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The Mod With No Name - Alpha

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  • #16

    You should not start with a coracle unit (like the scout), but you should have the ability to build one immediately if you are on the coast.

    Sorry Guys, did not get a chance to try the mod myself last night. The wife made me take her out to dinner. Doesn't she understand that me want to play!
    We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


    • #17
      Originally posted by RPMisCOOL
      You should not start with a coracle unit (like the scout), but you should have the ability to build one immediately if you are on the coast.
      According to nonamechanges.txt, Expansionists: Get the Coracle at game start, cos we'll set it to have a pre-req of Pottery. 0/0/2 Carries 1 unit, coastal ship only.

      Perhaps I misread this, or misread the previous discussions about the Coracle, but I was pretty sure that Expansionist civs were supposed to start with a Coracle unit, just like the Scout.

      I've gone into the editor and discovered that you can't give civs extra starting units. Sigh.

      I also learned that the Coracle can only be built by the five expansionist civilization, which is nice. It will surely give them a boost in early exploration and contact. I would argue in favor of the Coracle having "sink in sea" unchecked and only "sink in ocean" checked - to give it a slightly greater range.
      Last edited by ChrisShaffer; January 17, 2002, 12:56.


      • #18
        sigh - saved games crash

        I've just realized I won't be able to load savegames created with unmodded Civ3, so I can't really compare/contrast by playing stretches of the game with one, then switching to the other. Nor can I start a game with unmodded Civ3, then reload the 4000 BC with this mod to see the differences.


        • #19
          What a disappointment to research Animal Husbandry and find that there are no cows on my entire continent!


          • #20
            EDIT: Oops. Fixed now. I hadn't unzipped it correctly... When I unzipped I made one of those "Check Out" folders, but they where only cpies so when I started the game it could only see the shortcuts but not the files (wich were in the zip).

            Sorry. Me dumb...

            The mod looks excelent! Escpecially the Attack Chopper! You should use more of the already-made unit graphics, they look great! Keep on the great work!
            Last edited by hetairoi22; January 17, 2002, 15:56.
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            • #21
              Hey, don't know if this is the problem or not but looked in the pediaicons.txt file and noticed that the pointer to the picture may be misspelled (unless the graphic is also misspelled; don;t have the game here at work to check). If you look under the
              #start resources section and go down to saltpeter, you will see that both the icon pointers are misspelled saltpetre (with the last e and r reversed). I bet the fix would be to correct the spelling, or verify the spelling of the graphic. No telling what the program will do when it cannot find the graphic that it is looking for.
              We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


              • #22

                Good to see it all worked out. Check out BlueO's thread on the Files forum for more of his work. I agree, he did a great job on the Attack Chopper.


                In fact, the graphics are spelled "saltpetrelarge" and "saltpetresmall". British spelling.

                Some of the names are less intuitive than you might expect: "shermantank" for the Tank unit and "galley(trireme)" for the Galley.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by ChrisShaffer
                  Instructions on installing just the fixed files would help. It took me 20 minutes to install the mod in the first place, I don't think I want to reinstall the whole thing if you just changed one or two files.
                  The only altered files were civ3mod.bic and PediaIcons.txt. Replace those and nothing else is needed. I'll clarify in the future what I've changed.

                  And, btw, I would much prefer a huge download with all the new unit folders and such in the future. It might take longer to download, but it's worth it as I can do other things during the download. Perhaps you could provide two versions, small and large?
                  If there's enough demand for it.



                  • #24
                    'bout the Coracle: That was my bad....the wording should be that Expansionist civs have access to that unit immediately (since they start with pottery).

                    Sorry for the confusion all!

                    PS: Sev....what can I say rocks! I'm LOVIN' it! Had to stay pretty late at work last night, so I didn't get too far, and I'll prolly restart tonight and play til sunup....
                    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                    • #25
                      Actually, the Coracle is only available to Expansionists, to prevent people from undoing the Expansionist advantage just by tapping a hut for Pottery.

                      Post bug reports immediately - I don't believe I could have only made two mistakes, so I'm still watching this thread closely.



                      • #26
                        I'm up to 400 AD, no crashes yet. So far it's a great deal of fun, with one exception: gold rushbuying. At 8:1 early Republics and Monarchys are much less desireable than Despotism. I think this should be reset to 4:1. We can adjust the costs of late game units/improvements if necessary to balance out the Industrial/Modern eras.
                        Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                        I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


                        • #27
                          How about 4:1 the entire game?


                          • #28
                            Minor bug - the Civilopedia entry for Highwayman does not say that the unit treats all terrain as roads (as the Explorer does).

                            Those barbarians really are terrifying now. The privateers are almost broken. Really impeding my ability to send out exploring Coracles and Galleys. I like it.


                            • #29
                              Another bug - Frigate has been moved to Nautical Tradition, which makes it available at the beginning of the Middle Ages. The English Man-o-War, which is a Frigate upgrade, is still linked to Magnetism at the end of the Middle Ages. Quite a drawback for an already questionable special unit.


                              • #30
                                Thanks, Chris. Got 'em. Download and replace these two files to fix it.

                                Attached Files

