Heya guys! I know I haven't been here for months, but other things, serious and otherwise, had been distracting me from Civ. (I still haven't played a game of Civ3 in months). But I have something to tell you which, I think, is very important to everybody here.
Do you know what a wiki is? (If not, follow the link, which, by the way, is hosted on the world's largest wiki itself.) I have started writing a wikibook -- not a whole lot yet as I'm writing two others and administering another wiki -- that will be a strategy guide to all Civ games (and sufficiently Civ-like games such as SMAC and Freeciv). One reason I have currently written so little is that I know so little! I can read the works of Velo and the other masters, but that alone does not make me a master.
This is where you come in. The beauty of a wiki is that anybody can edit it, create new pages, and essentially do whatever is necessary to improve it. The result, I feel, will be a comprehensive player's guide that will be better than anything you could ever find on GameFAQs, in a Prima strategy guide, or even a book written by a master (such as Velo's SMAC guide). This is because users of a wiki can collaborate, making the content better and better. If you have doubts: this is no hypothetical stuff. This has already been proven. Go to www.wikipedia.org and look up a bunch of stuff. Wikipedia was written, and continues to be written, by thousands and thousands of wiki users. It Works.
The wikibook is here: http://wikibooks.org/wiki/Civ
(BTW, at this exact moment, the amount of content is next to nil. That will change soon! I always make effort to give a new wiki project a starting point. So if you check it and see nothing, but do not wish to write in it yet, check back later. But don't let it stop you: you can start writing any time. Even right now.)
- Kef
Do you know what a wiki is? (If not, follow the link, which, by the way, is hosted on the world's largest wiki itself.) I have started writing a wikibook -- not a whole lot yet as I'm writing two others and administering another wiki -- that will be a strategy guide to all Civ games (and sufficiently Civ-like games such as SMAC and Freeciv). One reason I have currently written so little is that I know so little! I can read the works of Velo and the other masters, but that alone does not make me a master.
This is where you come in. The beauty of a wiki is that anybody can edit it, create new pages, and essentially do whatever is necessary to improve it. The result, I feel, will be a comprehensive player's guide that will be better than anything you could ever find on GameFAQs, in a Prima strategy guide, or even a book written by a master (such as Velo's SMAC guide). This is because users of a wiki can collaborate, making the content better and better. If you have doubts: this is no hypothetical stuff. This has already been proven. Go to www.wikipedia.org and look up a bunch of stuff. Wikipedia was written, and continues to be written, by thousands and thousands of wiki users. It Works.
The wikibook is here: http://wikibooks.org/wiki/Civ
(BTW, at this exact moment, the amount of content is next to nil. That will change soon! I always make effort to give a new wiki project a starting point. So if you check it and see nothing, but do not wish to write in it yet, check back later. But don't let it stop you: you can start writing any time. Even right now.)
- Kef