Now, let's see if we can behave like logical people in this forum

The Apolyton Estalbishment would like to propose to everyone to take a step back and this about what he has been posting the last two weeks and try to see the other side

Rules of posting on this thread:
- You must post a common complaint/question/argument
- The subject could vary from if one can make scenarios with the editor(in which case the answer should be a simple "no" and not a whole analysis on firaxis' development plan) to the argument that democracy should have less corruption
- You must also post the answer/counter argument to it
- If you post about something not covered, you must a put a new number for it(if the last was #25, you should use #26)
- Corrections on the answers should not be made, only additions(e.g. dont try to correct other people, just add your perspective)

Lets see how civilized we are....

The FAQ is now indexed and properly diplayed
- Gameplay, features, rules, tips
- Interface
- Customization
- Bugs, technical questions