is all about, Writing the history of the races that you play combined with the races of others?

                            I'm going for more of a Player vs Player type of Mod, where the computer may either struggle or become supreme depending on how the computer reacts to the modifications I make, If they struggle, then they 'become' those races that are Barbarous in nature, If they are Supreme, then they not only become a 'natural enemy' but gives reasons for races to gang up against a common enemy. I'm hoping for a way of allowing the game to end at a point where a roleplay game can take up at that point , It'll be a feature that I'll turn off for the players who wish to continue to the end.

                            Oh By the Way, I love those Amazonians/Elven Warrioresses from GengisFarb, While I doubt I can use them as they Are, I'm sure With His permission I could modifiy them for myself.

                            Oh I've also got an entire world worth of Maps that wont fit on the 256 x 256 Limit, We made the map Back in the days of Civ 2, Using the Dinosaurs Mod, I editted the troops to allow them All the ability to "Farm" terrain, While the Benefits of the terrain improved, the terrain pictures had less and less coverage (the dinosaurs were eating the foliage), Also Ocean troops could Create land (covered with jungle) Digging up the Soil, for Plants to thrive above Water.
                            While A fun Single Game, WE Played 7 player HotSeat. It Shaped the World that was to come, The Map at the end of the game, became the Map for the Fantasy Version. ANd Is the Map that I stil have waiting for the Civ 3 Mod to be finished.

                            Ok Enough Dribble.. I'm , SO email or ICQ me If anyone feels the Need, but I leave on the 21st of July.
                            Last edited by Bane Star; August 15, 2002, 03:11.
                            EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by GhengisFarb

                              We're gonna make the graphics, I thought that was the primary purpose of this thread?

                              I uploaded another downloadable leadermate for July (I made the Base .flc of the Elf Princess the one for June) but she ain't got nothing to do with MEDIEVAL fantasy!

                              She's strictly an eye-candy leaderhead. I replaced Bismark with her, and didn't mind getting run over by Panzers.... as much.

                              I also used new light settings for rendering the Elf Princess. Does that style seem okay? If I can get some feedback I'll go ahead and finish her up with the four era clothing sets.
                              Heh I dont think that you guys can make real good units gfx. Its damn hard. However..........maybe you can rip out graphics from fantasy strategy games and use those?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Mortifer

                                Heh I dont think that you guys can make real good units gfx. Its damn hard. However..........maybe you can rip out graphics from fantasy strategy games and use those?
                                Wow, I'm sorry my graphics aren't any good. I guess I should keep them to myself and not force the world to look at them....

                                I, GhengisFarb, officially apologize for all the crappy graphics I have posted to this forum.

                                Have you seen some of the units Civ players have been making?
                                Check out this thread

