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Civilization III BIC file format

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  • Civilization III BIC file format

    File Format

    BIC file format for Civ3 version 1.16f

    {start file}
    bytes type value

    TOP "BIC file indicator"
    4 char "BIC "

    4 char "VER#"
    4 long number of headers (1)

    For each header:
    4 long length of header (720)
    4 long 0
    4 long 0
    4 long BIC major version number (2)
    4 long BIC minor version number (10)
    640 string description 1
    64 string title

    TOP BLDG SECTION (Improvements and Wonders) 2
    4 char "BLDG"
    4 long number of building types

    For each building type:
    4 long length of building data (252)
    64 string description 3
    32 string improvement or wonder name
    32 string civilopedia entry
    4 long doubles happiness of 4
    4 long gain in every city
    4 long gain in every city on continent
    4 long required improvement/wonder
    4 long cost
    4 long culture
    4 long bombardment defense
    4 long naval bombardment defense
    4 long defense bonus
    4 long naval defense bonus
    4 long maintenance cost
    4 long happy faces (all cities)
    4 long happy faces
    4 long unhappy faces (all cities)
    4 long unhappy faces
    4 long number of required buildings
    4 long air power
    4 long naval power
    4 long pollution
    4 long production
    4 long required government
    4 long spaceship part
    4 long required advance
    4 long rendered obsolete by
    4 long required resource #1
    4 long required resource #2
    4 long improvements (binary) 5:
    center of empire .......1
    veteran ground units ......1.
    +50% research output .....1..
    +50% luxury output ....1...
    +50% tax output ...1....
    removes pop. pollution ..1.....
    reduces bldg. pollution .1......
    resistant to bribery 1.......

    reduces corruption .......1
    doubles city growth rate ......1.
    increases luxury trade .....1..
    allows city size level 2 ....1...
    allows city size level 3 ...1....
    replaces other buildings ..1.....
    must be near water .1......
    must be near a river 1.......

    can explode or meltdown .......1
    veteran sea units ......1.
    veteran air units .....1..
    capitalization ....1...
    allows water trade ...1....
    allows air trade ..1.....
    reduces war weariness .1......
    increases shields in water 1.......

    increases food in water .......1
    4 long other characteristics (binary):
    coastal installation .......1
    military installation ......1.
    wonder .....1..
    small wonder ....1...
    continental mood effects ...1....
    research installation ..1.....
    trade installation .1......
    exploration installation 1.......

    place of worship .......1
    construction installation ......1.
    4 long small wonders (binary):
    increases chance of leader appearance .......1
    build armies without leader ......1.
    build larger armies .....1..
    treasury earns 5% ....1...
    build spaceship parts ...1....
    reduces corruption ..1.....
    decreases success of missile attacks .1......
    allows spy missions 1.......

    allows healing in enemy territory .......1
    required goods must be in city radius ......1.
    requires victorious army .....1..
    4 long wonders (binary):
    safe sea travel .......1
    gain any advances owned by 2 civs ......1.
    double combat strength vs. barbarians .....1..
    +1 ship movement ....1...
    doubles research output ...1....
    +1 trade in each trade-producing tile ..1.....
    halves unit upgrade cost .1......
    pays maintenance for trade insts. 1.......

    allows all civs to build nuclears .......1
    city growth causes +2 citizens ......1.
    +2 free advances .....1..
    reduces war weariness in all cities ....1...
    doubles city defenses ...1....
    allows diplomatic victory ..1.....
    4 long number of armies required

    TOP CTZN SECTION (Citizens)
    4 char "CTZN"
    4 long number of citizen types

    For each citizen type:
    4 long length of citizen data (116)
    4 long default citizen
    32 string citizens (singular) name
    32 string civilopedia entry
    32 string plural name
    4 long prerequisite
    4 long luxuries
    4 long research
    4 long taxes

    TOP CULT SECTION (Culture)
    4 char "CULT"
    4 long ??? (33)
    4 long ??? (5)
    4 long number of culture opinions

    For each culture opinion:
    4 long length of culture data (88)
    64 string culture opinion name
    4 long chance of successful propaganda
    4 long culture ratio percentage (3:1 = 300, 3:4 = 75)
    4 long culture ratio denominator (e.g. the 1 in 3:1)
    4 long culture ratio numerator (e.g. the 3 in 3:1)
    4 long initial resistance chance
    4 long continued resistance chance

    TOP DIFF SECTION (Difficulty Levels)
    4 char "DIFF"
    4 long number of difficulty levels

    For each difficulty level:
    4 long length of difficulty data (108)
    64 string difficulty level name
    4 long number of citizens born content
    4 long max. government transition time
    4 long number of defensive land units AI starts with
    4 long number of offensive land units AI starts with
    4 long extra start unit #1
    4 long extra start unit #2
    4 long additional free support
    4 long bonus for each city
    4 long attack bonus against barbarians
    4 long cost factor
    4 long percentage of optimal cities

    4 char "ERAS"
    4 long number of eras

    For each era:
    4 long length of era data (260)
    64 string era name
    32 string civilopedia entry
    32 string researcher #1
    32 string researcher #2
    32 string researcher #3
    32 string researcher #4
    32 string researcher #5
    4 long number of used researcher names

    TOP ESPN SECTION (Diplomats and Spies)
    4 char "ESPN"
    4 long number of espionage missions

    For each mission:
    4 long length of mission data (232)
    128 string description
    64 string diplomat/spy mission name
    32 string civilopedia entry
    4 long mission performed by (binary):
    diplomat .......1
    spy ......1.
    4 long base cost

    TOP EXPR SECTION (Combat Experience)
    4 char "EXPR"
    4 long number of experience levels

    For each experience level:
    4 long length of experience level data (26)
    32 string experience level name
    4 long base hit points

    TOP GOOD SECTION (Natural Resources)
    4 char "GOOD"
    4 long number of natural resources

    For each resource:
    4 long length of resource data (88)
    24 string natural resource name
    32 string civilopedia entry
    4 long type
    4 long appearance ratio
    4 long disappearance probability
    4 long icon
    4 long prerequisite
    4 long food bonus
    4 long shields bonus
    4 long commerce bonus

    TOP GOVT SECTION (Governments)
    4 char "GOVT"
    4 long number of government types

    For each government type:
    4 long length of government data
    4 long default type
    4 long transition type
    4 long requires maintenance
    4 long ??? (0 for Rebublic/Democracy, 1 for rest)
    4 long standard tile penalty
    4 long standard trade bonus
    64 string government name
    32 string civilopedia entry
    32 string male ruler title #1
    32 string female ruler title #1
    32 string male ruler title #2
    32 string female ruler title #2
    32 string male ruler title #3
    32 string female ruler title #3
    32 string male ruler title #4
    32 string female ruler title #4
    4 long corruption and waste
    4 long immune to
    4 long diplomats are
    4 long spies are
    4 long number of governments

    For each government type:
    (performance of above goverment type versus each of the others)

    4 long can bribe this government type? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
    4 long bribery modifier vs.
    4 long resistance modifier vs.

    4 long hurrying
    4 long assimilation chance
    4 long draft limit
    4 long military police limit
    4 long # ruler title pairs used (max is 4)
    4 long prerequisite technology index #
    4 long science rate cap (10 = 100% of gold can go to science)
    4 long worker rate
    4 long ??? (-1 for Despotism/Communism, 0 for Anarchy/Monarchy,
    1 for Republic/Democracy)
    4 long ??? (1 for Republic/Democracy, 0 for the rest)
    4 long free units
    4 long all units free (-1 = yes, 0 = no)
    4 long free units per town
    4 long free units per city
    4 long free units per metropolis
    4 long cost/unit
    4 long war weariness

    TOP RULE SECTION (General Settings)
    4 char "RULE"
    4 long "number of rules" (1)

    For each rule:
    4 long length of rule data
    32 long city size level 1 name
    32 long city size level 2 name
    32 long city size level 3 name
    4 long number of spaceship parts

    For each spaceship part:
    4 long number needed of this part

    4 long advanced barbarian
    4 long basic barbarian
    4 long barbarian sea unit
    4 long cities needed to support an army
    4 long chance of rioting
    4 long turn penalty for each drafted citizen
    4 long shield cost per gold
    4 long fortress defensive bonus
    4 long citizens affected by each happy face
    4 long ??? (50)
    4 long ??? (2)
    4 long forest value in shields
    4 long shield value in gold
    4 long citizen value in shields
    4 long default difficulty level
    4 long battle-created unit
    4 long build-army unit
    4 long building defensive bonus
    4 long citizen defensive bonus
    4 long default money resource
    4 long chance to intercept enemy air missions
    4 long chance to intercept enemy stealth missions
    4 long starting treasury
    4 long ??? (16)
    4 long food consumption/citizen
    4 long river defensive bonus
    4 long turn penalty for each hurry sacrifice
    4 long scout
    4 long slave
    4 long movement rate along roads
    4 long start unit 1
    4 long start unit 2
    4 long minimum population for we love the king
    4 long town defense bonus
    4 long city defense bonus
    4 long metropolis defense bonus
    4 long maximum level 1 city size
    4 long maximum level 2 city size
    4 long ??? (1000)
    4 long fortifications defensive bonus
    4 long number of culture levels

