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Modmakers Tutorial: How to add new units, improvements, wonders, and technologys!

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  • #91
    I found bug in one of tech entrys in PediaIcons.txt, I fixed it and now it works.
    Thanks for help.



    • #92
      testing something on my comp, ignore


      • #93

        I have two .BIC files with new units. I want join them, and I want have buldings from both them.
        Is any way to jon buldings from first and second?


        • #94
          I am trying to modify the Theory of Evolution in the PTW 1.04 editor and to my surprize, this wonder is not listed. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?


          • #95
            Has there been an updated tutorial (preferably in MS Word format) posted that is relevant to PTW?
            Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


            • #96
              yes i'd like to know too if there is a tutorial that is posted for us to download. i haven't a clue how to add anything to the game unit/terrain/resource wise and i'd love to do just that and keep my current settings.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Plutarck
                Just choose the Buildings folder in there and all the graphics are there. Figuring how to add new buildings to this goes into the "too much trouble for too little payoff" department for me, so I'll just end this lesson here.
                Hey Plutarch, great work! I followed your lesson plan and actually managed to not have any problems adding a new improvement with cityscreen pic in queue. However (and I hate to do this to you...) being an obsessed perfectionist myself, could you (or any kind souls out there) actually go through the trouble of teaching us poor bastards exactly how to make a new improvement pop up in the city view screen? Please? I know the pay off is indeed too little, but perhaps having my graditude is reason enough?


                P.S. As a side note, does anybody know what unit this is? It's listed as icon #87 in the editor.
                Attached Files

                "Peace, love and Planet Busters..."


                • #98
                  Hello plutarck i've a question for you exist a newer version of civ3multitool for civ3:PTW ,then the basic file at civ3 is civmod.bic ,but at PTW is this a scenario file ,it's called civx. Civ3multitool can't open this file.i know this thread is old but i've got PTW on Xmas and i want to mod.and your tutthread is very good.sorry for my bad english i've come from Germany .
                  Ich bin die Leere , Samiel.
                  Ich bin stolz auf mein Vaterland ohne rassistisch zu sein.
                  Die Kirche soll verrecken.
                  Böhse Onkelz immer wieder immer wieder


                  • #99
                    Is the MultiTool also for use with PtW? I assumed it wasn't.
                    No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                    • Multitool doesen't work with my PTW i've the german Version, perhaps is this the problem.
                      i can't choose the the rule file civ3x
                      Ich bin die Leere , Samiel.
                      Ich bin stolz auf mein Vaterland ohne rassistisch zu sein.
                      Die Kirche soll verrecken.
                      Böhse Onkelz immer wieder immer wieder


                      • I've got the 100th replie yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        Ich bin die Leere , Samiel.
                        Ich bin stolz auf mein Vaterland ohne rassistisch zu sein.
                        Die Kirche soll verrecken.
                        Böhse Onkelz immer wieder immer wieder


                        • I didn't really want to start a new thread about it, but has the tech icon problem been fixed with PTW?


                          • Yes, its fixed,but you mustn't use the writing icon.
                            Ich bin die Leere , Samiel.
                            Ich bin stolz auf mein Vaterland ohne rassistisch zu sein.
                            Die Kirche soll verrecken.
                            Böhse Onkelz immer wieder immer wieder


                            • If you add techs, can you still use the writing icon for writing?


                              • i don't know. you have to try this.
                                Ich bin die Leere , Samiel.
                                Ich bin stolz auf mein Vaterland ohne rassistisch zu sein.
                                Die Kirche soll verrecken.
                                Böhse Onkelz immer wieder immer wieder

