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Racist Undertones in Conquests

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  • #31
    pathetic troll


    • #32
      Originally posted by Jaybe

      Alright, forget the "politically-correct"!
      Your total IGNORANCE* with the "air" of knowledge has gotten disgusting!

      Who conquered Egypt in the time of Alexander the Great? Who were the ruling class of Egypt during Cleo's time? Do some RESEARCH! (Hint: it had some tinge of Grecean formula to it).

      * (1) I have read enough of Jeem's posts to put him on ignore. Why didn't I ignore this one! (2) If this had been CFC, I would probably get a couple days "vacation".
      Of for God's sake Jaybe - if you can't see the obvious sarcasm here then there must be something seriously wrong with you.

      Quite why this thread wasn't shut down in the first instance is beyond me. Racism in Civ3? Gimme a break.
      Three words :- Increase your medication.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Jeem
        why this thread wasn't shut down in the first instance is beyond me. Racism in Civ3? Gimme a break.
        "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
        "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
        2004 Presidential Candidate
        2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


        • #34
          "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."--General Sir Charles James Napier


          • #35

            My reaction to seeing Shaka step in for a cameo role as a mezo-american was "oops, tight budget and timeframes again - they shoulda hired our Ghengis to finish the job".


            • #36
              Well an interesting idea, but most likely merely an unintentional oversight due to the fact that it was impossible to create new leaderheads et. al in time for the release of the expansion.

              To all those who may have got offended that someone started such a thread - YOU get a clue. Just an idea, worthy of thought like every other idea. Deal with it in your own way, give it thought and say what you think without needing to resort to insults. I don't believe such a thing was intended in ANY insulting sense, let alone as a racial slur, so until we see evidence that someone really does mean it in such a way rather than as just a discussion (is this not a discussion forum?) , don't be so touchy, alright?

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #37
                IF this was meant to foster discussion, then one would think the original poster would return and discuss.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Theseus
                  I think my Warmonger POV is interfering with my understanding of this silly thread and its impact on combat calculations and overall game balance.

                  In other words, gimme a break.


                  • #39


                    • #40
                      Well that does it. Me and my white AI European allies will attempt to knock Inca and Maya out of every epic game from now on.

                      The AI is racist. Fix that Firaxis
                      Haven't been here for ages....


                      • #41
                        Well, I'm one of the supposed "affected" people about this "racism". I can say by myself and the community here in Apolyton from Mexico, Chile, Argentina, etc that we don't feel offended in any way about this. We know this is not racism, this is art laciness (sp?) from the game Developers. Also, this is just a game that we all loves so we couldn't get angry.

                        If you want a solution, well, do the thing someone said, make an amin. leaderhed by yourself, or just replace de anim. with a pic like the one I'll attach now (it's about the Lord of Sipan, the Moche King).

                        So, I think they're not racist in any way, just lazy. If they were racist, this scenario (and all it's detailed Civilopedia info ) simply will not exist.

                        Let's stop trolling and let's play some more

                        (and sorry for the grammar and other kind of things mistakes )

                        Fortune and Glory, here I come!!!.
                        Indiana Jones
                        Spanish Empire Civ for Civilization 5 (in Spanish/en Español)


                        • #42

                          Sorry, I became inspired and forgot the image , here you have.

                          Fortune and Glory, here I come!!!.
                          Indiana Jones
                          Spanish Empire Civ for Civilization 5 (in Spanish/en Español)


                          • #43
                            I appreciate what the originator of this thread is trying to say, and I think the rude responses are out of order, but I still think it's wrongheaded and that no "lumping together" of non-Caucasian races was intended. Which leaderheads *should* have been chosen?

                            After all, most of the leaders in this game are not Caucasian. Of the 31 civilisations in the game, Carthage, Zulu, China, Japan, Korea, Mongols, India, Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, Iroquois, Babylon, Persia, Sumeria, Ottomans, Arabia (at least - this is off the top of my head) have leaders who are not Caucasian (although with some of them it might be hard to tell in this game... Hannibal, for the record, would have been part Berber, and Cleopatra, as someone so eloquently put it, was Greek). So statistically, any randomly chosen leaderhead will not be Caucasian.


                            • #44
                              more pc
                              While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                              • #45
                                While the topic is worth discussing, I'm think the original poster was trolling. This is his only post to this forum at all.
                                Seemingly Benign
                                Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain

