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C3C : Strategic Resources Scarcity Sucks!

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  • Originally posted by Sir Ralph

    For a playstyle like this resource scarcity doesn't have any importance indeed.
    Well, I still need some victims, errr, civs. Can we say that other civs are the Berserker's resources?
    The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


    • Originally posted by Mountain Sage
      Did I really said that?
      Ah well, in the meantime I'm having fun with my Berserkers I only need iron. Saltpeter and muskets won't help my victims and by the time coal is around the game's over anyway...
      And I have found a whole new appreciation for the War Elephant myself. Nice to have a knight with an extra HP and no resource requirement under the current situation.
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx

        And I have found a whole new appreciation for the War Elephant myself. Nice to have a knight with an extra HP and no resource requirement under the current situation.
        Damn right UnO. I look forward to playing India after AU501.


        • I’ve started playing around with the Editor and have been for a few weeks now. After creating a Large Map and allowing the editor to place the resources randomly, it is shocking how little iron is on the map that size (and how few resources in general, but few resources are as important as iron IMO). I may be wrong, but I am of the school that this is a definite bug as it really reduces your game play options. I was going to war anyway, its my style, but I’m sure its limiting to other players who don’t wish to.
          "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


          • India is a fun civ for a game not emphasizing warfare, and rel/com a good trait mix.


            • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
              India is a fun civ for a game not emphasizing warfare, and rel/com a good trait mix.
              Tell that one to Snotty.

              I did some testing on a tiny map and there were 4 iron deposits on most maps which means 1 for each civ. Of course the placement would preclude some civs from getting iron except through trade. Saltpeter seemed to be the least abundant resource. I used map seed
              and these are the results:

              Resource - #
              Horses - 4
              Iron - 4
              Saltpeter - 2
              Coal - 3
              Oil -3
              Rubber - 3
              Aluminum - 3
              Uranium - 3
              Wines - 2
              Furs - 3
              Dyes - 3
              Incense - 2
              Spices - 2
              Ivory - 2
              Silks - 2
              Gems - 3
              Whales - 6
              Game - 4
              Fish - 6
              Cattle - 2
              Wheat - 4
              Gold - 0
              Sugar - 2
              Tropical Fruit - 3
              Oasis - 2
              Tobacco - 1
              Goody Hut - 12

