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New "Ancient Empires" PBEM created

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  • Important declaration

    Concerning war units travelling through our lands
    After the coronation of the new King Slow Ist our kingdom switched to be fully peaceful. We keep only weak military forces and our defense is based on the fact that our cities can't be conquered without being destroyed - so that the attacker gets no benefit from his aggression.
    Anyway our soldiers know about weaknesses of our army and may be nervy and attack without warning if foreigner units will be spotted near of our cities.
    We think other Kingdoms will not need to travel through our lands, but if such a need happens you are asked to consult us first!
    Our Kingdom is situated on the lower reaches of Eufrat and Tigris and eastwards from their confluence.

    Concerning caravans to be delivered to our cities
    Caravans you deliver to any of our cities will block one of our supplied commodities (because of the opposite trade route that is established automately). Please consult any intended delivery far in advance. We may forbid it or ask you for a duty.
    (We don't plan to send any caravan in next two centuries, but later we will be prepared to offer a duty to civs that will receive our caravans too)
    Another note: our cities will stay very small (size 1-2) these centuries - not very good for trade.
    Last edited by SlowThinker; November 2, 2003, 11:24.
    Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


    • Originally posted by Kull
      Merneptah's Visionaries have mastered the craft of "Map Making", a wondrous skill in which a likeness of vast empires may be inscribed upon a single sheet of papyrus!
      Our scientists say it is totally impossible to produce so large papyrus.
      We wonder that you other Kings are so foolish to accept such fictions!
      Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


      • Re: Important declaration

        Assyria will honour Babylonia's conceirns.

        Babylonia will be consulted before Assyrian units will enter Babylonian territory.
        "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
        "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


        • We still await the arrival of emissaries from Hattusas, but those from Assyria are already carrying Pharoah's Gift back to Nineveh.
          Last edited by Kull; November 2, 2003, 16:13.
          To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

          From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


          • Assyria thanks the Egyptian Pharaoh.

            The second day of the 11th month shall forever be the day of Assyrian-Egyptian frendship and cooperation.
            This will be the first non-religious National Holiday in Assyrian History
            "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
            "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


            • News has filtered up to Hattusas from the Aegyptos. Since it was but an hour past that the Egyptian turn was posted I shall PM Pharaoh to see if he might recall his ministers from their resting and meet with an emissary of the Hatte.
              (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
              (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
              (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


              • Attached is the Save Game in which both the Hittites and Assyrians have been gifted with "Map Making" - please do not use the earlier saved game.
                Attached Files
                To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                • I was the second person to download the first save. We simply had to see the marvels of MapMaking ourselves

                  Assyria will pass on the skill of Mapmaking in our next turn.
                  "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                  "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


                  • Persian scouts were happy to receive Assyrian brothers in the mountains near Godin and be hosts this time. The coordinates of this meeting were (130,16/132,16), and the landscape was similarily beautiful to the one where Persians and Assyrians had met not long ago; The forests nearby are a host for wildlife, the hillsides are dotted with grapes and the mountainside is shimmering with iron. We are happy to receive them as our guests, but ask them to be careful when enterring the radius of Godin, a very young Persian colony at the banks of the Kura river in the east. To the sooutheast is the Persian heartland. You are welcome here as well, but be careful where you tread, so you don't disturb our farmers.
                    The Persian horsemen have moved towards the north to explore the fabled shoreline beyond the mountains.
                    Attached Files
                    Follow the masses!
                    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                    • How did you gift the tech? Contact the stand-in AI diplomats and offer a gift?
                      (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                      (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                      (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                      • Originally posted by Straybow
                        How did you gift the tech? Contact the stand-in AI diplomats and offer a gift?
                        To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                        From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                        • No big news in greece...

                          Attached Files


                          • No big news from Minos either
                            Attached Files
                            Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                            • Originally posted by La Fayette
                              No big news from Minos either
                              OK, I'll did Minos get the updated game file when kengel's file has been downloaded "0 times"?
                              To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                              From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                              • The (new) Greek leader sent the game to me and posted it at the same time (that is the way we do it in the other PBEM we are playing together: the so-called '7 players').
                                Is that against the rule here ?
                                (personally I am so lazy that I post one save and hope that's enough, but I will obey the rule, if we are supposed to act otherwise)
                                Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental

