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Mod: Double Your Pleasure

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  • #16
    wtfz are you talking about now?
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #17
      Carefull now, know need to swear.

      As you know, if you mod a mod to much it loses it prime purpose.

      If you play an original mod and do not win at first, do not try to change the mod so much, so that you can win. Try to change your playstyle.

      Everyone who has played DyP for the first time has had a hard time - that is the purpose of the mod and the fun of it.

      As in life - why should game playing be easy.

      Your comments were fun - but do not get upset if you got a reply you did not expect.

      We always welcome feedback - that is how the mod grows and improves.

      But above all, remember the purpose of the mod is to give you more desicions to make and to give every civ an equal chance of winning.

      Play, win or lose, but enjoy.
      "What if somebody gave a war and nobody came?" Allen Ginsberg

      "Opinions are like arses, everyone has one." Anon


      • #18
        Well said, Harrier.
        Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
        or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
        For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.


        • #19
          Kal-el, you do know how to tweak this game.

          Thank you for taking the time and effort to build DyP.

          Run-a-muk mate and have a great weekend.

          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • #20

            Hey Kal-El

            Let me start out by saying Firaxis should have hired you and made you in charge of game development. There would have been a lot more happy people when this game came out. You are a genius and I salute you.

            I have loved this mod ever since it came out. A while back I asked when the update was coming out for the standard civ III game and was told sometime around when conquest comes out.

            Do you have a time in mind for the latest patch????
            I know there was a lot of civlopedia stuff to update and a few tweaks you were going to perform.

            Lord Dread

            All hail the chief baby!


            • #21
              The next patch for Regular Civ3 will be the last so we want to make sure we get everything right. Isak is in charge of the release schedule and I know he has been working feverishly on finishing it up. He will be the best one to ask, and in case he isn't subscribed to this thread yet, you may want to poke your head in over at the DyP forums and add your voice to the scores of people bugging him to get that out.
              Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
              or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
              For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.


              • #22
                Don't worry, I'm subscribed now

                The regular Civ3 version is probably the one needing the least work at this point, but it's also the lowest priority at the moment, I'm afraid.

                But don't worry, it should be out soon - if you want to help/speed up the process, join our testers, download the beta version and help us test that. There are too few testers using regular Civ3 at the moment
                Double Your Pleasure mod | DYP Forums | DYP Mod thread


                • #23
                  kal-el, isak, etc.

                  how did you go about adding new units to your mod and which units did you go with?

                  Some of the Particular units I need for my mod are the following:

                  sloop -> middle age attack ship before frigates
                  Special Forces -> something like the rangers, delta force, spetnaz etc.
                  Jet Bomber -> B-52, B-1b


                  • #24
                    beta tester

                    Isak, Kal-El

                    Do you have a link to the beta version? I have been to the website and cannot find it.



                    • #25
                      You have to apply to be a beta tester. There's a thread in the feedback and suggestions forum where you can apply.

                      However the last PTW version will be released quite soon. (The team's next project will be C3C only) So there isn't too much point in it.
                      "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                      Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Jaguar Warrior
                        However the last PTW version will be released quite soon. (The team's next project will be C3C only) So there isn't too much point in it.
                        Unless you're going to buy C3C
                        Double Your Pleasure mod | DYP Forums | DYP Mod thread


                        • #27
                          Version 2.01x is out

                          We have a new version out for Play The World.

                          It's 2.01x and it's available so far from our DYP Website .

                          The list of changes from 1.50x is long and the list of changes from the version on the Best of the Net cd is not much shorter.

