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emperor and deity

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  • #16
    Originally posted by demalkin
    -i dont understand what you mean regarding the tech. You want a GL, but to get it you need lit first. So how do you get a free tech before that?
    -what do you mean by prebuild?
    -actually im not a fan of greeks either, but i started this game because someone posted a thread saying that this setup was easy to start emperor with...what do you prefer?
    -i understand that i should build less temples, no colloseums, and no cathedrals.....then how do i keep my people happy? i know i can use the slide, but this takes so much money that i can barely do any research...
    -how can i get so much workers? I already get closed in very quickly by enemy you start building it as soon as a city is 2?

    thanks again, hop this is not to much
    Sorry I was presuming this was Conquest and I realized later it is not. So forget the free tech, that come with Philo in C3C only.
    You would have to go alpha/write/lit or what ever the path is in vanilla (I forget). Same time, but you would not have Philo.

    Prebuilds are structures you are building as place holders. IOW if I have a granary and it is 60 shields. I can start building one and switch to my wonder before it completes. Since 60 is not much I would like a larger structure, such as a palace. It is 300 shields at the start of the game. I may not have the tech to build a palace so that may not be an option.

    I may be able to start some other wonder, but I risk that someone finishes that wonder before I get Lit and can switch.

    So a prebuild is a placeholder and can be anything,but no tainted shields.

    For vanilla civ3, I like the Chinese. Strong middle age UU and they are Industrious as well as Mil. This means workers get more done and I can get by with fewer and Mil means better promotions and hence leaders.

    Riders are about the best UU considering the time they show u is great for triggering a GA and the 3 move is killer.


    • #17
      Originally posted by demalkin
      -i understand that i should build less temples, no colloseums, and no cathedrals.....then how do i keep my people happy? i know i can use the slide, but this takes so much money that i can barely do any research...
      -how can i get so much workers? I already get closed in very quickly by enemy you start building it as soon as a city is 2?

      thanks again, hop this is not to much
      Happiness can be an issue, but you have 3 lux as recall. Markets are the best to help with happiness and getting one more lux.

      In the mean time, you use the slider and I have no probelm going up to 30% at times. Your getting a better empire will handle the cost.

      For instance, if all citizens were on roads and used river tiles, you would bring in a lot more gold. Around the middle ages, you can start to pop in some more temples. It is just that in the early AA those shields and turns are critical.

      You may even have to use an entertainer at times, but hopefully not for long.

      A couple of ways:

      1- a dedicated town to do nothing else
      2- newly founded towns that can make a worker in 10 turns, should do it.
      3- if you can get a food bonus irrigated you can crank out settlers and interspurse a worker form time to time.
      4- watch for towns that are not able to do anythig usefule right now and pop out a worker.
      5- watch the AI and buy any workers they have for sell.
      6- when you are having trouble with keeping a town happy, pop a worker.


      • #18
        thank you, thats very useful....i think it'll get me the way, what do you think of accelerated production? do you play it sometimes? if not, why not?


        • #19
          I ddo not use it. I once DL a game posted like yours that had it turned, but it becomes a frenzy of popping workers and settlers.

          It was intended to make MP games play faster, but there is no need to play fast on SP games. I mean what is the hurry to finish?


          • #20
            well, the hurry to finish is that i cant concentrate on anything else untill my game is finished....


            • #21
              so, ive been playing a new game taking into account everything you told me.....i still dont understand how you manage to get that many workers, and still be able to produce enough settlers to keep up with the enemy settlers....or do you only start producing workers after you have a certain amount of cities? and about the city you want to build the GL....i suppose you need a granary there first to let it grow faster while you're building the GL....i still havent managed to get it before someone else you by any chance pick a city from the beginning where the GL will eventually be built, and refrain from building any workers or settlers with that city from the beginning to allow it to grow optimally?


              • #22
                oh yea, what do you prefer: monarchy or republic and do you switch to democracy?


                • #23
                  I used Rep for normal games and never switch. I use Monarchy for always wars or some sid games. IOW any game I expect to fight for longer than 20 turns or not to be at peace for very long.


                  • #24
                    If you start with alphabet and you expect to be pressed to get the GL and feel you must have it...

                    I would probably use the capitol to pump out some settlers and troops while I learn writing. This is 50 turns in C3C (40 in vanilla).

                    Then if I was able to trade to get anything useful I would try to get a granary (if I have the tech) and a temple (if I have the tech).

                    These are useful to not shrink will popping out settler or workers. The temple I wait till I am down the road on Lit. I just need it to be able to keep all citizen working.

                    So if I am able to come up with CB (temple) Pottery (granary) and Masonry (palace), I may be able to use my second city for the wonde, otherwise the capitol is the place and it cannot have a palace prebuild.

                    I research at the max I can afford to learn Lit (Philo in C3C). If that is going to take say 28 turns, then I will start 1 or 2 workers (they should already be in the vicintiy of the capitol) minning tile so I have enough for at least 10 pop.

                    As mines/roads are done in the capitol, I add a worker into the city (if it is not growing fast enough), if it seems I need to get more shields.

                    Other towns can make workers to fill this role or replace those I joined.

                    I like to keep an eye out for wonders being built. You want to see all finished before they learn Lit. This stops the woinder cascade, which is so dangerous at this levle and beyond.

                    I may now build an embassy to see where their capitols are, what they are doing and how mnay shields they have in a wonder, if any. Now I have an idea how I stand and if I need to accelerate.

                    Worst case I see I am not going to be first to Lit. In that case I must fine a city that can start a prebuild very early, so it must be able to use a palce pre. I can start before I even get Masonry as long as I get it in time to swithc the current placeholder.

                    This technique is very often need in AW games at Emperor or at some Deity/Sid games. I tend to not bother with the GL at DemiGod, just not worth the expense.


                    • #25
             starting a new game....ill send in a save every now and then.....see what you have to say about my game


                      • #26
                        good luck


                        • #27
                          nice starting location?
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            sorry, wrong one, here's the right one, and the same game a bit later
                            Attached Files


                            • #29
                              2750 BC
                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by demalkin
                                sorry, wrong one, here's the right one, and the same game a bit later
                                Looks decent, has a lux close and water, Flood plains are sometimes a double edge knife.

                                If you find a wheat/cow for the next town, it will be be good.

