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Comparison OCC Game

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  • Comparison OCC Game

    A while ago, I posted a guide to playing OCC (one city challenge) games which I've used with decent success at the higher levels (Emperor and Deity).

    That thread can be found at:

    An OCC Strategy Guide for Emperor and Deity

    Recently on that thread, a couple of players have asked for a comparison game so that we can walk through that strategy to what we hope will be an OCC win. I've also been asked to start a new thread to make it easier for new folks to follow.

    This thread is that comparison game.


  • #2
    The Start

    Okay, here's a good start position for OCC. Seems to have a good mix of shields and commerce and shouldn't be too hard to develop.

    The game is PTW 1.27f using a random map. The particulars are:
    - Greece
    - Standard Map
    - Pangaea 70% water
    - Wet
    - Temperate
    - 3 Billion
    - Random Rivals (7 of them)
    - Sedentary Barbs
    - No linked start
    - Normal production
    - Emperor level

    I've played it through building the Great Library, but no I have no idea what's going to happen downstream. Copes and Newts might be easy, they might not.

    For the first part of the trainer, I'll post game saves at the following points:
    - Turn before researching Writing
    - Turn before building Colossus
    - Turn before researching Literature
    - Turn before building Great Library

    Feel free to play along for comparison or feel free to download one of my saves and play from there. I have no guarantee we will even come close to winning, but it should be a bunch of fun along the way.

    I will keep an extensive log and a bunch of game saves. I don't plan to move too fast through the game so we might get in some good discussion. We might even play with some "what-ifs" at key points. We'll see.

    BTW - If this is successful, I'll do the same thing with C3C when we finish up.

    Any questions or thoughts...let me know.

    - TT

    P.S. Here's the save.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      For those that want instant access here is the pic at TT's link:
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Nice start TT, two fish two game tiles. The part I want to read about is the method you use to get good relations and keep them.


        • #5
          Originally posted by vmxa1
          Nice start TT, two fish two game tiles. The part I want to read about is the method you use to get good relations and keep them.
          Yeah, you've talked about this on other threads I've subscribed to. Establishing good relations and then keeping them is *key* to playing OCC.

          I hope we can do well in this game.

          - TT

          BTW - Thanks for attaching the image.


          • #6
            You might have missed this post from another thread. I played through it once, but missed Newtons:

            ok, ya, France beat me to newtons by ALOT in my first game. Any ideas as to what i can do to improve?

            And how the heck are they getting 4 sheilds per turn from their hills? (EDIT: They where in golden age *smacks head*) They are in the industrial ages tho.

            Last edited by razzor7; March 29, 2004, 21:30.
            "Wars aren't won by dieing for your contry. They are won by making the other b@$%^@#s die for their contry"
            -General Patton

            Semper Fi


            • #7
              Ok, second game:

              Same as last, mostly, i tryed a new tactic. I sucked the gpt outta the french to slow them down AND speed me up. I was 8 turns from ToG and was literally bitting my nails, i even had to wash my face with cold water and take a short break as to not gnaw off my arm. But anyway, the French where getting about 4 gpt, and they beat me to ToG, and they have more production. This is getting annoying. At that point, French have tech lead, and I'm right behind them, but i JUST CAN'T STOP IT!!!

              Any ideas? The thing is, I was equal in tech until then, but that stinking production increase let them take the lead...


              BTW - I'm already loading up another game
              "Wars aren't won by dieing for your contry. They are won by making the other b@$%^@#s die for their contry"
              -General Patton

              Semper Fi


              • #8
                Hi Razzor,

                Instead of loading up another game, try using this start. It's worked pretty well for me. It has a lot more shields than the other game you showed me.

                We can play a bit, compare what we're doing and where we're at and go from there.

                Good luck.