    For each culture level
    64 string culture level name

    4 long border expansion multiplier
    4 long border factor
    4 long future tech cost
    4 long golden age duration
    4 long maximum research time
    4 long minimum research time

    4 char "PRTO"
    4 long number of units

    For each unit:
    4 long length of unit data (156)
    4 long zone of control
    32 long unit name
    32 long civilopedia entry
    4 long bombard strength
    4 long bombard range
    4 long capacity
    4 long shield cost
    4 long defense
    4 long icon index
    4 long attack
    4 long operational range
    4 long population cost
    4 long rate of fire
    4 long movement
    4 long required
    4 long upgrade to
    4 long required resource #1
    4 long required resource #2
    4 long required resource #3
    4 long unit abilities (binary):
    wheeled .......1
    foot soldier ......1.
    blitz .....1..
    cruise missile ....1...
    all terrain as roads ...1....
    radar ..1.....
    amphibious unit .1......
    submarine 1.......

    aircraft carrier .......1
    draft ......1.
    immobile .....1..
    sink in sea ....1...
    sink in ocean ...1....
    mounted ..1.....
    carry foot units only .1......
    starts golden age 1.......

    nuclear weapon .......1
    hidden nationality ......1.
    army .....1..
    leader ....1...
    ICBM ...1....
    stealth ..1.....
    can see submarines .1......
    tactical missile 1.......

    can carry tactical missiles .......1
    ranged attack animations ......1.
    turn to attack .....1..
    4 long AI-strategy (binary):
    offense .......1
    defense ......1.
    artillery .....1..
    explore ....1...
    army ...1....
    cruise missile ..1.....
    air bombard .1......
    air defense 1.......

    naval power .......1
    air transport ......1.
    naval transport .....1..
    naval carrier ....1...
    terraform ...1....
    settle ..1.....
    leader .1......
    tactical nuke 1.......

    ICBM .......1
    naval missile transport ......1.
    4 long available to (binary)
    4 long standard orders/special actions
    skip turn .......1
    wait ......1.
    fortify .....1..
    disband ....1...
    go to ...1....
    load ..1.....
    unload .1......
    airlift 1.......

    pillage .......1
    bombard ......1.
    airdrop .....1..
    build army ....1...
    finish improvement ...1....
    upgrade ..1.....
    build colony .1......
    build city 1.......

    build road .......1
    build railroad ......1.
    build fort .....1..
    build mine ....1...
    irrigate ...1....
    clear forest ..1.....
    clear jungle .1......
    plant forest 1.......

    clear pollution .......1
    automate ......1.
    join city .....1..
    4 long air missions (binary):
    bombing .......1
    recon ......1.
    interception .....1..
    re-base ....1...
    precision bombing ...1....
    4 long class 0=land, 1=sea, 2=air

    TOP RACE SECTION (Civilizations)
    4 char "RACE"
    4 long number of civilizations

    For each civilization:
    4 long length of civilization data
    4 long number of city names

    For each cityname:
    24 string city name

    4 long number of leaders

    For each great leader:
    32 string great leader name

    32 string leader name
    24 string leader title
    32 string civilopedia entry
    40 string adjective
    40 string civilization name
    40 string noun

    For each era:
    260 string forward filename

    For each era:
    260 string reverse filename

    4 long culture group
    4 long leader gender
    4 long civilization gender
    4 long aggression level (-2 to 2)
    4 long unique civilization counter
    4 long shunned government
    4 long favorite government
    4 long default color
    4 long unique color
    4 long free tech #1 index
    4 long free tech #2 index
    4 long free tech #3 index
    4 long free tech #4 index
    4 long bonuses (binary):
    militaristic .......1
    commercial ......1.
    expansionist .....1..
    scientific ....1...
    religious ...1....
    industrious ..1.....
    4 long governor settings (binary):
    manage citizens .......1
    emphasize food ......1.
    emphasize shields .....1..
    emphasize trade ....1...
    manage production ...1....
    no wonders ..1.....
    no small wonders .1......
    4 long build never (binary):
    off. land units .......1
    def. land units ......1.
    artillery land units .....1..
    settlers ....1...
    workers ...1....
    naval units ..1.....
    air units .1......
    growth 1.......