                          Fixed: Clear Forest now requires Dynasticism
                          Fixed: Crash when building Arquebusier
                          Edit: Gunship now has new animations by BeBro
                          Edit: Balloon had it's bombard ability removed. This most likely means that the AI won't build it at all, but the alternative was to remove the unit completely.
                          Edit: Harbors are now available with Boat Building
                          Edit: Elephant Riders upgrade to Cuirassiers instead of Knights
                          Fixed: Armies are no longer Wheeled
                          Edit/Fixed: Experience Point levels set to 3/4/5/7 (which also fixed the two levels that had been set to the same value)
                          Fixed: Changed Shield cost of Inti Warrior from 1 to 5 (same as Berserk and MDI)
                          Edit: Changed Guerilla from 12(15)/12/2 ATAR to 9(12)/9/2 Ignore MoveCost of everything
                          Edit: Changed Shield cost of Mameluk from 7 (Knight) to 9
                          Edit: Kensai upgrades now to Dragoon
                          Edit: Changed Emissaries to –1HP, removed Invisible, removed Pillage
                          Edit: Changed Assassins and Ninja to –1HP, removed Pillage
                          Edit: Changed Spy to –1HP, removed pillage
                          Edit: Changed Secret Service to 0HP Bonus, removed Pillage
                          Edit: Changed Secret Agent to +1HP, removed Pillage
                          Edit: Changed Special Agent to +2HP, removed Pillage
                          Edit: Changed Balloon to Mobile, removed Defense value, removed Rebase
                          Edit: Hit Points decreased by one for Spearmen (and all flavor units), Javelineers, Hoplites, Immortals and Numidian Spearman
                          Edit: Patriots no longer require Saltpeter
                          Edit: Cossacks no longer require Horses
                          Edit: Partisans now treat all terrain as grassland
                          Edit: Bombard now requires Saltpeter instead of Iron
                          Edit: Cannons now require Saltpeter and cost 120 shields.
                          Edit: Bombard Effects for Galleas, Turtle Ship and Tongkang added.
                          Edit: Armies now carry 3 units again.
                          Edit: Ghurka is now ADM 2/4/2 (was. 3/3/2)
                          Edit: Cossacks are now 6/3/2 and require Horses.
                          Edit: Impi are now 4/1/2 and cost 50 shields.
                          Edit: Persia set to build Trade more often, and less Science
                          Edit: China set to build Science more often, and less Trade
                          Edit: Horse Archers and contemporary flavor units/UU's now upgrade to Dragoons.
                          Edit: Zulus can no longer build Medieval Infantry.
                          Edit: Cavaliers now upgrade to Cuirassier, Kensai upgrade to Cavalry.
                          Edit: Ottoman Sipahi available with Cavalry Tactics.
                          Edit: Sipahi and Dragoons now require Saltpeter in addition to Horses.
                          Edit: Cossacks are now 5/2/3, +1 hp and require no upkeep.
                          Edit: Armies now cost 500 shields. (again)
                          Edit: Artillery set to have bombard range 2 (again)
                          Edit: Motorcycle Scout cost upped to 100 shields.
                          Edit: Emissary, Assassin, Ninja, Spy, Secret Service, Secret Agent, Special Agent and Covert Operative cost increased 25%.


                          Edit: Statue of Liberty now requires 3xHarbors, and Federal Republic Govt. Reduces War Weariness in all cities.
                          Edit: National Health Care now requires 3xHospitals, and Social Democracy Govt. Cost Increased.
                          Edit: Dynasticism renamed Monarchy. Original Monarchy renamed Feudal Monarchy.
                          Edit: New timeline created - included as separate 'Extended' bix.
                          Edit: Egalitarianism advance is now called Democracy
                          Edit: Divine Right advance is now called Absolutism
                          Edit: The Corporation now also requires Electricity
                          Edit: Theocracy government now requires Theology
                          Edit: Coal Plant now requires Industrialization
                          Edit: Factory now requires Steam Power
                          Edit: Port now requires Sailing and a Coastal Trade Center, and (only) allows size 2 cities.
                          Edit: Anarchy now has a Science rate cap of 100%
                          Edit: China are now Sci/Ind (was: Mil/Ind) and start with Alphabet instead of Warrior Code
                          Edit: Persia are now Mil/Ind (was: Sci/Ind) and start with Warrior Code instead of Alphabet
                          Edit: Almost all tech costs adjusted, in particular Industrial Age techs have become cheaper
                          Edit: Middle Eastern Inf. renamed Janissary
                          Edit: Eastern Pikeman and Spearman renamed Arabian Pikeman and Spearman
                          Edit: SpecOps renamed Special Forces
                          Edit: Mobile Infantry renamed Shadow Force
                          Edit: APC renamed Motorized Infantry (as it's no longer able to carry personnel)
                          Edit: Truck unit has been removed.
                          Edit: Naval Mine unit has been removed.
                          Edit: Asian Galleon renamed Baode Luan.
                          Edit: Siamese Infantry renamed Chinese Infantry.
                          Edit: Armies can only hold 2 units initially.
                          Edit: Laborers now available with Absolutism
                          Edit: Impi now available with Vassalage
                          Edit: Inti Warrior now available with Vassalage, no longer ignores move cost of mountains
                          Edit: Chariot and War Chariot now available with The Wheel
                          Edit: Catapult now available with Construction
                          Edit: Radar Artillery now available with Guided Weapons
                          Edit: Ninja now available with Feudalism
                          Edit: Spy now available with Absolutism
                          Edit: Secret Agent now available with Totalitarianism
                          Edit: Sloop-O-War now available with Ship Building
                          Edit: Privateer now available with Naval Cannon
                          Edit: Tongkang now available with Ship Building
                          Edit: Rocket Tongkang now available with Naval Tactics
                          Edit: Destroyer now available with Machine Tools
                          Edit: Cruiser now available with Naval Aviation
                          Edit: Battleship now available with Advanced Metallurgy
                          Edit: Cruise Missile now available with The Laser
                          Edit: Jaguar Warrior now ignores move cost of Forests and Jungles
                          Edit: Legionaries can now build Roads and Forts
                          Edit: Elephant Riders can now build Roads and Clear Forests and Jungles
                          Edit: East India Co., Magellan's Voyage and Statue of Liberty now require Coastal Trade Center