                - TT


                • #9
                  Hey, BTW you really got me hooked on OCC

                  I am using this start. It's great. On my third game (playing right now) Zulu declared war on the two big powerhouses, I'm hoping they'll:

                  A) Leave me alone

                  B) Slow down wonder construction/research

                  How far have you gotten?
                  "Wars aren't won by dieing for your contry. They are won by making the other b@$%^@#s die for their contry"
                  -General Patton

                  Semper Fi


                  • #10
                    *humming joyfull tune, and aiming DE Magnum at computer* Oh..Paris, Paris, Paris, how i love thee, how i love thee not...DIE %$#@&!!!! *plugs 27 rounds into Paris, Surrounding towns, my printer, and alarm clock. *insane cackle*

                    OK, i'm turning in for the night. So far, the same EXACT thing has happened, every game, France beats me to Newtons. Any ideas? Any suggestions? Any extra rounds, cuz, ya know, i'm out and the Zulu are pissing me off too.

                    Peace out.

                    P.S. Wait, how the heck did i just type this if my computer is in shambles?...oh %$#@ my dog...
                    "Wars aren't won by dieing for your contry. They are won by making the other b@$%^@#s die for their contry"
                    -General Patton

                    Semper Fi


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by razzor7
                      Hey, BTW you really got me hooked on OCC
                      That's cool; I'm hooked too.

                      Originally posted by razzor7
                      How far have you gotten?
                      I'll post tomorrow night a couple of saves and logs up to building the Great Library. I've played a bit further, but I'd like to give anyone else who is following this a chance to play a bit.

                      - TT


                      • #12
                        Well, do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'm trying to get Newtons...but it's driving me insane *loads gun* I'll play another today.
                        "Wars aren't won by dieing for your contry. They are won by making the other b@$%^@#s die for their contry"
                        -General Patton

                        Semper Fi


                        • #13
                          Building the Great Library

                          My first step in playing OCC under pre-Conquests is to research Writing and Literature on the way to building the Great Libray. Builds will be a couple of Warriors, a Worker, a Granary or Temple (or both), the Colossus, and the Great Library.

                          Here is the picture in 875BC, the turn before building the Great Library:
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by ToeTruck; March 30, 2004, 17:20.


                          • #14
                            Building the Great Library: Log

                            Ancient Times Turn Log:

                            4000BC: Founded Athens. Six rivered tiles, three Game, and two Fish. Researching Writing at 1 beaker/turn.
                            3850BC: Warrior.
                            3650BC: Warrior.
                            3550BC: Pottery from Hut. Size 2.
                            3500BC: Worker.
                            3200BC: Contact with Russia. Traded Alphabet and 3 gold for Ceremonial Burial.
                            3150BC: Contact with France.
                            3050BC: Size 2 again.
                            2590BC: Size 3
                            2230BC: Clearing a Forest in preparation for building Granary (after Colossus is done).
                            2190BC: Writing. Researching Literature at 100%. Size 4.

                            Traded Writing to France for Masonry, The Wheel, Iron Working, and 11 gold.
                            Traded Writing to Russia for Contact with Carthage, Warrior Code, and 16 gold.
                            Traded Iron Working to Carthage for Contact with Arabs and 6 gold.
                            Traded Iron Working and Alphabet to Arabia for Contact with Germany, Contact with Zulu, and 40 gold.
                            Traded Alphabet to Zulu for Contact with Japanese and 9 gold.
                            Gave Alphabet to Germany.
                            Gave Masonry and Alphabet to Japan.
                            Sold Contact with Zulu and Japanese to Russia for 31 gold.
                            Gave Contact with Germany and Arabs to Russia.
                            Gave Contact with Japanese and Germany to France.
                            Gave Writing to Arabia.

                            All rivals are Polite.

                            1950BC: Colossus.
                            1790BC: Size 5.
                            1725BC: Granary. Using Pyramids as lead item for Great Library.
                            1525BC: Size 6.
                            1400BC: Size 7.
                            1300BC: Researched Literature. Killing research and holding Literature.
                            1025BC: Size 8.
                            0875BC: Great Library. Golden Age. French build Oracle.


                            • #15
                              2190BC: Turn before Writing

                              Here's the save from 2190BC:
                              Attached Files

