whew. I was a little worried there for a moment.
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thanks for uploading 1.4 buddy, I can't believe i am having so much trouble with Geocities. that is the 3rd Geocities account I have gone through already. Don't worry, we shall persevere, tonight, I will create yet another one and update the front page link.
By the way, did you get the email I sent you Eluc?, just want to make sure that the address was correct.
Also, I really liked your idea of the scientist/tax collector bonuses, but sady, what we can do with the city workers right now is extremely limited. As soon as it can be implemented it will, I assure you.
Also some news on 1.5, all I can say is that it will be the biggest update yet, tackling issues all new issues in the game never before tackled, and will certainly be the biggest update to the game yet. Monarchy and Republic should be, more or less, about as good as any other government in the game, and will definitely be viable late game governments. Also, there will be more individuality for each of the existing governments, and quite a few surprises to boot.
Also, I hope to have the game in a "easy to install" format, as suggested by a previous poster, as installing each indvidual file after 1.5 would be quite the task indeed.http://monkspider.blogspot.com/
Sounds good man- as soon as my roommate gets home and tells me where he stowed that PS 6.0 I'll get cracking on the splashes.
I can't believe i am having so much trouble with Geocities
I have a solution to that small problem however, and it should be ready in about a week or so's time.
I'm not too bad, went shopping at some places and saw Shallow Hal with the Mrs. today. Got a lot of my christmas shopping out of the way early actually, which totally went against my fervent procrastination tendencies. I know, I know, I should have been working on 1.5. I'll try to chain myself to my computer tommorow.
I tried mailing you again E-Luc old buddy, try to check your elucidus@geocities.com account.http://monkspider.blogspot.com/
Managed to come down with a cold this past week, so I've had little time for playtesting, let alone making some of the changes I'd wanted to.
Did manage to play a bit on a brand new game, and my girlfriend played a bit too. Couple of critisicms about 1.4x, but otherwise I'm really enjoying it:
- Moving Longevity to "Medicine" seems unbalancing; Medicine is *before* Sanitation, which allows you to build above 12 Pop. In both games the benefit of Longevity and hospitals at the same time led to a huge increase to the civ that built the wonder: size 20 cities in 1700 AD...
- I think Galleys were upped to a movement of 4? I think 3 would be much better, as it limits exploration in the beginning...
- Were resource ratios changed? On a standard map there were 12 (yes, *twelve*) gems total - 8 of which were in the same city radius. That seems a bit excessive...
Otherwise, I'm greatly enjoying the mod. Keep up the good work.
YagaFor some the fairest thing on this dark earth is Thermopylae, and Spartan phalaxes low'ring lances to die -- Sappho
Hey yaga, thanks for the comments, I actually didn't mess with resources a bit, so I think that was just a fluke game, as far as I can tell.
I think you may be right about Longevity, it's tough to strike a good balance for this wonder. At genetics it's worthless, but at medicine it might be a little too good. I'm considering moving it up to Scientific Method, that might be a little more balancing I think.http://monkspider.blogspot.com/
Why are you using geocities? God, do they suck. Isn't there a more reliable free site provider around somewhere? BTW, I just noticed a small problem with the 141 release. The colonist and settler small pictures don't show up - that is, in the build queue and, like on a transport. Pretty insignificant, but thought you should know.