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Great Library Discussion

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  • Great Library Discussion

    Welcome to the Great Library Discussion.

    (note: since it was the first post, I can't delete it without deleting the whole thread)
    Last edited by Ming; June 25, 2001, 08:16.

  • #2
    Welcome to the Great Library!

    The Great Library is an index linking Apolytoners to the collective knowledge found on these forums. There are different types of information to be found - discussions, condensed threads, documents, strategies. It is a work in progress. As such, there is much to do. You can help!

    Info: threads contain all the tested knowledge about a particular topic. The archives have been scoured, and all relevent info condensed into one complete thread.

    There has been interest shown in expanding the number of Info: threads, as they are a one-stop authority on the topic at hand. If you would like to contribute to the Great Library, see
    The Great Library: a hierarchical structure
    for topics. Use this as a starting point of what material to seek to add to your Info: thread. Use this GL Discussion thread to post:
    • What you are working on for submission to the GL Index
    • Requests for testing for your Info: thread
    • Other relevent comments or helpful insights

    This way, we won't have two people compiling the same info. This type of thread demands some time and attention once it is "completed", as new information surfaces and will need to be updated. For current examples of this type of thread, see

    Info: Diplomats and Spies, or
    info: Combat (GL)

    Current work:
    • I call for someone to make an Info: thread about the engineers/settlers, as the Multiple Engineers Working as a Team or The Lone Engineer at Work threads and others contain valuable info.
    • I call for someone to make an Info: thread about trade, as well. This is another valuable topic that would be wonderful to have condensed.
    Last edited by Marquis de Sodaq; June 4, 2001, 13:40.
    The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

    The gift of speech is given to many,
    intelligence to few.


    • #3
      The deed is done.
      The OLD Great Library thread has been archived and can be found at:

      I've left a copy of it in this forum so people know what is happening, but it is now closed to new posts, and will drop like a rock

      The index thread is now locked on top, and the discussion thread is locked in place right below it. I hope this arrangement will work for everybody.
      Let's stay in touch so I can help you update the index as needed.

      Again, A BIG THANK YOU to ALL the people that have contributed in any way to this important project. The Civ Community is better off because of it!

      Keep on Civin'

      ACS Civ II & OT Forum Moderator
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        There is too much of empty lines in your "Great Library Index" IMHO

        Since we know thread by their name, I would keep both
        - original name of the thread
        - short description (Next available technology)
        (using two columns in a html table)

        I would start the first post with internal links to NEW TO THIS SITE?, NEW TO CIV2?... (see a start of my or Marquis' condensed thread)


        Originally posted by Scouse Gits
        Many interesting threads have probably not been included, so please tell us about them.

        You should start a new thread for that purpose and include a link.


        Originally posted by Marquis de Sodaq
        Finally, I think the compiled "info" type threads (diplo/spy variety) should have precedence over other threads with the same topics.

        SG, you could just accentuate these threads (using bold or another color) and to say what this accentuation means.

        [This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited April 19, 2001).]
        [This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited April 23, 2001).]
        Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


        • #5
          could you add the link to archived "Apolyton's Great Library" thread in your first post here?

          many links refer to "Apolyton's Great Library" thread now. Could you add one post that will explain that the debate continue here and add a link?


          Originally posted by Marquis de Sodaq
          I will create a document for all city improvements and wonders.

          Did you read my comment on the beginning of page 5 of "Apolyton's Great Library" thread?

          I call for someone to make an Info: thread about trade, as well.

          I think La Fayette is specialized to trade, but he is at holiday...

          Marquis de Sodaq, SG(2),
          I have a suggestion: I would split Marquis' post "Welcome to the Great Library!" into two parts:

          1st part would contain sentences that describes what is a "info" thread. SG would add it as one paragraph (besides NEW TO THIS SITE?, NEW TO CIV2?... ) to the first post of "Great Library Index".
          (Marquis, could you add a link to "The Great Library: a hierarchical structure" thread in part 1? )

          2nd part (related to the purpose of this thread) would be added to SG's first post here.

          I have upgraded "The Great Library: a hierarchical structure". Marquis, could you improve the english? But you have to be successful with a transfer of html.

          [This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited April 19, 2001).]
          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


          • #6
            Great Library Discussion

            Please post any comments you may have on the revised Great Library Index which will shortly appear as a new thread.

            Ming will lock the Index thread - so PLEASE MAKE YOU COMMENTS HERE


            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


            • #7

              many links refer to "Apolyton's Great Library" thread now. Could you add one post that will explain that the debate continue here and add a link?

              I have edited my message to do just that. And that is another reason why I left a closed copy of the thread in this forum... this way, any links will still work
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #8
                SG2, when you swipe the needed text from my post 3 for your first posts (in this thread and the GL), I'll remove it from mine.
                [This message has been edited by Marquis de Sodaq (edited April 22, 2001).]
                The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

                The gift of speech is given to many,
                intelligence to few.


                • #9
                  Great work everybody, I'm stunned!



                  • #10
                    I am working on some research to replace a list of data and another list of data in the GL. I find that those lists are far from complete and so far seem to be the maximum beakers required for each tech. I have been posting some of my unexpected findings to This Thread I expect to be done the beaker count tables for small medium and large (both min and max) within four or five days.
                    "I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with"


                    • #11
                      A lot of work on show here, and very polished. We all benefit.

                      Congratulations and thanks to those who have done the work.

                      SGs - the Library was your baby at the outset and you have been at the forefront throughout the process that has made it serviceable. Your offspring does you proud.

                      I started a thread to-day about the (possible) sneak attack bonus. If confirmed it would (I think) merit a line in the combat paper. I could undertake a more extensive test but lack the arithmetical skills to arrive at a value for the bonus (assuming it is confirmed). So if any with more skill wish to open their lab on that one please say.

                      Must say, this forum really rocks just now. A great place to visit!!!


                      • #12
                        EST I am pretty good at math. After I am done my pet project I will help you on yours msg me if you want any help.
                        "I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with"


                        • #13
                          Anybody who uses html tables and has problems with empty rows (Mixam...), see a bold text here.
                          [This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited April 20, 2001).]
                          [This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited April 23, 2001).]
                          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                          • #14
                            Ok ST I don't get it I tried and found no info on how to get rid of blank space.
                            "I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with"


                            • #15
                              you have to substitute every EOL in the html source by a space.

                              I use MSWord and Ctrl-H.
                              [This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited April 20, 2001).]
                              Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment

