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UTILITY: Civ3MultiTool - A thread for the Program ;)

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  • Originally posted by Gramphos

    I think I did some changes to the code that addd units to work even if the save had colonies for this version. Might have messed up something else. Can you try an earlier version?

    0.82.2002 should work (hs been out fo a while)
    (I don't have time to make cahges before this weekend. Have a big test at the end of this week.
    Yep, this version works perfectly... Hate to give you more work to do but it looks like add new units is broken in 0.83.0002 -- Keep up the good work...



    • I've fond the bug, and working on taking it out. (I overwrites the last 8 bytes of the last old unit when adding a unit. Most likely due to code that was moved to another part to not force me to have it three times.) Will be fixed soon, I'll just check the rest of that code block.
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • v0.83.0003

        fixed. (the copmuter crashed at complie, so I had to refix some of it.)

        - Bug with not being able to add units to saves fixed
        - Ability to remove cities added (untested only)

        Last edited by Gramphos; February 9, 2002, 08:58.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • BTW - since v0.83 (C3MT) there will be no more untested versions posted. However some features has an untested flag on them, and there is a setting to enable the untested stuff. (Only from the CopyTool)

          I might still make some Betas, and they will force that setting to be on. (not read, nor write it)
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • Originally posted by Gramphos
            Civs never work with the Foreign advisor.

            They will not work with the game at all if the have the same Pedia entry as any one. But I recomend you to nor try to copy civs, as noone have mannaged that yet.
            I got one extra civ to "work" , as long as you don't chek the foreign advisor if you are that civ . If you play against it, Foreign advisor will show no picture at extra civ face, thoug it will show the name. Diplomacy works with the orignial civ animation. I didn't change civilopedia entry, but I didn't consult civilopedia either, so I don't knoe if it will crash or not. For some reason it doesn't use the original graphics (so, the instructions about graphics are not at the bic, but there's no *.ini as units has either). Maybe if we find out how to tell the program what gfx use we could make add-civs to fully work.

            I've also experienced problems with the tool. I've started working with civ3copytool, made the extra civ (arabs) and unit, and tried it as scenario. The game crashed, so I exported it all and then imported at civ3mod.bic. This time it worked. Then I tried to add another civ, but the tool crashed. I tried to repeat the procedure from the beggining, with a "clean" bic and the arabs. It still not worked. I re-installed the tool and applied the patch (civ3multitool). The new application didn't let me copy civs (as if the buttons didn't exist), but seemed OK with everything else. Tryng to export or import anything makes my comp to crash . Any idea about what's happening?

            Thanks again
            His Majesty the Emperor Augusto I


            • Originally posted by Augusto I
              The new application didn't let me copy civs (as if the buttons didn't exist), but seemed OK with everything else.
              It was flagged to be untested, tso that only advance users would try to use it.

              Tryng to export or import anything makes my comp to crash . Any idea about what's happening?

              Thanks again
              No, I've not improed those functions for a while, mostly because I thought that nobody used them.
              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


              • Originally posted by Gramphos

                It was flagged to be untested, tso that only advance users would try to use it.

                No, I've not improed those functions for a while, mostly because I thought that nobody used them.
                Well I'm hoping to eventually. Once some people start creating new animated units, I'd like to be able to copy those units, and add them to my own game. And there may come a time when I'm playing someone's mod and I really like a certain unit he's created. I think the reason why no one has been using that feature is that up until recently, there wasn't really any possibillity of using anything other than the existing units to work with. I think you'll find this feature being used more and more as time goes by frankly.


                • That is true, and I think that I have to develop it to include other parts as well, and maybe even make a C++ tool for import. (To make just unit addition mods) However that is a later problem, that might be done by anyone else as well (as both the BIC format, and the Mod format I use has been posted in the creation forum.)
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • an I copy a Map from one scenario to another ? Example: I have de The Amazons Mode for BlueO and I want it in a Ertah Marlas One.
                    Can I do that?
                    Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                    religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                    • Originally posted by godinex
                      an I copy a Map from one scenario to another ? Example: I have de The Amazons Mode for BlueO and I want it in a Ertah Marlas One.
                      Can I do that?
                      1. Load the mod you want to use the map on in the copy tool.
                      2. Locate the string that tellt you what the BIC contains (Rules only I suppose)
                      3. Click on it and select import map
                      4. Locate Marla's map
                      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                      • I am experiencing a bug. Whenever I load a game using the saved game program in the owner civ field it has A Barbarian Chiefdom listed twice. It also does not contain the civilization that I am playing which is American. However in the unit and Nationality combo box for Nationality does have American. However whenever I move a unit or change it the unit will be given to the Barbarians. I am running the latest version of your tool with all patches applied. I am running the CIV 3 version 1.16f and my os is Windows ME. The saved game is a modified Marlas Earth map. The modifications that I have done is added 5 units using your tool and added a government using the editor that comes with Civ3. Your tool looks good let me know if you have any suggestion.

                        PS also sometimes when I hit the add button it gives me the following error: Error while listing units: Subscript out of range.

                        Let me know if you need more information from me.




                        • I am having similar problems. I've got Win XP, v1.16f and using v0.83.0003. I get the "Subscript out of range" error to if I try editing a saved game file that has no cities. When I try and add units, it almost always adds a barbian settler. In about 30 or 40 tries, I got it to produce 2 units that I was wanting. When I tried loading the game in Civ, I get a DataIO Operation System Error: CITY error. I've downloaded an run the test controls that were mentioned in this thread and they work fine. Any suggestions or work arounds? Thanks.


                          • Now I know there are more bugs...
                            If you could attashed zipped saves that give you the problem it would be good in finding the bug.
                            Today I have a big test, but I'll try to fix it to the end of the day.

                            Do you know if the error (listing and changing owner) was in 0.83.0002? (It might have to do with the ways the city remove function chaned some of the main code, so that it will affect it even when not active.)

                            If you want any earlier version to be reposted. Just ask, I have most of them left.
                            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                            • Here is a save game I edited, and that didn't work. I did get it to load in Civ, but my 1 city wasn't there anymore. Big problem. I've tried it with the 0.83 full install, .0002 and .0003. Same problems.
                              Attached Files


                              • Was the save before or after it was edited?

                                I'll take a look at the file tomorrow, and hopefully the bug reported earlier has got some fikes posted as well. (If I start to edit things now I'll not remember what I change)
                                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

