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MOD: WW2 Mod, Including Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, new Units etc...

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  • MOD: WW2 Mod, Including Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, new Units etc...

    The World War 2 Mod

    This is a mod that changes All the civilizations in the game.
    All the civs have new special units, or so called UU's (Unique Units).

    List of Civilizations

    Fascist Italy
    Traits: Militaristic and Commersial
    AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)

    Traits: Indoustrious and Scientific
    AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

    Traits: Scientific and Commersial
    AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

    Traits: Religious and Commersial
    AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

    Nazi Germany
    Traits: Militaristic and Scientific
    AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)

    Soviet Union
    Traits: Militaristic and Expansionist
    AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)

    Nationalist China
    Traits: Militaristic and Industrious
    AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

    Communistic China
    Traits: Militaristic and Industrious
    AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

    U.S.A. (Replaces America)
    Traits: Industrious and Expansionist
    AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

    The Empire of Japan (Replaces Japan)
    Traits: Militaristic and Religious
    AI Aggresion Level: 4 (1-5)

    Traits: Industrious and Commersial
    AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

    Traits: Scientific and Commersial
    AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

    Traits: Expansionist and Religious
    AI Aggresion Level: 4 (1-5)

    The Neutrals
    Traits: Commersial and Industrious
    AI Aggresion Level: 1 (1-5)

    Traits: Expansionist and Commersial
    AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

    Great Britain
    Traits: Expansionist and Scientific
    AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

    Please come with creative critisism against this MOD, do you want to change any of the Unique Units? What ever, please tell me.

    I would also appreciate some help with graphics. Leader Heads are needed and Units would also be nice to have some graphics of their own.

    Version 3.00
    Creator: Fredrik Henriksson A.K.A. Grey Fox

    - Put the bic-file in your Scenarios Folder.

    - Download the file:
    - Extract the "units-folder" into CIVILIZATION III\Art\

    - Start the game as a Scenario!

    Version 3.0
    - A new Era of techs is added. The second era is also redecorated.
    - Changed Chezcoslovakia to Finland.
    - Changed Greece to Turkey.
    - Changed Town limit to 8 and City limit to 16.
    - Changed growth rate, a citizen now eats 1 food instead of 2.
    - Made Cultural Flips harder.
    - Ages changed to: "Start of Ind... Ages", "Ind... Ages", "Middle of Ind... Age" and "Late Ind... Age"
    - Added Bombard to Submarines.
    - Added Fascism Government (Comes with Nationalism).
    - Added 48 new Tanks. 3 per Civ, many are the same but were put in individally anyway (For future changes).
    - Added Commandos (12-4-1) All terrain as roads, [Submarine] (Invisible) + Can see other [Subs] (Commandos) + amphibious,
    - Brittish Commando (14-6-1) all other the same...
    - Added Black Devils, the American Commando. (16-10-1) The Elite of the Elite. More expensive, but definately worth it. Replaced Navy Seals.
    - Added American Carrier. Can carry 12 planes instead of 8.
    - Added Heavy Infantry. (8-16-1)
    - Added B-17. Bombard: 10, range: 8.
    - Added PPS-15 Radar + can see subs. (Graphics too, made by pesoloco) A thread about it can be found here: )
    - Added Yamato Class Battleship (Yamato Class Battleship). (28(16)-18-4) It's more expensive then normal B-ship. Graphics made by TVA22 Thread:
    - Added Ski Infantry. (8-10-1) All terrain as roads. Finland only.
    - Added Luftwaffe JG 26. (4(3)-3-1) Range: 6. Germany Only
    - Added Luftwaffe Focke 190. (8(4)-4-1) Range: 7. Germany Only
    - Added Luftwaffe Me 262. (14(4)-6-1) Range: 8. Germany Only
    - Added German Submarine. (10(8)-5-5) Range: 3. Germany Only
    - Added Hurricane. (6(3)-4-1) Range: 5. Brittain Only
    - Added Spitfire. (3(2)-3-1) Range: 4. Brittain Only, cheaper then the Hurricane.
    - Added Advance Submarine. (18(14)-8-5) Range: 4.
    - Added Jeep (8-4-1) All terrain as roads. Transports 2 Foot soldiers.
    - Added Large Truck (6-10-3) Transports 6 Foot soldiers.
    - Added Grenadier (10(6)-6-1) Can Bombard.
    - Added Flamethrower. (12-1-1).
    - Added Brittish Destroyer (16(10)-10-5) Range:2... Instead of Brittish Battleship. +can see subs.

    THE SPECIAL TANKS (All tanks have BLITZ)

    - Panzer (As it is in the game.) GERMAN.
    - Panther (22-10-4) GERMAN.
    - Tiger Tank (24-12-4) GERMAN.

