The most annoying thing in ALL my games is the infantry combat sound. I am having this bug where the sound is off in timing with the graphic. I hear him shooting when he has the gun pointed at the ground, and hear him cocking when I see him shooting!! Anyone els getting this bug?
It's so freaking annoying! Ticks me off so much I stopped building them LOL!
"I was running a very combat-intensive game, and after about the tenth turn of combat, most of the combat sounds (the ones involving people) suddenly sounded like Munchkins were fighting. The pitch on voices went way up. The rest of the sounds didn't seem to change, though, so I'm confused."
munchkins? . . .
how funny
First time I heard the Rifleman sneeze I thought it was part of the music . . . needless to say I'm glad it wasn't

"I was running a very combat-intensive game, and after about the tenth turn of combat, most of the combat sounds (the ones involving people) suddenly sounded like Munchkins were fighting. The pitch on voices went way up. The rest of the sounds didn't seem to change, though, so I'm confused."
munchkins? . . .

First time I heard the Rifleman sneeze I thought it was part of the music . . . needless to say I'm glad it wasn't
