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MOD: WW2 Mod, Including Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, new Units etc...

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  • #46
    Units Download

    I was able to download the unit .zip this afternoon. Thanks to whoever, if anyone, fixed it. I think this is going to be a great Mod. !


    P.S. As for a map, you may want to try this one. It has the North American continent and the EurAsian facing one another, and gives quite a lot of sea to the pacific. It was originally offered by Thaddeus Alexander from this website. I modified it slightly, cut the # of resources in half (there were to many for even sixteen civs.) and made the British Isles look a little more accurate.
    Attached Files
    No one finds it difficult to dismiss from philosophical consideration the problem of a man who wails that life entraps him in an irreconcilable conflict because he cannot eat his cake and have it, too.


    • #47
      Sorry for that about the problem with the

      The server it's on was down, so it could not be downloaded.
      I intend to upload the file on another server, so that I have a mirror download link.

      Sorry about that, but the problem should be solved by now.
      Grey Fox
      Emperor of Beasts

      Download the WW2 MOD


      • #48
        It will kick ass!! Grey fox is intent on it doing so, or so I believe! What units are provided are secondary to the upgrade potential in the game.

        Good luck!


        • #49
          After you download the units where do you place the units folder?

          And after i download the ww2 file I place it in my scenario folder and when i try to download it my game crashes.

          Any help for this computer idiot?


          • #50
            Oops, nevermind about the units question, I've just read the first post....yes I know I know...I'm an idiot.


            • #51
              Originally posted by bd2000

              I think that the best way to translate the WW2 warfare technology is to use three time periods :
              - Early war (39-40),
              - Middle war (41-43),
              - Late war (44-45).
              Excellent point.

              ... tanks like Tiger were used but were never the main tanks of the Wermacht. The late war main tank of the Wermacht was the Panther (that is far better than the Tiger I). The Tiger I is a middle war tank (first fights in september 1942) but the Panther is a late war (late 1943-1944). The Tiger was replaced by the Tiger II (named King Tiger) in 1944.
              Let's also not forget how fragmented German industrial production remained throughout the war, with numerous AFV types in production simultaneously, not to mention upgrading old chassis with new (typically turretless) guns. And I know it's disappointing to all of us panzer-pushers, but the most numerous and most common German AFV in 1945 was the humble Sturmgeshutz III.

              I think that for Germans, the correct sequence would be :
              Pz III (D if you need a specific model) / Pz IV (F2 or G if you need a specific model) / Panther (the Tiger / Tiger II / Jagdpanther / Jagdtiger were never heavily produced due to the quantity of steel needed and their fuel consumption).

              The same apply for Britishs, the main "medium" tank battle was the Sherman (named Mark V) so I would suggest a sequence like : Matilda I (this tank had only a machinegun as main weapon but had a thick armor for its time), Sherman Mark V and Firefly (or Churcill like you prefer)
              Slight disagreement. I'd suggest early war: Matilda as DEFENSIVE armored unit; OFFENSIVE armored unit the Churchill (produced 1941-1950) -- also technically an infantry tank. (I'm capitalizing where the scenario editor asks you to choose primary roles for units.)

              Of course both Yanks and Brits made due with M3 Stewart/Lees before the mass arrival of the Sherman, but that might not be important at the scale of this scenario. Midwar should be the Challenger and Sherman; irrespective, the UK's 1946 Report of the Select Committee for National Expenditure concluded: "No tank produced in 1943 was worthy of action, while those manufactured earlier were inferior ... [in all ways] ... to German tanks."

              An interesting earlier war RECONNAISSANCE tank might be the Vickers line of light tanks (ditto the Stewart for the US and the PzKw II -- later upgraded in mid/late war to the "Luchs" -- "Lynx" -- specifcally for the recon role; perhaps the BT7 for the Soviets).

              I think it should be realistic to limit the use of "heavy" tanks (late war tanks) to the main characters of WW2 (basically USA, UK, Germany and Russia).
              A principal concern was shipping tanks from the US to the ETO, which is partly why the US "specialized" in medium tanks. I'd suggest that frankly the UK was incapable of producing battle-worthy heavies, leaving Germany and the USSR. Let's also not forget that, had such monsters as the Maus been produced, the majority of bridge in Europe could not have supported their weight!

