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emperor and deity

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  • #31
    Ok, I would switch the worker to a warrior. You can see a scout, so you want some units to not give them any ideas.

    Second I do not want to make a worker at size 2 out of the capitol. Let it get to 3 or 4 and make setlers. You will need some shields.

    What is the worker doing on the plains? I would rather get a road to the other town. You are industrial so you can get the roads up quick and then go back to chop the forest for a granary.

    At that point you should have 1 MP's and a warriro out scouting. You need 5 citizens to make a settler every 5 turns. 3 on flood plains, 1 on the game with the forest and 1 on a grass with a mine. Now you get +5 food and at least 3 shields.

    If you get a bonus grass under the one forest, then you can mine it and chop the forest with the furs later.


    • #32
      One thing that you want to do early in the game is to not waste any worker turns. Moving workers to a tile that has no useful task needs to be avoided.

      Moving back and forth as well. Try to visualize what the next 5 task will be and minimize moves. Get those roads down, watch out for you rivers.

      Crossing them kills movement, even with a road until you have engineering iirc).

      You may want to look for Crackers Opening moves and see what I mean. It should be in the must read threads top on this forum.


      • #33
        I just noticed the research, did you get some techs from huts? Did you trade for some techs? Did you start on Alpha first?


        • #34
          In my view this should (again) be a completely hopeless situation...please help!!!
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          • #35
            Not really all that bad. You have enough workers for now as an Industrious civ, 1 per town is good in the AA. Late in the MA, maybe a few more to be reading for Steam.

            The trip wire is do I have citizens working tiles that do not have all the improvments they are allowed? If so you are fine, if not get more workers.

            In the main I do not want to use CxxxxC above Regent. You should have about 4 more towns in the land you have.

            It is late here, but in the AM I will look at the 4000BC, as long as Civ4 is not delivered that is.


            • #36
              ok...again, many thanks.....and of course i cant wait untill the release...i already pre-ordered it, but on the day the release got postponed untill november 30th.....thats why i started playing 3 again.....
              well, good night



              • #37
                Ok I played this from the 4000bc and it is a tough start. The land is not bad, but you are pinched by two civs across a fairly narrow stretch of land and cannot get out to make contacts.

                You will have to get to MM to get out galleys, too bad it is not C3C.

                Anyway with the lack of shields it will be hard to do a lot from the capitol other than grow. I had to go with three warriors before I could start a granary.

                Some trades were available and I had a short war with Japan and had to attack the Mongols at the same time. They sent a settler combo into the lands.

                Got peace + a tech from Japan and capture three settler teams before peace with the Mongols. By about 1000BC started the GL as it could be awhile for any contacts.

                An elite won about 5 times, no leader.

                The bottom line is this game with be a tough fight with your empire having little in the way of shields. You would have to take down someone to gain land.

                It is just a bad break to find yourself hemmed in and few shield yielding tiles. I did not make many workers as there were few towns and I had 6 slaves already. So 3 workers and 6 slaves to work only a few towns.

                I would suggest you roll a new game to work on the early parts. Find a start that has at least one bonus grassland in the city radius. A river to found upon, and a food bonus that would either be in the 21 tiles or the next town's radius.

                The key thing about workers is to have it like a just in time parts business. That is you want as many workers as you need to improve all the tiles that are worked and not more. You do not want them way before you need them, but just in time.

                So that means in the first bunch of turns, you do not need to make a worker if you are industious in PTW. When I talked about the first unit being a worker, I was thinking of towns afer the first 4 or so. Towns that need 10 turns to grow and 10 turns to make a worker. If they grow slower or make a worker faster, then think again.

                In the case of extra shields and workers in 5 turn, growth in 10, I will either build a unit or if in money trouble wealth for 5 turns and then a worker, IF I need a worker. IOW what is best now?

                I will not have a town making only workers in a game where I have limited lands, again am I meeting my improvements? If I can get a bit ahead after the first 100 turns or so, that is great.

                You have to evaluate and adapt, that is why the game lasts. If you could always do X or Z, it woudl be worth only a few plays.
                Last edited by vmxa1; October 26, 2005, 10:18.


                • #38
                  Ok this will not be quie so hard now. I finished the GL and found that it is an island. The bad news is that both civs have Knight type UU's as does China.

                  So instead of a romp with Riders it will be a slug fest. Well if they get Chiv before they are dead.

                  Mongols tried a sneak attack, but is was not very well diquised and I forced them to declare. Whacked about 6 units and took zero losses.

                  Put 3 of the 6 towns on troops and will soon be paying them a visit with Horses and Swords. Since neither are very large either they should suffer.

                  Start by taking down their Iron colony and then face only spears/horses/archers.

                  Elite archer won again, no promotion. They say Civ4 will be here around 1 or 1:30.
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Note that most tiles have roads and mines or irrigation, even mountians. The spear cut that mount as it had a road.

                    The cap will crank out swords/horses every other turn once I get the workers to mine that hill and switch a FP pop to it. No way an emperor city will match that and they must go down.

                    Been a long time since I use PTW, but this game is winnable. Once Contruction is learned, start a prebuild for Suns or Leo.
                    Attached Files


                    • #40
                      again, all very usefull........they should pay you to do this....cant you get a job as a civ helpdesk agent or something?
                      how's this start? personally i see some potential.....

                      have fun with civ4, i'll join you in the fun as soon as it comes out here....
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        It is fair, not real good, not bad. You have falling behind on the worker task. That is costing you gold and shields.

                        Switch the granary to a warrior and no more workers after this one out of the capitol. Get that water to the wheat.

                        No more settlers out alone, this is dangerous at emperor. I know you may have barbs as Sed, but they can be popped from huts. You also will be tempting any civ that comes across it.

                        Anyway you need the MP effect. You can do the granary with the help of the worker chops and having some pop will make it faster after you get to size 3 or so.

                        I was sort of having fun with that game, but I just come 4 and I am installing now.

                        It looks like it wold play as a sort of war always game. I had a war with Japan as they were brought in by Persia. Germany and someone else also at war with me.

                        I took two Japanese towns and made peace for a tech. Now Mongols were brought in and I am about to go after them next.

                        The low shields made it so I missed Suns and Leos. I was forced to take Sistines, just to prevent them form it. Went in Monarchy so no war weariness.

                        If I get a lull in IV, I may come back to it.


                        • #42
                          Looked like this. Oh I took three towns form Japan. Will probably have to do some steals down the road to stay close until the FP is built.

                          No luck at all on the leader end, so many elites won many times.
                          Attached Files


                          • #43
                            Whoops that should have been a pic.
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              looks like im finally getting the hang of it....have a's civ4?
                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                Better, some thoguhts:

                                2 workers mining a mountian bt the capitol, why? You do not have enough food to work it right now and those guys could be doing some chops on other towns.

                                I would not team up workers this early in the game, unless I had most task done.

                                Too many regular units for my taste. Whom ever is making units must have a barrack and a few warriors. I would allow it for the first unit at times, not the second for that town. Regular warriors are not worth upgrades. Same for spears.

                                No war so why make a wall, do you expect one?

                                Courthouse so soon in a size 3? It has no corruption to speak of, so something else would be better right now.

                                I would rather see Tsing.. found on the desert tile closer to the capitol and then another town one tile past where the current Tsing... is located.

                                Not too sure about the value of the granary Xin as it is going only to size 4 for a long time.

                                Generally it is a good idea to get a temple up in the wonder city before making wonders. You just make it a bit easier to keep them all working and not use 40% or more lux.

