Originally posted by Spiffor
Thanks for the correction, Panag. I didn't know that
And as per the other Civilization profiles: Am I the only one who thinks the Portuguese and the Inca will rule ?
- Thanks to their UU and their traits, the Portuguese will be the gods of seaborne exploration. Better yet, they'll have the functional equivalent of a frigate tens of turns before magnetism gets invented (and cheaper too!). On Continent maps or Archipelagos, the Portuguese will absolutely rule
- The incas can build their UU right from the beginning, and it is the fastest unit until the explorer arrives (2 moves, ignores move costs of mountains and hills). Better yet, the Incas have a uber-pillager right at the beginning of the game, as it can defend itself. But what strikes me as especially stong with the Incas is the agricultural expansionist combo: not only they'll discover the world very quickly, they'll also be able to settle on it more quickly than the others. This means the Incas will have very soon a functioning and populated empire, whose cities will be well located
Talk about a heads up right from the beginning !
Thanks for the correction, Panag. I didn't know that

And as per the other Civilization profiles: Am I the only one who thinks the Portuguese and the Inca will rule ?
- Thanks to their UU and their traits, the Portuguese will be the gods of seaborne exploration. Better yet, they'll have the functional equivalent of a frigate tens of turns before magnetism gets invented (and cheaper too!). On Continent maps or Archipelagos, the Portuguese will absolutely rule

- The incas can build their UU right from the beginning, and it is the fastest unit until the explorer arrives (2 moves, ignores move costs of mountains and hills). Better yet, the Incas have a uber-pillager right at the beginning of the game, as it can defend itself. But what strikes me as especially stong with the Incas is the agricultural expansionist combo: not only they'll discover the world very quickly, they'll also be able to settle on it more quickly than the others. This means the Incas will have very soon a functioning and populated empire, whose cities will be well located

it seems to easy , .....
maybe the Inca are programmed not to give the maps out so easy , ....

btw , the japanese attitude towards foreigners lead to the US sending some warships over , and a deal was struck opening the country for trade , ....
have a nice day
