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35 hours for 1 game

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Alex
    I tend to not like loooong games because I don't have much time to play... sometimes it is hard to remember all those little details about a game that is already more than 40 hours long if you don't play it regularly.
    If it is the end of the session and I am done for the day, I just write down anything I need to attend to when I start back up the next day.


    • #17
      I haven't played an epic game for ages but 100 hours plus is not unusual. Just waiting for units to move in the late game can add hours.

      Suggestion . . . turn unit animation OFF.

      The other problem is the hours spent not in the game, but thinking about it (how can I destroy Persia, get Great Lib., etc). They don't call this game the time stealer for nothing.
      Diderot was right!
      Our weapons are backed with UNCLEAR WORDS!
      Please don't go, the drones need you.


      • #18
        I usually get bored before the end...


        • #19
          My average game is about 125-150 hrs (250 x 250 map, Regent, Bloodlust) but this is my longest to date.
          Attached Files
          * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
          * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
          * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
          * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


          • #20
            Wow, you have got staying power that is for sure.


            • #21
              I saw an SS of a ~312 hour game


              • #22

                and I think games over 20 hours are long.


                • #23
                  That map must have been really huge, MB... a domination victory in 242 hours!
                  I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Alex
                    That map must have been really huge, MB... a domination victory in 242 hours!
                    I raised the domination limits to 80% and about 50 hrs was nothing more than CPU time.
                    * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
                    * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
                    * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
                    * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


                    • #25
                      My games appear to be in the 50-60 hour range (usually, large map). It is difficult to tell though. On weekends, I turn the computer on in the morning, leave the game up all day, and play an hour here, twenty minutes there, while doing everything else that life requires.
                      "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


                      • #26
                        242 hours!! Talk about commitment to one game. That's amazing.. I would find it hard to remain dedicated to such a long drawn out game. I like playing shorter games so that I play more of them. Most of the fun for me is starting a new civ, exploring the map, and discovering who are the neighboring Civs. Once I get to Industrial/modern age I want to complete the game quickly so I can start a new one.


                        • #27
                          I'm playing one now that is going on and on and on. I think I just past the Energizer Bunny's skeleton a while back.
                          "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
                          "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
                          2004 Presidential Candidate
                          2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


                          • #28
                            Checking games at the HOF and GOTM I've ran into a couple which have reset the timer one way or another. It goes up to ~500hrs IIRC.

                            400 hours is my best guess as to my longest game played. I know SirPleb's latest Sid game's timer was over 400 hours. It's probably a good estimate for time necessary to really squeeze every last drop out of a Huge map.


                            • #29
                              Good God.

                              50-80 hours is my norm, and I have never played a game through until more than the first quarter of the modern age. Sometimes I win, sometimes I get so close it's boring. These are Medium/Large maps on Monarch, usually.

                              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                              • #30
                                Once I start a game I must complete it to the very bitter end. I guess that is another reason why I prefer a shorter game experience. Less tendency to get bored. I am on my thrid Small map game and loving every Civing moment.

