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The new, improved Great Wall

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  • #31
    It all depend on how you look at the wall, if you think of them of an actual wall of bricks, stone and mud, then it makes perfect sense to say that some units ignore them because the nature of their weapons.

    If you look at walls in a more symbolic way, they just represent any fortification available at any current date that gives the defender a 50% bonus. So a 2000BC wall is just a pile of rock and dirt, while the 1900 counterpart are steel-enforced concrete bunkers, trenches, minefields and barb-wire.

    Perhaps we should have different types of walls? Old walls are ignored by gunpowder-era units, newer walls will work until the modern age, and large entrenchments are needed for modern age.
    Don't eat the yellow snow.


    • #32
      Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt (not that it mentions which version the test was for).
      It does actually; at the end of my 3rd post or so (1.21f), hence my confusion at the Readme indicating 1.27f.

