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Everything about Corruption: C3C edition

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  • Okay, a question for alexman, or anybody else who knows. Does the Palace count as a corruption-reducing improvement, corruption-reducing wonder, or none of the above?

    Obviously, under a non-communal government, this isn't much of an issue, and I'm almost positive that it doesn't count as a corruption-reducing wonder. Under communism, however, this will come into play.
    Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


    • Palace counts as a corruption-reudcing wonder as I recall from the commie players.
      1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
      Templar Science Minister
      AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


      • I don't think so. I just ran my current game over to communism, and my capitol kept zero corruption, even though all it has is a police station and the palace, which should give it 10% corruption. Also, my core cities were at 50% corruption, which fits with only one corruption-reducing wonder in the empire (FP).

        I'm inclined to believe that the palace still functions as "Center of Empire" when it comes to the capital itself, but doesn't do anything to affect corruption in the other cities.
        Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


        • I'm inclined to believe that the palace still functions as "Center of Empire" when it comes to the capital itself, but doesn't do anything to affect corruption in the other cities.
          It affects distance corruption in other cities, just like a FP, of course, and it obviously affects rank corruption because all ranks are based on the distance from the Palace. I'm sure you knew that already, just making it clear because it contradicts your post above.

          You are right that the empire does not get an extra OCN bonus because of the Palace, since it does not count as a corruption-reducing improvement or Wonder. When in doubt, look in the editor. The Palace doesn't have a check in the boxes like a courthouse and a FP.

          Very cool spreadsheet, by the way.
          Last edited by alexman; February 7, 2005, 14:19.


          • That is max allowed corruption. If the corruption formula results in a lower number than max allowed, you get that lower number.

            Originally posted by Solomwi
            I don't think so. I just ran my current game over to communism, and my capitol kept zero corruption, even though all it has is a police station and the palace, which should give it 10% corruption. Also, my core cities were at 50% corruption, which fits with only one corruption-reducing wonder in the empire (FP).

            I'm inclined to believe that the palace still functions as "Center of Empire" when it comes to the capital itself, but doesn't do anything to affect corruption in the other cities.
            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
            Templar Science Minister
            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


            • Originally posted by alexman

              It affects distance corruption in other cities, just like a FP, of course, and it obviously affects rank corruption because all ranks are based on the distance from the Palace. I'm sure you knew that already, just making it clear because it contradicts your post above.
              Is it still based off the palace under communism? I thought distance was based strictly of map size and rank strictly off number of cities under communal governments. Sorry if the context wasn't clear, but communal is all I was curious about. I'm up on how it works under non-communal.

              You are right that the empire does not get an extra OCN bonus because of the Palace, since it does not count as a corruption-reducing improvement or Wonder. When in doubt, look in the editor. The Palace doesn't have a check in the boxes like a courthouse and a FP.
              Thanks, that's what I was looking for. The only problem with looking in the editor (which I did ) is that it didn't answer the question of whether or not the effects of corruption-reducing wonder/improvement are also written into the "Center of Empire" checkbox.

              Very cool spreadsheet, by the way.
              Excellent, glad to know it's helpful to more than just me.

              That is max allowed corruption. If the corruption formula results in a lower number than max allowed, you get that lower number.
              Naturally. What I was saying is the 10% should apply if the palace were a corruption-reducing wonder, as in this case, corruption in the capital under a communal government works out to over 50% through the formula. With one CRI and one CRW, corruption in the city should be 10%. It's zero, leading me to believe, as alexman has since clarified, that the palace doesn't count as a CRW, either for the capital or the empire as a whole.
              Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


              • I can't get the attachments to download

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