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  • Guys, I will be unable to update the changes made to 1.5 in the last day or so, in the civilopedia. That sentence doesn't make any sense. Sorry about this lapse in support guys.

    Monkspider, did you get my emails about the discrepancies in the bic you sent me? They will need to be corrected in order for the civilopedia to work. Anything that you updated since this should be updated and annotated as such in the readme, so people don't get the wrong info from the civilopedia.

    Gotta go tape up boxes. Yippie Yeah (can you sense the sarcasm?)
    Last edited by Elucidus; November 29, 2001, 22:09.
    Yours in gaming,


    • Dang. I was hoping to get you guys new version. Oh well I can wait. I am extremly enjoying your enhancements to civ III. Keep up the good work!

      I was thinking maybe the Monarcy wonder could be Versailes because it is like the epitimy of a Monarch's lavish spending. It could give a luxury/happiness bonus and maybe it could act as a second frobiden palace but this might be unbalancing.
      "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." - Charles Dickens


      • I'm playing with 1.41 version. I've noticed some small errors:

        Spelling: "luxory" should be "luxury" in civilopedia
        Spelling: "Facisim" should be "Fascism" (I've noticed it on the military advisor screen)
        Graphics: I don't know if I did something wrong or if the graphics for wonders are missing... When I look in civilopedia the new wonders apear just as solid boxes in different colors. When changing production to them they have no icon in the production queue.
        Graphics: In the middle of the game the icons for worker and settler disappeared from the production menu (I can still build them but there is no picture).

        I just completed my first game using this mod. I won a cultural victory (intended) even though my city of Babylon with 19960 culture got nuked one turn before victory...


        • Sorry guys. I must've gone stupid. I know I was spelling fascism wrong, but I didn't relize I was spelling luxury worng. Thanks.


          Check the update link, as I have updated the civilopedia for you.
          Yours in gaming,


          • I know it's not a government persay, but capitalism is probably one of the most efficient forms of economy- you have to be efficient and maximise profits, in order to survive. Seeing as this has been probably the single most significant reason why the U.S is so powerful and rich, is their a way to introduce this. I have introduced it as a government (with more corruption but more trade bonuses, etc.) but maybe a better way is as a wonder- maybe "the free market". (WTO, IMF Bank)
            Also what about propaganda as a wonder, or corporate propoganda?

            -just suggestions
            Last edited by TimothyP; November 30, 2001, 15:19.


            • I'd rather have it simulated in one of two forms of democracy-

              1. A laissez-faire democracy with more trade, yet more corruption,

              2. A socialist democracy with higher happiness and lower war weariness, yet with lower commerce bonuses.


              • wow the computer used a nuke, huh, did you nuke them first? or were they dead set against that one city?


                • 1.5 is out! go get it!
                  See the first post for details!


                  • monkspider

                    your mod is truly impressive and encompasses just about everything i see

                    how is the AI handling it? any problems on that end?
                    any ideas you've had that you can't implement yet because of editor limitations?


                    • New download location soon

                      If it is alright with monkspider and elucidus, I will soon be offering an alternat download location for v1.5 of this mod on my own servor. I know that there have been problems downloading it from the Geocities locations. Stay tuned for the link.


                      • new download location

                        If you are having trouble downloading The BALANCER from the links on the first post. Please use this link to my server:



                        • First bug noted

                          In the first minute of play-testing v1.5 of The Balancer, I noticed that the scout unit had 3 movement points AND treated all squares as roads. (I started the game with one as the Americans) This gave it a total of 9 moves per turn! The colonist (available with map making and the scout's upgrade) has less movement w/ 2 move points and all squares as roads for a total of 6 moves per turn. I'm not sure what stats you were aiming for with this version, but a quick v1.51 might be a good idea to address this problem.

                          Other than that, the new version looks great!
                          Last edited by gamecommander; December 2, 2001, 17:50.


                          • I didn't notice if anyone else has had this problem yet. I just tried building the Reichstag wonder, but the game crashes when it finishes building. I'm still using version 1.4 (couldn't download 1.41 for some reason, and haven't been on to get 1.5). I have triple checked that I extracted everything properly.



                            • Reichstag

                              In that version of the mod i had the same problem w/it...matter of a fact i was first one to notice it and bring it to the modders attentino eluc fixed it w/a new pic of the reichstag....has something to do w/the color....they had the original pic in true color where the game engine will only support 256 colores on pics like that anyway here i will upload the pic from 1.51...that should fix your problem...i hope monk and eluc and therest of the modders dont mind me kinda of butting in here...but if you were like griped me...because i was just waiting to get it built...i was ready to goto war and use its build army attributes but..............even though it adds military acadeamy in all your cities unless they fixed the other problem w/it ....which is you still cannot build armies w/o having a leader really doesnt do any good right now......................hopefully they can figure out what is causing ya go...........
                              Attached Files


                              • Re: Reichstag

                                Originally posted by GenTomGun
                                In that version of the mod i had the same problem w/it...matter of a fact i was first one to notice it and bring it to the modders attentino eluc fixed it w/a new pic of the reichstag....has something to do w/the color....they had the original pic in true color where the game engine will only support 256 colores on pics like that anyway here i will upload the pic from 1.51...that should fix your problem...i hope monk and eluc and therest of the modders dont mind me kinda of butting in here...but if you were like griped me...because i was just waiting to get it built...i was ready to goto war and use its build army attributes but..............even though it adds military acadeamy in all your cities unless they fixed the other problem w/it ....which is you still cannot build armies w/o having a leader really doesnt do any good right now......................hopefully they can figure out what is causing ya go...........
                                Thanks, Tom. I appreciate it. As for the building army thing, it may be that you require an army to have been built before you can build the military academy in the original rules. Building an army requires a leader, and therefore...


