Before I post any comments I should note something first: I have yet to beta7.4 but I have downloaded.
Even though I think this idea has an upside it has also has a downside; Literature becomes a very invaluable tech with the move of the library. In fact unless you have the motive to build the great library I would see no reason for a civ to research Literature, but I'm not sure if the AI will see it like that.
Having that potent of a boat right off the bat will create for too much early expansion, IMO. Boat travel on large distances did not take place around 4000bc nor did it take place in 3000bc or 2000bc. I think you should add an extra boat for early naval units. However, I may be wrong because I'm not positive on what the requirements for each boat are.
*Outrigger (no req) 0.1.1 20|1 sink in seas, sink in ocean, Naval transport
*Galley (map making) 0.2.3 30|2 sink in seas, sink in ocean, Naval transport
*Wargalley (map making) 2.2.3 30 sink in seas, sink in ocean, Naval Power
Not only will this be more effective system for early naval units, IMO, it will also provide more variety for the units.
You should give a link or a reference to the wargalley graphics in your mod. That way people will be able to have unique graphics for more units. Possibly even include this as part of the files in a "heavy" download.
Good idea. And don't include anymore units with the see invisable units abiltity because as you said it will lessen the power of invisibality. Have you thought about adding an ancient day or a middle ages invisable unit?
I was going to suggest this exact change.
There is a big problem with using the forbidden palace (I'm sure you know the whole situation
) and this can only help, at least I hope so.
Well, it's pretty late right now, so I'll post the rest of my comments tomorrow.
*Moved Libraries from Literature to Writing

*Changed the Outrigger to the Galley 0.1.2 20|2 sink in seas, sink in ocean
*Changed the Galley to the War Galley 2.2.3 30 sink in seas, sink in ocean, Naval Power
*Changed the Galley to the War Galley 2.2.3 30 sink in seas, sink in ocean, Naval Power
*Outrigger (no req) 0.1.1 20|1 sink in seas, sink in ocean, Naval transport
*Galley (map making) 0.2.3 30|2 sink in seas, sink in ocean, Naval transport
*Wargalley (map making) 2.2.3 30 sink in seas, sink in ocean, Naval Power
Not only will this be more effective system for early naval units, IMO, it will also provide more variety for the units.
You should give a link or a reference to the wargalley graphics in your mod. That way people will be able to have unique graphics for more units. Possibly even include this as part of the files in a "heavy" download.
*Added see Invisable units to Partisans and Marines
*Changed Forbidden Palace to 150 shields 1 culture

Well, it's pretty late right now, so I'll post the rest of my comments tomorrow.