Ok, I would switch the worker to a warrior. You can see a scout, so you want some units to not give them any ideas.
Second I do not want to make a worker at size 2 out of the capitol. Let it get to 3 or 4 and make setlers. You will need some shields.
What is the worker doing on the plains? I would rather get a road to the other town. You are industrial so you can get the roads up quick and then go back to chop the forest for a granary.
At that point you should have 1 MP's and a warriro out scouting. You need 5 citizens to make a settler every 5 turns. 3 on flood plains, 1 on the game with the forest and 1 on a grass with a mine. Now you get +5 food and at least 3 shields.
If you get a bonus grass under the one forest, then you can mine it and chop the forest with the furs later.
Second I do not want to make a worker at size 2 out of the capitol. Let it get to 3 or 4 and make setlers. You will need some shields.
What is the worker doing on the plains? I would rather get a road to the other town. You are industrial so you can get the roads up quick and then go back to chop the forest for a granary.
At that point you should have 1 MP's and a warriro out scouting. You need 5 citizens to make a settler every 5 turns. 3 on flood plains, 1 on the game with the forest and 1 on a grass with a mine. Now you get +5 food and at least 3 shields.
If you get a bonus grass under the one forest, then you can mine it and chop the forest with the furs later.