    - KV-1 (15-7-2) SOVIET. A little cheaper too.
    - KV-1S (22-12-3) SOVIET.
    - T-34 - Stalinets (26-12-4) SOVIET.

    - Matilda (Normal Tank) BRITTISH.
    - Churchill (Normal Medium Tank (20-10-3)) BRITTISH.

    - TunderBolt (Normal Tank) AMERICAN.
    - Hellcat (Normal Medium Tank) AMERICAN.

    Version 2.0
    - Alot of changes have been made.
    - The tech tree is totally remade. Now the game starts in the late Middle Ages. Early Industry Age.

    Version 1.75
    - Fixed the bug, when the game crashes when you end your turn.

    Version 1.51
    - Fixed the bug with settlers unable to build cities.

    Version 1.50
    - Musketeers changed to Resisant (4-6-1) +All Terain treated as roads, Replaces Rifleman.
    - Changed Austrias Leader to Kurt Schushnigg, Spains to Franco, Britains to Churchill, Frances to De Gaulle...
    - Added Nationalist, and Communist China and therefor deleted China.
    - Added The Neutrals, and therefor deleted Sweden and Switzerland.
    - Added the "Border Patrol"-unit as The Neutrals UU. Replaces Rifleman (4-7-1) +ZOC
    - Fixed som bugs, including units.
    - Changed the British unit to British Battleship. (20(10)-14-5)
    - Added this Readme

    I would like to thank:
    TVA22 - For making the Yamoto Class Battleship.
    pesoloco - For making the Ground Radar Unit.

    Team Members

    Head of MOD - Grey Fox
    Head of Units(Tanks) - Kentonio
    Head of History - Shaitan (On CFC)

    We will need a Head of Units(Planes) too. (havelock is a candidate)
    We will need a Head of Units(Ships) too. (TVA is a candidate)


    - Changes in the next version. (Not definate)

    German Tanks will probably be:
    PzKpfw II / PzKpfw IV / Tiger / Panther

    British Tanks will probably be:
    Matilda I / Sherman Mark V / Firefly

    Soviet Tanks will probably be:
    KV-1 / T-34-76 / T34-85 / IS1

    and American:
    MDR, Stuart / Sherman / Pershing.

    British Plane chain:
    Hurricane / Spitfire Mk2 (SU) / (Hawker Tempest or later the Hawker Typhoon)

    Wildcat / Hellcat(SU) / P51D Mustang (PRobably not in this order though...)

    havn't got anymore time... so I'll update later


    This is Version 3.00 of the WW2 MOD


    Leaderheads can be downloaded here: Leaderheads
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Grey Fox; March 23, 2002, 04:39.
    Grey Fox
    Emperor of Beasts

    Download the WW2 MOD

  • #2
    Last edited by Grey Fox; March 17, 2002, 11:26.
    Grey Fox
    Emperor of Beasts

    Download the WW2 MOD


    • #3
      Last edited by Grey Fox; March 17, 2002, 11:26.
      Grey Fox
      Emperor of Beasts

      Download the WW2 MOD


      • #4
        Last edited by Grey Fox; March 17, 2002, 11:27.
        Grey Fox
        Emperor of Beasts

        Download the WW2 MOD


        • #5
          There is no 4th era yet...
          Last edited by Grey Fox; March 17, 2002, 11:28.
          Grey Fox
          Emperor of Beasts

          Download the WW2 MOD


          • #6
            Looks great

            By the way:

            The hellcat is/was an american fighter plane, not tank.
            Hurricanes were cheaper than Spitfires (because they were made of wood). They made up the bulk of the RAF.
            British is spelt B R I T I S H not Brittish.

            Please take note of these ideas/requests:

            More unique planes such as the Zero and Kate (Japanese) and the Hellcat, Wildcat and Corsair (USA)
            Amphibious tanks such as the British Crocodile (only coast or ocean squares). The crocodile also had a flamethrower.
            Marines and commandos are the same thing (marines came later).
            British "Red Devils" (paratroopers)
            German super battleship (one time only like a small wonder if possible) "The Bismark"
            German U-Boats (quicker or better in combat)
            Change "panzer" to Panzer III or IV
            British Gurkhas (foreign troops usually from Tibet) make these a medium between Commandos and ordinary soldiers. Also add a unit for Poles and Slovaks serving in the German army and make them similar to the above.
            Add proper names for American tanks such as "Lee" and "Sherman"

            Make the game more balanced. What is the point in playing as the Germans, say when the Russians have a tank which is better and the germans have no such advantage?
            You can make a new graphic and name but only have one special unit (with added stats) per type of unit. E.G call German tanks Panzers, Tigers and Panthers and call Russian tanks KV1, KV1S and T-34 but make the panzers and KV1s equal, make the Panthers and KV1Ss equal and make the T-34 better than the Tiger because it is a special unit.
            REMEMBER: you must have an equal amount of special units per civ.
            Don't have a cow man!


