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We love the ? day

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  • We love the ? day

    Hey there

    Back when i played civ2 the "we love the ? day" had some very specific results: under a monarchy, your roads would yield another trade arrow, under a repuplic, corruption would be eliminated, and under a democracy (typo?) your cities would grow one "Level" every turn, until they didn't have enough food to do so.

    But in civ3 i'm a little confused as to what the effect really is??? anyone??

    oh, and another thing. The civilopedia mentions that your armies will be better fighters after the contruction of millitary academy. In what way???


  • #2
    I think the only result is that corruption on shields (and shields alone) is reduced.



    • #3
      Attack bonus with:
      Neither Pentagon nor Military Tradition: (6+6+6)/6 = +3
      Pentagon only: (6+6+6+6)/6 = +4
      Military Tradition only: (6+6+6)/4 = +4 (rounded down)
      Both Pentagon and Military Tradition: (6+6+6+6)/4 = +6


      • #4
        Thank you guys :-)



        • #5
          FYI: Armies also have a defense bonus calculated the same way, but with the units' defense value.


          • #6
            I think I liked the old way better.
            "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
            "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
            2004 Presidential Candidate
            2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


            • #7
              Re: We love the ? day

              Originally posted by ariano_paluda
              Back when i played civ2 the "we love the ? day" had some very specific results: under a monarchy, your roads would yield another trade arrow, under a repuplic, corruption would be eliminated, and under a democracy (typo?) your cities would grow one "Level" every turn, until they didn't have enough food to do so.
              To be more precise, the effect of WLTKD in civ2 was to bring your city production (food/shield/trade) as if under the next above government. I don't remember corruption being affected by WLTKD.
              WLTKD in Despotism (the city where you build the HG, f.i.) let your city produce as under Monarchy: no penalty for 3+ prod, but no extra trade arrow.
              Monarchy, Fanatism & Communism, as in Republic: the extra trade arrow.
              Republic... not sure. Prod is same as under Democracy, so I think it's also +1 size / turn.
              Democracy, as you said, +1 size / turn.
              The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.


              • #8
                WLT_D for dem/rep was a Civ2 exploit. It gave you too much power too fast. The human player would simply jack up luxuries to the max for a few turns and viola! Instant growth. Yes, the AI could grow too but it tended to be happenstance. They'd never max out the luxury rate like the human would.


                • #9
                  That makes sense...maybe it was because of that little trick that i kept winning back in the old civ2 days :-) If i get a little depressed over losing at monarch, i'll just switch on my old pentium 133 and play civ2 for a while ;-)

                  wrt to that army again...where is it those numbers come from??? those three 6?? it's one for each unit, that's obvious, but why 6. And the attack bonus is it simply added to the units attack strength? or how is it working?? because if thats the case, a mere warrior could be awesome in an army...ancient army that is..

                  have a nice weekend



                  • #10
                    The 6 is what you get for Cavs, it would some other value for some other unit.

                    Yes any army is awesome. I have been forced to use a sword army and sometimes mixed with a spear. It will crush the units it will encounter in that era.

                    This is why many bemoan armies, they are very srong and the AI essentially does not use them. I agree for levels up to Demi. After that, I find them to be an offsetting force. You can win deity without them, but it would make sid so much more tedious and it is already quite tedious.


                    • #11
                      Besides reducing waste it also halves the chance of that city culture flipping to another civilization.
                      New American UU: Al Gore-Eliminates pollution and you get "The Internet" great wonder instantly.

                      New Hittite MGL: Howard Dean(listen to what their UU sounds like when it attacks)


                      • #12
                        I find it very difficult to win without armies. I am playing at Emperor level and just won playing the Ottomans. The Sipahi armies are just overwhelming. They can even take out fortified infantry. I wonder why the AI doesn't use armies. Does it at higher levels? I have played very few games in which the AI uses armies even though I know that they got MGLs.


                        • #13
                          The AI will on a rare occasion make an army. but it is not common. I cannot even remember the last one I saw. The level does not matter, I have played all the levels.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by gunkulator
                            WLT_D for dem/rep was a Civ2 exploit. It gave you too much power too fast. The human player would simply jack up luxuries to the max for a few turns and viola! Instant growth. Yes, the AI could grow too but it tended to be happenstance. They'd never max out the luxury rate like the human would.
                            And the SMAC equalivents were:

                            Early Game :

                            1. Democracy + Planned + Children's Creche (for everyone except Morgon & Yang)

                            2. Children's Creche + Democracy (Morgon : pointless in bases without Hab Complexes ) or Planned (Yang) + WLT_D

                            Mid Game :

                            3. Cloning Vacts Secret Project.

                            Late Game :

                            4. Also one of the future socity's + either Democracy or Planned + Children's Creche.
                            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                            Templar Science Minister
                            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dry

                              To be more precise, the effect of WLTKD in civ2 was to bring your city production (food/shield/trade) as if under the next above government. I don't remember corruption being affected by WLTKD.
                              the main thing for democacy was the fact that you didn't experience corruption, and when you have WLTKD in a republic city your corruption was eliminated. It's 6 months since i last played civ2, but i'm pretty sure i'm right here..

                              armies (once more)

                              if i'm understand you correctly, this means that the "formula" would be something like this:

                              (a+a+a)/a=x , where a is the attack strength of a given unit, and x is the bonus?

                              then when you get millitary academy the a you divide with is reduced by one third??

                              on a sidenote:

                              i'm having a hard time coping with the random number generator...yesterday my fortified musketmen in barricades all lost to attacking ancient cavalry, but my single musketman defender in a city beat 12 cavalry the same turn without losing a single health bar....

                              how often do you get a MGL when you're millitaristic (statistically??)