    production .......1
    happiness ......1.
    science .....1..
    wealth ....1...
    trade ...1....
    explore ..1.....
    culture .1......
    4 long build often (binary, same as above)
    4 long plurality
    Last edited by Mercator; December 15, 2001, 12:37.
    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)

  • #2
    TOP TECH SECTION (Civilization Advances)
    4 char "TECH"
    4 long number of advances

    For each advance:
    4 long length of advance data (104)
    32 string advance name
    32 string civilopedia entry
    4 long cost
    4 long era
    4 long advance icon
    4 long x
    4 long y
    4 long prerequisite #1
    4 long prerequisite #2
    4 long prerequisite #3
    4 long prerequisite #4
    4 long flags (binary):
    enables diplomats .......1
    enables irrigation without fresh water ......1.
    enables bridges .....1..
    disables diseases from flood plains ....1...
    enables conscription of units ...1....
    enables mobilization levels ..1.....
    enables recycling .1......
    enables precision bombing 1.......

    enables mutual protection pacts .......1
    enables right of passage treaties ......1.
    enables military alliances .....1..
    enables trade embargoes ....1...
    doubles effect of (wealth) improvement ...1....
    enables trade over sea tiles ..1.....
    enables trade over ocean tiles .1......
    enables map trading 1.......

    enables communication trading .......1
    not required for era advancement ......1.
    doubles work rate (of workers) .....1..

    TOP TFRM SECTION (Worker Jobs)
    4 char "TFRM"
    4 long number of worker jobs

    For each job:
    4 long length of job data (112)
    32 string worker job name
    32 string civilopedia entry
    4 long turns to complete 6
    4 long required
    4 long required resource #1
    4 long required resource #2
    32 string order

    TOP TERR SECTION (Terrain)
    4 char "TERR"
    4 long number of terrains

    For each terrain:
    4 long length of terrain data (111)
    4 long number of possible resources
    3 byte possible resources (binary)
    1 for the corresponding indexes of the resources
    32 string terrain name
    32 string civilopedia entry
    4 long irrigation (food) bonus
    4 long mining (shields) bonus
    4 long road (commerce) bonus
    4 long defense bonus
    4 long movement cost
    4 long food
    4 long shields
    4 long commerce
    4 long worker job
    4 long pollution effect

    TOP WSIZ SECTION (World Sizes)
    4 char "WSIZ"
    4 long number of world sizes

    For each terrain:
    4 long length of world size data (80)
    4 long optimal number of cities (corruption)
    4 long tech rate
    24 string ??? (empty)
    32 string world size name
    4 long height
    4 long distance between civs
    4 long number of civs
    4 long width

    4 char "WCHR"
    4 long "number of world characteristics" (1)
    4 long length of WCHR section (52)

    4 char "WMAP"
    4 long "number of world maps" (1)
    4 long length of WMAP section (256)
    4 long number of resources

    For each resource:
    4 long resource occurence

    4 long number of continents
    4 long height
    4 long distance between civs
    4 long number of civs
    4 long ???
    4 long ??? (0)
    4 long width
    4 long ??? (-1)
    4 long map seed
    4 long ??? (binary):
    round world .......1
    polar ice caps .....1..

    4 char "TILE"
    4 long number of tiles (= width/2 * height)

    For each tile:
    4 long length of tile data (22)
    2 short river info
    4 long resource
    1 byte image
    1 byte file: 0 = xtgc.pcx, 1 = xgpc.pcx, 2 = xdgc.pcx,
    3 = xdpc.pcx, 4 = xdgp.pcx, 5 = xggc.pcx,
    6 = wcso.pcx, 7 = wsss.pcx, 8 = wooo.pcx
    2 short ??? (0)
    1 byte overlays (binary):
    road .......1
    railroad ......1.
    mine .....1..
    irrigation ....1...
    fortress ...1....
    goody huts ..1.....
    pollution .1......
    barbarian camp 1.......
    1 byte terrain 7
    2 short bonuses (binary):
    bonus grassland .......1
    player start ....1...
    snow-capped mts ...1....
    pine forest ..1.....
    2 short ??? (-1 = nothing, 75 = barbarian camp)
    4 long ??? (-1)
    2 short continent

    4 char "CONT"
    4 long number of continents (water and land)

    For each continent:
    4 long length of continent data (8)
    4 long type (0 = water, 1 = land)
    4 long number of tiles of continent

    {end file}


    1. A string must always have 0x00 as its last byte. So a 64 byte string only has place for 63 characters, followed by 0x00. Even more,the string automatically ends at 0x00, even if it appears somewhere in the middle of the originally intended string.

