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My Fantasy Mod, Ideas anyone?

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  • My Fantasy Mod, Ideas anyone?

    Well its finally comming, PTW with multiplayer, new races and hopefully a decent editor, for both game and sceanrio building, And So since this is what I was waiting for I've started My Fantasy Mod ( I should say picking up from where I left off). The PTW needed to be realesed firsts and then a few Patches (I'm sure) before you'll see any decent versions of this Mod, But Graphics and the Like we're working on right now

    But now since they added 8 more racial choices, I'm thinking that maybe your opinion would be appreciated, I'm starting with good old, elves, dwarves, halflings, humans, goblins, Orcs, and probably some form of undead/necromancer. But thats only 7 races, So allthough I have alot of ideas, I'd like to see what others would like to see as races,
    Please bear in mind that I dont think you can adjust the food consumption/pop growth for individual races so having things like pixies and dragons are unbalanced (unless you count 1000 pixies as one troop and each entire city as a dragon, troops being the dragons personal influence).

    Since I'm a bit of a historically correct fantasy Nut, I'm using all the inventions I can think of from Cavemen up to the beginning of the Renaissance, but adding in some level of 'magical and deity based troops'

    As for the units, I'm lucky my brother is a 3d studio max nut, and I'm getting him to work on some fantastic graphics, but he's also a perfectionist and so each unit takes him more than a week, regardles of my incessant ranting for him to speed it up. In the works are spearman, phalanx, pikeman, halberdiers, warriors-bronze,legions-iron, soldiers-steel, bowmen, archers, longbowmen, crossbowmen, horsemen then mounted varieties of the soldier varieties, alot of the siege weapons,

    I'm also adding 6 varities of "walls" for cities, each with an increased % defence bonus and hopefully If I can code it properly a different city screen picture for each.

    Yeah, any hints that you guys have, for things I may have skipped over.....
    Last edited by Bane Star; August 14, 2002, 07:23.
    EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests

  • #2
    Here are my suggestions :

    Cultural linking :

    A) Human culture (standard medieval buildings, faces look human)
    - Nordics (expansionist, industrious), King Balthor, fav gvt : monarchy, hate despotism.
    - Central Empire (militarist, commercial), Empress Kalthia, fav gvt : constitutionnal monarchy (=> republic), hate despotism
    - The Cities (industrious, commercial), First Citizen Holban, fav gvt : council (=> democracy), hate monarchy.
    - The Mage Council (scientific, commercial), Archmage Magdalena, fav gvt : communal, hate despotism.

    B) Nature culture (tree-like houses, gardens, etc., faces look like pixies)
    - Elves (commercial, religious), Lord Erethil, fav gvt : communal (=> communism), hate despotism.
    - Hobbits/Halflings (commercial, expansionnist), Mayor Bolan, fav gvt : council, hate despotism.
    - Beastmen/werewolves/faunes (religious, industrious), Pack leader Thalak, fav gvt communal, hate monarchy.
    - Lizardmen (religious, expansionnist), Ruler Ssazkal, fav gvt : monarchy, hate council.

    C) Underworld culture (rough stone buildings, dark faces)
    - Dwarves (industrious, scientific), king Dhoren, fav : constitutionnal monarchy, hate despotism
    - Goblins (militarist, expansionist), leader Gorkas, fav : despotism, hate council.
    - Orcs (militarist, industrious), chief Rakhos, fav : despotism, hate constitutional monarchy.
    - Necromants (scientific, religious), Archmage Sheknat, fav : communal, hate monarchy.

    D) 'Monsters' culture (strange architectures, inhuman faces)
    - Dragonmen (militarist, religious), Dragontooth Shoâr, fav : despotism, hate constitutionnal monarchy.
    - Demons (scientific, militarist), Hell Duke Khazash, fav : monarchy, hate council
    - Mutants (expansionist, scienfitic), Supreme Tharak, fav : council, hate communal.

    Hope it helps
    Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


    • #3
      Are you going to base this mod on any particualr Fantasy story? or is it going to be just a generic one? For example, what map are you going to use? I would suggest either one from Lord of the Rings, or perhaps one from Robert Joprdan's Wheel of Time series.


      • #4
        No specific Scenario

        I'd like the Mod to be as useful to everyone as possible, So The idea is that everyone who's interested in fantasy puts thier two cents in and I correlate, maybe make a poll
        - (hey theres an idea, Will Apolyton increase the Poll Maximum by 8 since the new 8 races need to be included in many votes)

        So when I have enough 'votes' for the top 24 races (assuning that I have 24 possibilities ) I'll get started on the races/face/icons/units/cites most of this is ideas for now, and within 2 months we'll have the first finished products.

