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The Mod With No Name - Alpha

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  • #46
    Ah, I wasn't aware of that!! Well there goes a fairly large number of my suggested improvements! I just hope that, when they release the updated editor, and obsolesence feature for improvements is included! (Actually, I thought you might be able to build the improvement as a Great Wonder, then downgrade it before you save it! Obviously not?!)



    • #47
      Those Great Wonder-Small Wonder-Improvement buttons are entirely meaningless (and in any case, switching grays out the other sections - this is confirmed by the fact that you can't make Great Wonders do small wonder stuff). Hell the game sometimes treats Magellan's Voyage as a Small Wonder when it's marked Great Wonder, just because it used to be and there's still some remnant hardcode tying small wonder characteristics to Magellan's.

      I've been banging my head against the Civ3 editor wall for...quite some time now. All we can do now is hope. And that's...IF they release an updated editor, not when...pardon my cynicism.



      • #48
        Actually Sev, though I'm normally a bit of a cynic myself, I have to say that it is a question of WHEN, not IF, they release the editor. I mean everytime Jeff or Dan post to the forums regarding the Editor, they keep saying how it's coming along and will be chock full of extra features! (Check the Dec. 21 chat for details on this). For them to do that and then NOT deliver would mean that they'd be better off joining the Witness Protection Programme, 'cause all the mod makers and scenario writers would hunt them down and KILL THEM!!!



        • #49
          I downloaded the mod, and it looks great, but I'm having some problems with it. Once I get some way into a game, it starts trying to crash every turn and every time I try to consult one of my advisors. And when I try to download the mod again, my computer wants to save it as a document, not a WinZip file.


          • #50

            I keep getting a crash in 1725. I can't seem to track down what exactly is causing it. I am thinking it may be the discovery of Theology?????? Can't be sure, because I can't switch techs since I don't have any others available to research. Here is the stack dump it gives me:

            CIVILIZATION3 caused an invalid page fault in
            module CIVILIZATION3.EXE at 0167:0055000f.
            EAX=00000000 CS=0167 EIP=0055000f EFLGS=00010246
            EBX=00aba484 SS=016f ESP=00aba330 EBP=0ce7fec0
            ECX=ffffffff DS=016f ESI=00000018 FS=3f3f
            EDX=0a744cdc ES=016f EDI=5c747241 GS=0000
            Bytes at CS:EIP:
            f2 ae f7 d1 2b f9 8d 54 24 2c 8b f7 8b fa 8b d1
            Stack dump:
            005dc980 00000018 00651340 0132f8b8 00000001 005ab410 00000000 ffffffff 00000000 17c70258 0ce7fec0 00000001 04010401 00000000 80658384 17c70d3f


            • #51

              Here is savegame
              Attached Files


              • #52
                For some reason I can't download files from here anymore, IE tells me the server can't retrieve the requested file.

                Anyway, try setting science to 0% and sending your research to a screeching halt. If it doesn't crash, then it's definitely Theology. If it does, then it's something else.

                I'm looking for more crash sources, though. I'll post a follow up if I find one.



                • #53
                  Stopping research kept the game from crashing. Continued on a couple of turns without problems. I am going to try to play a few turns then turn research back up to see if it will still crash on me..



                  • #54
                    Well, no matter what I do, when I discover Theology in that game it crashes. I am going to wait until someone else discovers it and buy it from them I guess. then see what happens...

                    On a side note, I started another game this morning and have played it up to the discovery of Theology...and it crashes too upon the discovery of it.

                    If I just stop research the game continues on, however it always crashes again, I am hypothesizing it is when another civ is discovering it...

                    Last edited by Bill9999; January 24, 2002, 18:23.


                    • #55
                      So, any updates? I would be interested to know how good the mod really is... Does it improve the overall Civ3 experience? What about bugs? I know Vel is busy with his "Candle 'Bre" project (which seems great, by the way!), and I have not seen any other info about the mod-with-no-name...
                      I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                      • #56
                        I have looked at everything, I can't figure out what is causing the game to crash out (besides the fact I KNOW it has to do with Theology.) I have tried it with several different civs, different difficulty levels, nothing changes the fact that it crahes out upon the discovery of Theology. I have tried 1a and 1b, same thing.

                        For that matter, All I have to do is look at Theology in Civiopedia (exaclty like Warrior Code) and it crashes.

                        If we can't figure anything out, I am just going to uninstall everything and re-install it late tonight to see if it still happens.


                        • #57
                          Untested prediction: While using the mod if you view the civilopedia entry for Writing, Warrior Code, Theory of Gravity, or Theology, the game will crash.

                          From looking at the .bic I think you "fixed" Writing, so that probably won't cause the crash. But the other 3 will.

                          Take a look at Civilization III\Art\tech chooser\Icons directory. For every tech you add you must decrease the amount of utilized icons by 1, with the highest numbered icon having to be "removed" first.

                          So if you add 1 technology, you must change Writing's icon to something else.

                          Since you've added 4 techs, you must ensure that the following icons go unused: Writing, Warrior Code, Theory of Gravity, and Theology. If you add another tech you'd have to ensure the The Wheel's icon goes unused.

                          Another tip to make mod installation easier, create a folder for yourself to "work in". Inside that put all the files the mod adds to the civilization game's main directory. Then, for instance, create an Art folder and put the resources.pcx file in it. Then inside that you'd create a "units" folder, and put units_32.pcx in that, etc.

                          When you're done go back into the main folder where you've added all this stuff. Select all the files (not the main folder itself, but just everything inside it) - and assuming you have winzip in your write-click menu - tell winzip to add them to an archive. When you do it Winzip will show a "path" for each file (assuming you have a relatively recent version of Winzip).

                          When you have your zip program unzip it into your main civilization directory all the files will correctly place themselves in their proper places.

                          Makes installation easier than an install program, if you ask me.

                          Just a few things I've learned while creating the LWC Mod

                          Hope it clears up some of your troubles.
                          Better to be wise for a second than stupid for an entire lifetime.

                          Creator of the LWC Mod for Civ3.


                          • #58
                            Thank you, thank you, thank you Plutarck

                            Fixed it up and it now works without crash.

                            Knew it had to be something in there somewhere, I just wasn't familiar enough with the mechanics to figure it out.

                            Warrior Code no longer crashes either!

                            Many thanks, from myself, and I am sure from Sev and Vel as well.



                            • #59
                              Thanks Plutarck!

                              Fixed for the next version.



                              • #60
                                Hey Alex and all! Not to worry! It's true that I've been having to devote a goodish amount of time to getting the Candle'Bre project up and running, but in my free time, I've been playin' the mod and lurking in the portal forum to see who's sayin' what about it, and contemplating stuff for the next revision....

                                We've got an awful lot of talented people who poured a lot of time into making it a reality, and I definitely wanna see it continue to grow!

                                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.