    2. Most sections translate pretty straight-forwardly to a tab in Civ3Edit. The name in brackets is the name of the editor tab.
    The sections in this file appear alphabetically ordered by their 4 character identifier.
    A superfluous section, i.e. one that uses the Civ3 defaults, can be left out entirely. So for a simple map, all sections up to the WCHR section can be left out.

    3. I've tried to keep the value descriptions as close as possible to those used in Civ3Edit. For explanations of the values I refer to the excellent Civ3Edit help system.

    4. References to other items (e.g. items in a drop-down box or radio button list in Civ3Edit) are often done by the zero-based index number of the position of that item in its section. -1 Usually means it doesn't refer to anything (e.g. the "None" option in a Civ3Edit drop-down box). Further on, only details for data differing from this standard will be explained.

    5. For data mentioned in binary, only the used bits are mentioned. When multiple bytes are being described, the data is shown grouped per byte. In that case, only the used bytes are shown, the remaining bytes are filled with zeros. In any case, for things that appear in checkboxes in Civ3Edit, 1 means it's checked, 0 means it isn't.

    6. The "turns to complete" is modified by the movement cost of the terrain. The value given in this section applies to terrain with a movement cost of 2 (e.g. Forest). Terrain with a movement cost of 1 is worked in half the time, terrain with a movement cost of 3 needs 50% more turns to work.

    7. A byte, split into the first 4 and the second 4 bits.
    The first 4 bytes are the "real" terraintype (0 is Desert, 1 is Plains etc. BUT: Bonus Grassland, Snow-Capped Mountains and Pine Forest are NOT separate terrains, they're merely a variation on Grassland, Mountains and Forest, respectively).
    The second 4 bytes are the "base filler" terrain. This is especially used for Forest, which can be placed on top of different "base filler" terrains.


    Nero Would
    Last edited by Mercator; December 15, 2001, 12:37.
    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


    • #3
      most certainly

      we need threads like this to include all info and avoid repetive questions
      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
      Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


      • #4
        Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


        • #5
          Actually there is more to the BICs then the maps, and each section follows a specific pattern (except the CULT section, which seam to be different )

          Each section of the file starts with a 4 byte string identifying the section. After that (except CULT) a long containing the number of that type, and after that the type begins. They start with a long telling the lenght of the following spirit.

          And the thing in you note 1 is actualt a length of the data header.

          I'll see if I can post the RACE format soon.
          (I have it in Swedish )

          Also ALL references to a specific thing (resource terrain, what so ever is made to the ID – 0xFFFFFFFF = None)

          The ID is the number in row after the initial name. Start count from 0.
          Last edited by Gramphos; November 3, 2001, 11:45.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            -- RACE format removed from this post --
            The Format can be found in the first post
            Last edited by Gramphos; December 15, 2001, 13:45.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              Originally posted by Gramphos
              Actually there is more to the BICs then the maps, and each section follows a specific pattern (except the CULT section, which seam to be different )
              hehe, I know
              I´ve added everything I´ve been doing today. Sorry for the plenty of dots nearer the end, but it did get kinda tedious. The format is remarkably simple, and most sections map directly to a tab in the civ3 rules editor.

              I haven´t added your stuff yet (well, not the parts I didn´t find as well)
              Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mercator
                hehe, I know
                I´ve added everything I´ve been doing today. Sorry for the plenty of dots nearer the end, but it did get kinda tedious. The format is remarkably simple, and most sections map directly to a tab in the civ3 rules editor.