                          Added: Govt. specific Improvements (Arena, Customs House, Holy Relic, Manor, Philosopher's School)
                          Added: Govt. specific GW's (Magna Carta, Ministry of Truth, New Deal, Triumph of the People)
                          Added: Govt. specific SW's (Conglomerate, Five Year Plan, Secret Police HQ, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier)
                          Added: Coastal Trade Center improvement (Map Making, provides +50% tax, requires Harbor)
                          Added: Motorcycle Scout unit
                          Added: Emissary Units
                          Added: Assassin unit
                          Added: Secret Service, Special Agent and Covert Operative units
                          Added: Arabian Archer flavor unit.
                          Added: Colonial Marines unit
                          Added: Leatherneck unit
                          Added: Amphibious Infantry unit
                          Added: RPIMa (French Special Forces flavor unit)
                          Added: Commando Unit
                          Added: Patriot
                          Added: Assault Transport
                          Added: Missile Destroyer
                          Added: Fokker Triplane (German Biplane flavor unit)
                          Added: ME-1101, F86 Saber and MiG 15 (Jet Fighter flavor units)
                          Added: Arabian Swordsman (Flavor unit)
                          Added: KSK (German Special Forces flavor unit)
                          Added: SAS (British Special Forces flavor unit)
                          Added: Junk (Asian Caravel flavor unit)
                          Added: AV7 (German Tank flavor unit)
                          Added: MKIV (British Tank flavor unit)
                          Added: Arabian Knight
                          Added: Landing Craft
                          Added: Turtle Ship
                          Added: Interceptor
                          Added: Harrier
                          Added: MiG-29
                          Added: African Horseman
                          Added: African Marine
                          Added: African Rifleman
                          Added: Guerrilla
                          Added: Super Carrier
                          Added: Fallschirmjäger (German Paratrooper flavor unit)
                          Added: Dreadnaught

                          Fixed: The different Palace Gardens now have their own Wondersplashes (though Palace Garden and Forbidden Garden still share the splash)
                          Double Your Pleasure mod | DYP Forums | DYP Mod thread


                          • #28
                            dyp 2.01

                            need some help, i have the original dyp on my ptw civ iii, love it, downloaded the 2.01 version, do i also need to download and install the 1.50 version?

                            i am also having a problem with my menus and text being out of whack, can someone help me out, i downloaded the 2.01 version on the link i found on this page.

                            i would appreciate any help


                            • #29
                              Hi Jmbright,

                              You don't need 1.50x, all you need should be included in the 2.01x file, if you downloaded the 'big' file (i.e the one that is 85mb, rather than the small patch).

                              As for the menus, it's because you need to update PtW to the latest version (1.27f). You can get that patch from if you have the us version of the game. Otherwise you have to find it at your local Atari website (check and locate your region there)

                              Let me know if you experience any problems
                              Double Your Pleasure mod | DYP Forums | DYP Mod thread


                              • #30
                                problem with dyp 2.01

                                i downloaded it yesturday and am using play the world version 1.27, but for some reason other civilizations can take my workers and attack me without war being declared, i also can not see there units when they do this anyone have this problem or an idea about it