              I do not want to include Japan as they never produced heavily tanks (and most of the units produced were used in China, not against the US).
              Ah, but for the war in China, to have them able to attack and then retreat before being destroyed is a thought -- also recall that Japan and the USSR went to war in Manchuria in 1939 with armored (and cavalry) units being prevalent on both sides.

              In anycase, good work Grey Fox !
              Very much agreed, and very well and helpfully structured reply bd2000
              ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


              • #52
                "British Tanks will probably be:
                Matilda I / Sherman Mark V / Firefly "
                Interestin Choice of English tanks.
                The Matilda II was actually in Service during the BOF.
                So i wonder Why you would choose the Mk1

                Also, if you are looking for French tanks you have the R35, S35 and the Char B1

                All of the French Tanks where slow and only the Comanders have Radios in their tanks to commincate w/ HQ.

                The Renault, R35 was a Slow Tanks, Weak Armor but a VERY Fast moving Turret, the turret MG's made it perfect for Infantry Support / suppression

                The Char B1 was a very slow tank, almost as slow as the Matilda MkII, But was a beast of a tank for this time period at the start of WWII. It had a Hull Gun as well as a Turret, the Hull gun was what made this tank so feared. There was a couple of problems with this tank, A) It was easily disabled due to its tracks being so Visable and B) It had its Radioator output on its side, 1 hit to this Area and the tank would almost explode instantly.

                The Somua, S35 was the fasted French tanks Avail, had only slightly less armor that the Char B1 and had a excellent turret gun, the same as the Char B1. But its only Really Strong side was its Front, the Front could take a pounding all day but the Rear was almost paper thin. It was also later converted by the Axis to help them during their conflict with the Russian's.

                Strength R35 > S35 > Char
                Stop . Learn . Adjust . Strke


                • #53
                  Originally posted by ijeffe
                  Again, I don't think equipment that didn't really play a major role in WWII should feature - the Gloster Meteor had little in any impact on the war
                  So why is the Pershing tank in this mod?

                  The Pershing tank never saw any significant action in WWII, and essentially none whatsoever in Europe.
                  Wolfshanze Mod: for BtS... adds "flavored Civs", coal-fired navies, WWI units, plus Poland, Austria & Vietnam to Civ4!


                  • #54
                    I must say I don't spend that much time on Apolyton.

                    I'm usually at CivFanatics Center (sorry for any advertising, it's unintended), and this is the corresponding thread there:

                    The World War 2 Mod This is a mod that changes All the civilizations in the game. All the civs have new special units, or so called UU's (Unique Units). List of Civilizations Fascist Italy Traits: Militaristic and Commersial AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5) Finland Traits...

                    Try posting here if you must.
                    Or just read the posts there first.

                    Try not to fill that Thread with any unessesary posts or discussions.

                    The same rules should apply here but, I won't add the Post here I guees... this link should do...

                    Read the Post on Page 9 before posting.
                    Grey Fox
                    Emperor of Beasts

                    Download the WW2 MOD


                    • #55

                      been playing this mod for a few hours and it crashes whenever I try to build a german submarine, advanced submarine, Luftwaffe Focke 190, so far. if I click on the icon of the vehicle in build window the game crashes. if I build something then have to advisors option to build the above vehicles it seems okay but as soon as I click on the city trying to build them it crashes. also when the city does eventually build the vehicle (turns to build it have been reached) it crashes.
                      any ideas??


                      • #56
                        Whoa! I get the feeling this post is gonna be LONG!


                        Originally posted by bd2000

                        I think that the best way to translate the WW2 warfare technology is to use three time periods :
                        - Early war (39-40),
                        - Middle war (41-43),
                        - Late war (44-45).
                        Personally I think 4 time periods are better, Early war (1939-1940), Early Mid war (1941-1942), Mid war (1943-1944) and Late war (1945 onwards). i think the fourth era is necessary because a good war mod should not force you to simply stop at the same instance athe war did, neither should it stop you developing exactly at the point the war ended. If you are playing a WW2 mod as Germany and you beat the Soviets for instance, V2's and such are gonna be a hell of a lot more commonplace than actually happened.