                I haven´t added your stuff yet (well, not the parts I didn´t find as well)
                Well, I know a lot of those formats without having the editor, and I know most of what you posted before, but my copy tool only uses the civ stuff (It had to read the names, and to get to them it had to read cities, leatders and ao on, so I made it read everything.) and the main format. +the Cult format (to be able to skip over it.)
                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                • #9
                  For the citizens:
                  After the plural string the following comes
                  4 byte Prerequire
                  4 byte happy facese
                  4 byte science
                  4 byte trade
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #10
                    Your things have been added. I vaguely checked most of it, you mixed up one or two things, and I changed some names to the names used in the rules editor... Great job!
                    It looks like we´re on our own though. But then again, this format isn´t nearly as vague as the civ2 formats were.
                    Oh, and you sound like you already know the BIC file format. Is it some kind of standard?
                    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mercator
                      Your things have been added. I vaguely checked most of it, you mixed up one or two things, and I changed some names to the names used in the rules editor... Great job!
                      It looks like we´re on our own though. But then again, this format isn´t nearly as vague as the civ2 formats were.
                      Oh, and you sound like you already know the BIC file format. Is it some kind of standard?
                      I see it now. I don't use them in my program, so I didn't care more then that they existed. (How can you mix up one thing?) Was it only the Noun<->Adjective for civs, or was it anything else.

                      I'm also happy that you confirmed all those I was not sure about. (I only had a picture of Romans and one of Barbarians)

                      Regarding the format:
                      No I've not seen it before, but most of it is some sort of default for binary formats. (Even thou the 4 byte strings in the start of each section is something new.) If I would make a binary format I would always specify the length of everything that could possibly change length (also if only in later versions). I would also try to keep things in the same way all over the file, and I would do it the easiest way, and it seem to be exactly how Firaxis has done it.
                      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                      • #12
                        BTW - the resource on a map is the index just as any other reference. (Resources can be added you know.)
                        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gramphos
                          (How can you mix up one thing?)
                          The thing could be a pair of things.

                          Was it only the Noun<->Adjective for civs, or was it anything else.

                          I think that was it.

                          I'm also happy that you confirmed all those I was not sure about. (I only had a picture of Romans and one of Barbarians)

                          Yes, I am not entirely sure about the barbarian RACE_... though. Maybe I´m just mistaken, but somehow it looks a bit different from the others. I haven´t looked into it too much though. The only serious difference I can tell right now is that the barbarian "city names" are rather tribe names.

                          Regarding the format:
                          No I've not seen it before, but most of it is some sort of default for binary formats. (Even thou the 4 byte strings in the start of each section is something new.) If I would make a binary format I would always specify the length of everything that could possibly change length (also if only in later versions). I would also try to keep things in the same way all over the file, and I would do it the easiest way, and it seem to be exactly how Firaxis has done it.
                          Oh I see...
                          Is the format I use good enough, by the way? And a difference between our "styles", I use the "remaining length" as a name for those numbers, because I feel like those numbers themselves are also part of the data... But well, as long as it´s clear.

                          And yes, Firaxis has at least done a great job over here.
                          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mercator
                            Yes, I am not entirely sure about the barbarian RACE_... though. Maybe I´m just mistaken, but somehow it looks a bit different from the others. I haven´t looked into it too much though. The only serious difference I can tell right now is that the barbarian "city names" are rather tribe names.
                            As far as I can see it is the same. It has culture -1 and no leaders ruler, rulertitle and animations specified. The structures are still there, just filled with 0x00.

                            Oh I see...
                            Is the format I use good enough, by the way? And a difference between our "styles", I use the "remaining length" as a name for those numbers, because I feel like those numbers themselves are also part of the data... But well, as long as it´s clear.

                            Yes it is clear. I prefer to see the length numbers as a part of the mainformat, telling the length of the following structure, (as it is how I usually program myself when making binary formats.) First I decide what I want to save. Then I build up sub formats for those, and as some of them contain variable length things I add a length of it in the beginning of the structure. Sometimes when I work with smaller structures I sue short or even bytes for the structure length, but have a continue code that can be used to continue on the earlier structure after read that code. Those codes do I usually see as a part of the main file format, and not as a part of the sub formats. And also that they don't contain any useful data if you don't want to skip over those structures.
                            And yes, Firaxis has at least done a great job over here.
                            Yes, they have made a very simple format. I wonder if they wanted us to hack it or if they just were to lazy to make it complicated
                            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                            • #15

                              I've been looking into the short from the map section that is labeled as river information. The first byte of the short (or the second byte in the hex editor, isn't Little Endian irritating?) doesn't seem to have any influence. If it is set to anything other than 0x00 it brings up an image from the Territory.pcx terrain file. The other byte on the other hand seems to be a bitwise flag, that I am messing around with now that I am done with school for the week.

                              How are you supposed to get the width and height of the encoded map if all the file give is width/2*height?
                              Xris, Mag Force Seven signing off.....

