If you hate long messages - better skip it right away. This one is long and the last about the subject World Map.
About the resources. I think that iron should be abundant. The New World could as well do without the horses.
OIL. I like the idea of putting half of the oil into Middle East. I'd like even the idea of exaggerating of this. Minor sources should indeed be somewhere also. It's quite difficult decision whether to put the oil everywhere it is in real life. For example Romania was important oil source for Germany during WWII but it is barely an important source now. Putting a lot of single oil resources to many places nullifies the idea of the Persian Gulf as an important place.
Siberia, Indonesia, Venezuela, Mexico and Texas should definitely have the oil resources.
Norway is also important European oil producer, oil is found in Caucasian region - Azerbaidjan and Chechnya, for example. I'm not aware if Polar Northern America is an important Oil-producing region...
Libya, Nigeria, Romania and Australia are probably the places I'd leave out - it's a sacrifice i would be willing to make for the desirability's sake.
Rubber - it's a funky thing. I do not think that it should be an important stuff anyway because it can be synthesized chemically from the old good oil - most of the rubber is synthetic by the way. It should be necessary for the WWI and WWII units only IMHO. Infantry shouldn't need it!
IRON should be everywhere it is and abundant, I think. I agree that northern Scandinavia should be a great center of iron mining. Australia also. And Ukraine - there is even something called Magnetic Anomaly. Heck with the infantry but I have not completely understood why it is not required for the Battleships - weren't those made of the iron? I'm probably gonna make a resource mod with bronze or copper needed for the most ancient units and wooden ships (cannons!) and Iron for the Swordsmen, Knights and modern ships.
China. Perhaps the China should be the sole source of the Silk. Byzantium stole it in the Xth (?) century so maybe one could be in Asia Minor also. As you might know the China is rich in coal deposits. Gems are found in Indo-China. Saltpeter - definitely, way to go. The gunpowder was invented there...
WINE - France should have multiple wines and the whole region - Spain, Italy, maybe Greece - should have one. Wine helps to have a good research and science. I think that China, Chile and California - the CCC - should have a single wine, too. If more would be needed, i'd place them in Australia and South Africa. Probably I'd skip the latter because the region has galore of resources.
RUSSIA - I cannot cannot recall a strategic resource which could not be find in russia... Rubber? Hm, Russians were the ones who invented the synthetic rubber.
Expansion should not be made too easy for the Russians, though.
Northern Russia should be covered with bear-filled forests and southern Russia should be filled with barbarians - it would not be wrong, definitely.
Siberia should naturally be filled with forests and special resources. The barbarians should rather separate the Russia from Central Europe than Siberia.
SPICE - 2/3 to Eastern Indonesia and 1/3 to India?
You said that Persia should be helped. Well, Oil is there indeed and if I'm not mistaken there are supplies of the chrome. It could be Aluminium?
A lot of ALUMINIUM is found in Guinea. Sub-Saharan Africa should be filled with hordes of barbarians, because the Africa was not conquered easily. When I saw the South Africa of the original map, I had problems to fit all the resources to the limited area - Gold, Uranium, Coal, Diamonds... Not to mention the minor resources like Wine. Diamonds should IMHO be limited to Africa and Siberia only, maybe to one to India or Brazil?
Pineapples and coconuts do not grow in grasslands? Hmm... it depends if the grassland is on the Iceland or Cambodia
It's a pity that Civ does not have savannah's or the bushes which are could be between tropical desert and equatorial rainforests.
IMHO the world map should be made with the cooperation of the locals indeed - Australians make the Australia, Indians make the India, etc. Then the map should be revised for global balance - less important resources should be removed, especially the ones which should induce expansion (Spice, Oil, Silk, Dye, Gems, Diamonds)
About the resources. I think that iron should be abundant. The New World could as well do without the horses.
OIL. I like the idea of putting half of the oil into Middle East. I'd like even the idea of exaggerating of this. Minor sources should indeed be somewhere also. It's quite difficult decision whether to put the oil everywhere it is in real life. For example Romania was important oil source for Germany during WWII but it is barely an important source now. Putting a lot of single oil resources to many places nullifies the idea of the Persian Gulf as an important place.
Siberia, Indonesia, Venezuela, Mexico and Texas should definitely have the oil resources.
Norway is also important European oil producer, oil is found in Caucasian region - Azerbaidjan and Chechnya, for example. I'm not aware if Polar Northern America is an important Oil-producing region...
Libya, Nigeria, Romania and Australia are probably the places I'd leave out - it's a sacrifice i would be willing to make for the desirability's sake.
Rubber - it's a funky thing. I do not think that it should be an important stuff anyway because it can be synthesized chemically from the old good oil - most of the rubber is synthetic by the way. It should be necessary for the WWI and WWII units only IMHO. Infantry shouldn't need it!
IRON should be everywhere it is and abundant, I think. I agree that northern Scandinavia should be a great center of iron mining. Australia also. And Ukraine - there is even something called Magnetic Anomaly. Heck with the infantry but I have not completely understood why it is not required for the Battleships - weren't those made of the iron? I'm probably gonna make a resource mod with bronze or copper needed for the most ancient units and wooden ships (cannons!) and Iron for the Swordsmen, Knights and modern ships.
China. Perhaps the China should be the sole source of the Silk. Byzantium stole it in the Xth (?) century so maybe one could be in Asia Minor also. As you might know the China is rich in coal deposits. Gems are found in Indo-China. Saltpeter - definitely, way to go. The gunpowder was invented there...
WINE - France should have multiple wines and the whole region - Spain, Italy, maybe Greece - should have one. Wine helps to have a good research and science. I think that China, Chile and California - the CCC - should have a single wine, too. If more would be needed, i'd place them in Australia and South Africa. Probably I'd skip the latter because the region has galore of resources.
RUSSIA - I cannot cannot recall a strategic resource which could not be find in russia... Rubber? Hm, Russians were the ones who invented the synthetic rubber.
Expansion should not be made too easy for the Russians, though.
Northern Russia should be covered with bear-filled forests and southern Russia should be filled with barbarians - it would not be wrong, definitely.
Siberia should naturally be filled with forests and special resources. The barbarians should rather separate the Russia from Central Europe than Siberia.
SPICE - 2/3 to Eastern Indonesia and 1/3 to India?
You said that Persia should be helped. Well, Oil is there indeed and if I'm not mistaken there are supplies of the chrome. It could be Aluminium?
A lot of ALUMINIUM is found in Guinea. Sub-Saharan Africa should be filled with hordes of barbarians, because the Africa was not conquered easily. When I saw the South Africa of the original map, I had problems to fit all the resources to the limited area - Gold, Uranium, Coal, Diamonds... Not to mention the minor resources like Wine. Diamonds should IMHO be limited to Africa and Siberia only, maybe to one to India or Brazil?
Pineapples and coconuts do not grow in grasslands? Hmm... it depends if the grassland is on the Iceland or Cambodia

IMHO the world map should be made with the cooperation of the locals indeed - Australians make the Australia, Indians make the India, etc. Then the map should be revised for global balance - less important resources should be removed, especially the ones which should induce expansion (Spice, Oil, Silk, Dye, Gems, Diamonds)