            • #7
              Great Feedback...

              Hellcat is an airplane. Must have mised that, someone helped me with that and I must have mixed them up...

              The Zero is already in the game.

              I don't think I will be able to make that amfibiuos tank, maybe make it an airplane that sink in the ocean, like an airplane version of the Caravel?

              I don't think I'll be able to make a "One time unit" like the Bismark...

              There already is a german U-boat (the German Submarine, maybe I should rename it...)

              The Germans have the best airplanes Overall and the Best tanks to start with, they also have the best Submarine.

              And yes, the game needs to be More balanced. The Germans have the Overall best units right know... (And the american Black devils might be too good.)

              "REMEMBER: you must have an equal amount of special units per civ."

              Yea I know, there needs to be an equal amount of the Special units, but the MOD isn't complete yet...

              Anyway, great help.
              Grey Fox
              Emperor of Beasts

              Download the WW2 MOD


              • #8
                Excellent scenario!

                A few corrections: the Gurkhas were some of Nepal's (not Tibet) best warriors... they were hired by the British to fight for the empire. The British still hire Gurkhas to serve in their forces, even today. They were some of the best troops on any side in the war, and were famed for their loyalty and bravery. Maybe infantry with added attack and increased movement? They were often deployed in commando-style raids.

                Also, this does favor Germany in terms of units, etc. Maybe restore the British Battleship (in addition to the destroyer) and give the USA "cheap" bombers, which would enable the US to come out with a massive airforce by the war's end. America's aircraft weren't better than Germany's on a 1v1 basis; the USAF was able to dominate the air war thanks to brute numbers.


                • #9
                  You can have as many special units as you want as long as most stats are equal e.g

                  Zero, Hurricane, Wildcat and Messershmit 109a can all be different as far as name and graphic are concerned, but must be the same as far as production time and stats are concerned. Unless (since it is the best of these "level one fighter planes") the Zero is one of one, two, one per unit type (eg tank) or however many you want of the Japanese's special units. It is the special units that you must have the same amount of per civ. It is one of the basic rules of modding.
                  It does not mean, however that you can't have more than one plane, tank or whatever per civ. You could just make several stages or classes.

                  E.g Planes

                  Stage One(Class A) Stage Two(Class B) Stage Three(Class C)

                  Hurricane Spitfire Mk1 (SU) Spitfire Mk18
                  Wildcat Corsair Hellcat(SU)
                  Zero Mk1(SU) Zero Mk9 Kate
                  Messershmit 109a Messershmit 109d " Messershmit 109h"?

                  Stage Four (Bombers)(Class D) etc.

                  Do some research
                  Do some research(SU)

                  You could make civ specific units for all civs. I'm sure the Dutch, Italians, Finnish etc. had there own planes.

                  You could do the same with tanks, infantry, ships, AAguns and more
                  It also won't be too hard to get a graphic guy to splash different colours on the planes to make them look different.

                  Its looking great and is good already, but lets make the end product perfect.

                  Don't have a cow man!


                  • #10
                    Oh dear, looks like it didn't show my spaces up. Never mind, you can still read it.
                    Don't have a cow man!


                    • #11
                      Tridotan 1, Marines have been around for quite some time. France and England have had marines on their warships since the mid 1700's. America has had marines on its naval vessels since the nation came into existance. So, marines outdate commandos, unless I've forgotten something.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Tridotan1
                        Oh dear, looks like it didn't show my spaces up. Never mind, you can still read it.
                        use <pre>Text</pre> to preserve spaces, or you can use HTML fo tables, but that is hard with the automatic linebreaking.
                        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tridotan1
                          The hellcat is/was an american fighter plane, not tank.
                          The Americans had the Hellcat fighter, and the M-18 Hellcat tank destroyer (basically a fast tank designed to kill other tanks)
                          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                          • #14
                            Can you make leader units? Like General Patton and General Rommel, that would be cool and it would add more realism, just throwing in an idea.

                            And what about the American airborne divisions that landed in France before the Normandy invasion, they were considered better than ordinary soldiers. And maybe consider making a Ranger unit? The British commandos helped train the American Rangers.


                            • #15
                              This mod looks sweet, but when i try to download it it downloads something called an attachment not the file. How do i d/l it??

