Yes, Width and Height are common terms. Try to load Marla's map and check the sizes and the coordinates...
That's why I got confused.
That's why I got confused.
long length of tile data (22 bytes)
00 short river info
02 long resource number, -1 = nothing
06 byte image number
07 byte in file: 0 = xtgc.pcx, 1 = xgpc.pcx, 2 = xdgc.pcx,
3 = xdpc.pcx, 4 = xdgp.pcx, 5 = xggc.pcx,
6 = wcso.pcx, 7 = wsss.pcx, 8 = wooo.pcx
08 short 0 (always?)
0a byte binary flags as indicated in overview
0b nibble terrain: 0 = desert, 1 = plains, 2 = grassland,
3 = tundra, 4 = floodplain, 5 = hills,
6 = mountain, 7 = forest, 8 = jungle,
9 = coast, a = sea, b = ocean
nibble basic terrain: only 0,1,2,3,9,a,b
0c short binary flags as indicated in overview
0e short ff ff (-1) = nothing
4b 00 (75) = barbarian camp
10 long -1 (always?)
14 short continent number
long length of continent data (8 bytes)
00 long 1 = land, 0 = water
04 long number of tiles
Round World .......1
Polar Ice .....1..
4 long Length (changed to 108)
64 string Name
4 long Citizens born content
4 long Max gov. transition time
4 long Number of defensive land units AI start with
4 long Number of offensive land units AI start with
4 long Extra Start unit #1
4 long Extra Start unit #2
4 long Additional free support
4 long Bonus for each city
4 long Attack bouns against Barbarians
4 long Cost factor
4 long Percentage of optimal cities
4 long Border factor
4 long Future Tech cost
4 long Golden Aged Duration
4 long Maximum research time
4 long Minimum research time