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How long was your last game?

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  • #46
    Actually in-game portion of no-AI PBEM games tend to be faster.

    No AI to check to see if they have a tech you don't.
    You can't tell if any human has a tech you don't.
    So it's only worth checking techs in an all-human game when you just received a tech.

    However, there is out of game time spent in PBEMs. Mostly tech & luxary negoiations. But if your in an alliance war, then strategy
    1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
    Templar Science Minister
    AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


    • #47
      My latest game took 7 hours. Domination victory on tiny pangaea map on Deity level.

      Curious, does anyone else use workers/warriors to prevent a AI settler from getting anywhere? I kept two AI settlers away from the back corner of the continent until I could backfill. I gained two cities as a result, as well as a 4 fur monopoly for trading.

      This game would have taken less time, but the Carth. unique unit is a real pain to defeat with horsemen and swordsmen.


      • #48
        I personally find workers helpful in blocking AI naval invasions as well as blocking land units.
        Texas is the greatest country in the world!

        Historical Rants and Philosophical Dilemmas


        • #49
          My game on a huge map (max civs allowed without modifying that line- which I can't remember anyways) ended up takint 18 hours and 40 minutes.

          That's actually too long for my tastes. I avoided all wars in the modern age. The modern age is such a snooze. Although maybe it would be more interesting if I was at war. But at that point in the game war isn't necessary. Unless for some reason I don't have access to aluminum or uranium. (or I still can't find oil- but if I don't have oil by this point, I'm hurtin'- as cavalry against infantry is very difficult)

