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Conquests Bug Thread

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  • Originally posted by RobC
    If a improvement/wonder has both 'requires resource' and 'produces unit every X turns', should the resource be required just for building the improvement or for spawning the units as well?
    That's how it works. If you don'thave the resource the building reqires, you won't get the units. I believe that was mentioned in the chat awhile back. I know I read somewhere at least.


    • what about the other effects? say you lose a certain resource needed for the wonder, will it still produce happy faces and such?
      Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


      • Attack of the Crows...

        If you get plague in a city, hit the 'Z' key to zoom out and see them multiply:
        Attached Files


        • Originally posted by Saint Marcus
          what about the other effects? say you lose a certain resource needed for the wonder, will it still produce happy faces and such?
          No, it's just for those buildings that produce units. Anything else, once it's built they'll always function. Unless they're set to become obsolete at a certain tech.


          • Another Civil Engineer display bug. When a city using civil engineeres completes a build project, if the player selects a next improvement from the drop down list in the pop-up, the build times in the drop down list do not reflect the effect of the CEs even though once selected the map view of the city (and the city view) will show a build time that includes the CE effects.



            • Graphics bug. The new oasis and the traditional mine graphic do not play well together.

              Attached Files


              • in the rise of rome scenario.

                I had a large stack of units waiting just north of Gaza? (where Isreal would be) waiting to attack persia. This stack consisted of fire catapults, an archer, garrisons, heavy cavalry, 3 or 4 armies, and many legionairies (mostly 3).

                When using the wake command (wake all units from the right click menu) and then moving the units as a stack did not work properly. They moved one square and then reforitified.

                Not a big bug, but a bug nonetheless.


                • Sigh another bug in the map editor. All the overlays (barbarian huts, irrigiation, mines etc) but not rivers have disapperared from all my maps. They're there, but they are invisible in the editor but not in the game.
                  "It is not given to man to know what is right and what is wrong. Men always did and always will err and in nothing more than in what they consider right and wrong."


                  • Quite often, the animation and sounds for an army that has recently attacked continue to play long after the army's attack has ended and even after the unit has been deselected. This loud clanging can get quite annoying. Reloading the game fixes this, but in multiplayer games, this can test the patience of your fellow Civ'rs.

                    Has anyone else experience the "Army Won't Chill Out" bug? -- Have you been able to fix it without reloading?



                    • haven't had any major problems with the army that I can think of

                      I still have a problem with moving units with the number pad. annoying.


                      • Originally posted by Dissident
                        I still have a problem with moving units with the number pad. annoying.
                        Still? I think that's your keyboard. I always use the keyboard/number pad to move units and give orders, and I have experienced no problems whatsoever.

                        Scippio's sound "bug" sounds like a sound card issue - are you using a SoundBlaster Live! card by any chance?
                        "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                        "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                        "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                        • Originally posted by Dissident
                          And just to reiterate.

                          The units moving by themselves bug is really annoying me.

                          I prefer to use the number pad to move units, not the mouse. But that causes the unit after the one I moved to also move in the same direction with no input from me. Very annoying.
                          I agree - I have had this a number of times, and lost Curraghs every time because of moving one tile too far.

                          Bombard destroying Wonders is one thing, but I think the ability to bombard destroy Palaces is HIDEOUS. Imagine just rolling up to your opponent's capital and bombarding the heck out of it and taking down their capital. Unless it relocated instantly (probably to the same calculation as if you abandond your capital and thus likely the exact same place), you have just consigned that civ to minimal shields and trade. You have KILLED them with Arty, making the Arty stack not just dodgy, but MONSTROUS.

                          EDIT: I have just been testing this, and it appears to be due to the presence of Walls, either in that city, or due to the Great Wall somewhere. The bombardment targets improvements until the Walls are gone, and if the GW is there, it will take down this. If the GW is elsewhere, bombard wille ventually take down every improvement, Wonder, FP or Palace until the GW goes down, wherever it is. Then and only then will units be targetted. Civil Defense are not treated as Walls to be taken down before other concerns in the same respect as Walls here. I have also just noticed that when the Palace is taken out (at least in a PBEM game), the civ behaves as if the Palace is still there for corruption/waste calculations, although the culture from the palace is no longer gained.
                          Last edited by MrWhereItsAt; November 19, 2003, 10:28.

                          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                          • Originally posted by Stuie

                            Scippio's sound "bug" sounds like a sound card issue - are you using a SoundBlaster Live! card by any chance?
                            Actually, I posted the same bug back a few pages. I've only seen it in multiplayer, so I think it's related to that.
                            We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness... T. Jefferson "The Declaration of Independence"


                            • It's not really a bug, more of a general design flaw. I tried setting my Volcanoes as impassable, but when there was a goody hut on one of them, my Scout kept circling around and around it forever, trying to get at the hut.


                              • Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt Bombard destroying Wonders is one thing, but I think the ability to bombard destroy Palaces is HIDEOUS. Imagine just rolling up to your opponent's capital and bombarding the heck out of it and taking down their capital. Unless it relocated instantly (probably to the same calculation as if you abandond your capital and thus likely the exact same place), you have just consigned that civ to minimal shields and trade. You have KILLED them with Arty, making the Arty stack not just dodgy, but MONSTROUS.

                                EDIT: I have just been testing this, and it appears to be due to the presence of Walls, either in that city, or due to the Great Wall somewhere. The bombardment targets improvements until the Walls are gone, and if the GW is there, it will take down this. If the GW is elsewhere, bombard wille ventually take down every improvement, Wonder, FP or Palace until the GW goes down, wherever it is. Then and only then will units be targetted. Civil Defense are not treated as Walls to be taken down before other concerns in the same respect as Walls here. I have also just noticed that when the Palace is taken out (at least in a PBEM game), the civ behaves as if the Palace is still there for corruption/waste calculations, although the culture from the palace is no longer gained.
                                Mr. WIA, go back two pages in this thread. Arrian and I both reported this bug already -- it has to do with the target city having the Great Wall in it. Link to post