                        ... tanks like Tiger were used but were never the main tanks of the Wermacht. The late war main tank of the Wermacht was the Panther (that is far better than the Tiger I). The Tiger I is a middle war tank (first fights in september 1942) but the Panther is a late war (late 1943-1944). The Tiger was replaced by the Tiger II (named King Tiger) in 1944.
                        Quite right, there were not enough Tigers to be considered the main tank, however saying the Panther was far better is simply wrong. As an all round tank it certainly was superior but it was what was considered at the time a Medium tank, on a par with the T34 (though better) and the Tiger tank was by any definition a Heavy tank. Put a Tiger against a Panther and you get a very dead Panther.

                        The Tiger II saw very little action as there were only 489 of them built and they were horribly underpowered. They are gonna have to be given a 1 move. Damn near indestructable however

                        I think that for Germans, the correct sequence would be :
                        Pz III (D if you need a specific model) / Pz IV (F2 or G if you need a specific model) / Panther (the Tiger / Tiger II / Jagdpanther / Jagdtiger were never heavily produced due to the quantity of steel needed and their fuel consumption).
                        I much prefer the Panzer II as the first German tank, numerically it was the most influential tank of the early war. The Panzer III was also a big player and I suggested in my post (at CivFanatics, sorry I post there more) that both models should be available at thye start to the Germans.

                        My suggestion was... (panzer II + III/ Panzer IV/ Tiger/ Panther/ Konigstiger, with Jadgspanzer being the German tank-destroyer to be gained by following a dead end tech branch, the Allied version being the M-10 Wolverine)

                        It doesnt matter about the versions for game terms, tho in fact the Panzer III Ausf D was the fourth and final prototype version, the first model produced in quantity was the Ausf E.

                        I think it should be realistic to limit the use of "heavy" tanks (late war tanks) to the main characters of WW2 (basically USA, UK, Germany and Russia).
                        I very much agree. As we were discussing in the CivFanatics forum it makes more sense to use the actual tanks each nation had and therefore only these nations have these tanks available. This means of course that Ozymandias is quite right and Britain doesnt have a true Heavy tank, the Americans only get one very late in the Pershing.

                        I do not want to include Japan as they never produced heavily tanks (and most of the units produced were used in China, not against the US).
                        The Japanese will simply get the Type 97 Chi-Ha.

                        @BiggN, the only French tanks were gonna be the Somua S-35 and the Char B1-Bis, but that was a good suggestion about the Renault R-35 and i'll add it to my to-do list

                        @Wolfshanze, the reason the Pershing is in the mod is because a players war is never going to end exactly as the real one did. If the war goes on longer, or the tech is discovered earlier then the Pershing could be a very important vehicle.

                        Anyhow, cool discussion so far, keep em coming guys.



                        • #57
                          Been playing Civ 3 for a while now and I love the fact that you guys are trying to put together a WW2 Mod. One question though, what about the B-29?


                          • #58

                            Thanks so much for this WW II Mod I have been lookign ofr one for some time now. And Since I don't have the time nor the Ability to create one myself, I am doubley thankful. I Also Think that you have done agreat job with the leader heads. So I just wanted to send my support and hope that you keepign on doing such a Great Job!!!!!


                            • #59
                              Re: Thanks

                              Originally posted by Lord Vorpal
                              Thanks so much for this WW II Mod I have been lookign ofr one for some time now. And Since I don't have the time nor the Ability to create one myself, I am doubley thankful. I Also Think that you have done agreat job with the leader heads. So I just wanted to send my support and hope that you keepign on doing such a Great Job!!!!!

                              I shall not take any credit for the leaderheads, they are created by someone on this forum. Can't remember who... but the page you download the leaderheads from, that's his page.
                              Grey Fox
                              Emperor of Beasts

                              Download the WW2 MOD


                              • #60
                                Just a suggestion:

                                Perhaps you should change the Empire of Japan's aggression level to 5. In WWII, Japan took control of more territory than Italy and Germany combined. I think because of that it should receive an AI aggression level higher than Spain, which didn't expand beyond its borders during the war. Communist China should be lvl 5 also since it was so aggressive in trying to destroy Nationalist China. Plus, all commies are aggressive man.. hehehe

                                Good job on the mod so far keep up the good work