        Oh dont worry If anyone has allready got units made, The best part I loved about Civ2 was the Supreme variety of graphics that others had made, so that I could choose the units I wanted when making a scenario. If I make up stuff that is allready done, it'll just be someone elses 'choice' later on which is more to thier tastes (oh and In 3D max, we have to make complete body shapes/ clothing at least once as a 'starting point' so making duplicates of allready existing troops will happen even if we dont want to.
        EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


        • #5
          Personally I'll be editing my orginal Bic files, the works, I dont really have much fun once it gets to gunpowder in the orginal civ.
          I redesigned civ 2 as a caveman to middleages game, so thats all I'm doing for civ3
          with extras of course
          EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


          • #6
            More races could include:

            "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners." - Edward Abbey


            • #7
              I'd agree with trolls, and request ents, and more than one elf unit. Sounds great still. Please thank your brother from me.
              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


              • #8
                I don't know if you have this one already, but how about a Centaur race. Their big thing would, of course, be mounted units that don't require the horse resource (for obvious reasons). They could also be slightly superior versions of mounted human units to reflect their natural affinity for fighting as if on horseback, so to speak.
                No comment.


                • #9
                  Well...I think it's obvious...Amazons!

                  Please please please post some (read ALL) of the unit animations as soon as each one is ready. Please?

                  Look forward to the mod.


                  • #10
                    Werewolves, Vampires, Hobbits, warlocks, witches, leprechauns (evil ones)...

                    Oh yeah I would be digging that....
                    Get 84 Resources, 96 Resources, or the NEW 153 Resources! Get Rockier Bonus Grassland versions1.0 or 2.0! Get My Mix of Snoopy and Womocks early terrain! Get Varied Goody Huts!
                    Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
                    I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!


                    • #11
                      I'm sure no one here's heard of it, but in the Games WOrkshop game Warhammer, you have Skaven (ratmen) and Lizardmen, beaides some things mentioned here. I'll also add mermaids and trollocs to the list


                      • #12
                        Running List

                        If they Do a multi level ability similar to Test of Time?? then I'll be able to think of doing predominantly underground races/ocean races/sky races?planar?otherrealm?demon plains,
                        But I am looking at mostly above ground at this stage (or 50/50 above ground) allthough ocean races could work as 'boats' but they'd have to have land/coastal cities and all thier troops would be UU's.

                        Ok As it Stands we have

                        Humans (should I have different races for humans too??)
                        Orcs (once again, multiple races? goblins, snotlings, hobgoblins, kobolds, black orcs, ogres, trolls etc etc)
                        Elves (dark elves, wood elves, grey elves, gold elves, etc etc)
                        Dwarves( great as both an underground and above ground)
                        Halflings (hobbits, gnomes)
                        Skaven (Yes I'm an Avid player of warhammer too)
                        If we go with the skaven (Rat/Human) then you can really go with many of the other animals, Cat/men, Lion/Men, Dog/Men, Wolf/Men, Monkey/Men Pig/Men, Bull/men, Lizard/men
                        The Volucreth race were animal heads on 8ft human bodies,
                        Merfolk (fish/men??)
                        Centaurs (Deccaurs, Wemic's, Zoats, Manscorpions)
                        Giant Folk?? This might be a bit hard to change the code for food consumption and the like, but....(Ents, Giants, Titans,
                        I l**** the Idea that Creatures Exists in the Game and If my brother can be bothered I'll have him make up a few monsters/creatures for the barbarian race to use.

                        Witches and warlocks are more of a class/proffession of a race rather than a race unto themselves
                        Were creature and Vampire are 'affected' races, I roleplayed a vampiric Merman for a few underwater sessions
                        Oh and The Necromancer my cousin has decided to play so he's having a Big influence on what troops should be created (he's basing alot of the units on the MAGE KNIGHT undead troops)

                        Any More??
                        EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


                        • #13
                          Great ideas, folks! But how about making the more special creatures into UUs? For example, Giants for humans, Trolls for Orcs and Centaurs for Elves.

                          One big problem with this fantasy mod is that each race will require lots of UUs, so I guess your brother will be more than busy for a while.


                          • #14
                            I have an idea, Anyone here like White Wolf games? Make Werecreatures a race of their own. Here's how it'd go, They'd be very tribal and favor a monarchy/despotism type government, I'd assume their units should be different veriaties of werecreatures, Werewolves, Werecats, Hell their naval units could be weresharks. The possibilities are only limited to the number of animals you could use, I also suggest they arent raving beasts bent on killing. Sorry for the messy post, Tired.


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Hurricane
                              One big problem with this fantasy mod is that each race will require lots of UUs, so I guess your brother will be more than busy for a while.
                              While Yes I will require many different troop pictures for the differing Units, The effective nature of each troop will be identical, So UU troops will be more specific races ...e.g. If WE have the goblinoid races..goblins, snotlings, hobgoblins, kobolds, black orcs, ogres, trolls etc, That they will use a single 'set' of troops but each specific groop would have its own UU...

                              Orcs should looks something like the Warcraft3 trailer orcs (basing the models on them) and my sketches for troops for the elven UU have a warhammer tendancy... I'll have a scanner in a few days so I can show you some sketches and ideas then..
                              Last edited by Bane Star; August 15, 2002, 03:50.
                              EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests

