Hey RPM, and thanks for checking in here!~ I'm glad you're liking the sounds of the mod, and I can tell you, based on my own testing of various segments of things, that it's going to dramatically improve the overall play experience when we're done!
As to your ideas:
The disease thing....sadly no. It's either on or off....:: sigh:: kinna sucks, but that's the best we can do with the editor as it stands. If they give us more flexibility there though, you can bet you'll be seeing stuff like that in future iterations!
Engineers and workers....yep....not to worry, it's coming...(see below!)
Leaders: So far, no....well...Kinna no. I'm working on something that MAY allow for Leaders to be "built" I dunno, and it'll be heinously powerful, so it'll have to be pretty doggone expensive, but.....it just MIGHT be doable in a roundabout way....(more on that below too!)
Late Game Stuff: It's true, the very best elements of the game take place in the Ancient Era and the Middle Ages, and combat modifiers aside, that's where most of our improvements in v 1.0 occur, BUT....
Keep the faith!
This is merely the "first installment" of an ongoing effort to improve the game. Trouble is, it's such a *vast* game that (as was pointed out by one of the folks helping with the design), if we don't do it iteratively, we'll be forever getting anything out the door, and if there's problems with balancing, it may not be possible to immediately recognize exactly where the balance problems are if we change too much at once. So....we're starting off with this, addressing what I believe to be the most glaring problems with the game (terrain imbalances on the opener, combat, too little early game choice where strategy is concerned), and we'll build from there. (For example, in v 2.0, two of the MAJOR components we'll be adding and discussing in depth is a total re-vamping of the way Amphibious Units are handled (currently there's only one Amphib Unit, but I strongly suspect there'll soon be more, and probably starting in the Middle Ages!), and Aussie Lurker has posted a MAMMOTH Civ-Improving document that I'm still reading and digesting....it's huge....probably too huge to add in all at once, so we'll have to break it down by era and see where it takes us, but there's that, and a number of other ideas that have been fronted that we can't really implement just yet (editor limitations), including Government Types that feature Gov-Specific Wonders and Units to *really* make them distinct!
My thoughts on the "Great Leader/Great Artist" Kinna thing: (No names for any of this stuff yet, cos it's still just a rough idea)
1) Make City-Build A - Culture Enhancer, available in all cities.
2) Make City-Build B - Culture Enhancer that can only be built in cities that have "A", and only along rivers (to limit the total number)
3) Make Minor Wonder C - Pre-Requisites (Must have Wine and City Build B in the city in order to build the wonder)
New Unit: Great Artist: Pre-Req: Minor Wonder C, Cost (something huge and outrageous)
Dunno, but that's one way of *maybe* simulating it....
A general comment too! When the Mod is put out here for downloading, *please* feel free to comment, gripe, complain, or sugesst ways of improving what's already in place! As I see it, each additional iteration of the Mod will basically be comprised of two distinct parts: First, to tweak what already exists, based on player feedback, and second, to add to what already exists, expanding the overall scope and depth of the Mod.
Engineers: I've had that thought too, about more techs or wonders that double worker speed. Do it often enough, and you begin to seriously cut down on the number of workers needed on hand to accomplish late game tasks (pollution control). No specifics yet here, but it's definitely something to watch for in future iterations!
As to your ideas:
The disease thing....sadly no. It's either on or off....:: sigh:: kinna sucks, but that's the best we can do with the editor as it stands. If they give us more flexibility there though, you can bet you'll be seeing stuff like that in future iterations!
Engineers and workers....yep....not to worry, it's coming...(see below!)
Leaders: So far, no....well...Kinna no. I'm working on something that MAY allow for Leaders to be "built" I dunno, and it'll be heinously powerful, so it'll have to be pretty doggone expensive, but.....it just MIGHT be doable in a roundabout way....(more on that below too!)
Late Game Stuff: It's true, the very best elements of the game take place in the Ancient Era and the Middle Ages, and combat modifiers aside, that's where most of our improvements in v 1.0 occur, BUT....
Keep the faith!

My thoughts on the "Great Leader/Great Artist" Kinna thing: (No names for any of this stuff yet, cos it's still just a rough idea)
1) Make City-Build A - Culture Enhancer, available in all cities.
2) Make City-Build B - Culture Enhancer that can only be built in cities that have "A", and only along rivers (to limit the total number)
3) Make Minor Wonder C - Pre-Requisites (Must have Wine and City Build B in the city in order to build the wonder)
New Unit: Great Artist: Pre-Req: Minor Wonder C, Cost (something huge and outrageous)
Dunno, but that's one way of *maybe* simulating it....
A general comment too! When the Mod is put out here for downloading, *please* feel free to comment, gripe, complain, or sugesst ways of improving what's already in place! As I see it, each additional iteration of the Mod will basically be comprised of two distinct parts: First, to tweak what already exists, based on player feedback, and second, to add to what already exists, expanding the overall scope and depth of the Mod.
Engineers: I've had that thought too, about more techs or wonders that double worker speed. Do it often enough, and you begin to seriously cut down on the number of workers needed on hand to accomplish late game tasks (pollution control). No specifics yet here, but it's definitely something to watch for in future iterations!