The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Originally posted by SilverDragon on 05-11-2001 01:22 AM
As nuetruals, the best thing is to sell enough to build airports in both Tehran and Stockholm, and then you can send routes from tehran to england and get 1000 gold a route.
This seems to be what DrFell managed to achieve.
I did not.
AFAIK no one has managed to win that ww2 scenario as neutral leader yet.
My starting idea was about the same as SilverDragon's and DrFell's (airlift between Tehran and Stockholm, then forwarding freights, preferably to England (for island bonus)).
It failed (several tries; not even ONE freight delivered in England).
So I decided to choose the long way: building a fresh new civ around Tehran, far from the harsh guns of the Axis. I lost Belgrade in 1942, as expected, but managed to keep Stockholm with help of a SAM which proved to be very wary and efficient (the Allies had given me rocketry just in time).
The Russians did not like my idea and I built my small civ under permanent threat of their guns and spies. Hence it took me 23 years to build a tiny '6 cities civ' able to strike its weakest neighbor (namely the French in Damascus).
It is june 1963 and my first 4 howies should take Damascus very very soon.
From previous experience with the Spaniards and the French, I suppose that the worst is now behind me. Inch Allah!
aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental
Stockholm is relatively safe from the axis; they have few forces up there. Thus keep all your freight up in Stockholm. IMO Tehran is in more danger, if you end up at war with either Russians or Allies it'll be hell to defend. After Belgrade is taken your likely to get a ceasefire offer from the Axis, obviously you gotta take it at all costs, including tribute payment. Then send over the freight. After that it gets much easier. Currently I now have UK secure, and I am preparing for the attack on the Axis. It's 1955 and the main problem is actually building enough units, corruption in England is a major problem too. The Allies are destroyed, the USA and Middle East has fallen into the hands of the evil Japanese empire (not the Zulus as it turns out) so hopefully if I take Berlin the Axis will split in two. Now I just need enough vet howies for a successful attack, luckily Axis are preoccupied with Russia at the moment (and they're winning). I'm definitely not going to do this in record time, but its a bit of fun
Edit: Actually the best way to get cease fire with the Axis is to beg for tech off the Allies, contact the Axis and hope they haven't got the tech you just got. This can buy you cease fire for a while, if your lucky.
[This message has been edited by DrFell (edited May 14, 2001).]
Its Dec 1959 and its just the Russians and me left (they have over 15000g) I have about 3000g and was able to switch to fundamentalism (2.42 ). I'm just sneak attacking the Russians (pretty much the same front for them as at the start although they've laid down a couple more cities and some were destroyed by the Axis). Over 100 units are flooding over the border and I've taken about 7 cities so far this turn and will probably get about 2-3 more (they have 48 cities I have 73). I expect them to be able to bribe a couple back so I'm going to try and block the routes to them using mech inf/ bomber stacks.
After the axis took Amsterdam on turn 1 they offered a cease-fire and then peace. I was able to ally with all the other civs then. The Axis sneak attacked to take Belgrade a few turns later. The entire world declared war on the Axis and the gifts started to roll in. This was the end of the German challenge for me as they threw units at the Russians and left Stockholm alone. Allies giving a tech every 2 turns and a few hundred gold from all the others (Turks were a bit poorer). Started getting over 400g every other turn from the French . After Howies Scandinavia was mine (c1948/9). Allies sneak attack almost crippled me but luckily they had just built a new city near Oslo for me to take (-> peace).
Took Great Britain and Baghdad and neighbouring cities by 1952. US by 1953.
After taking about 6 Axis cities the germans decided to start building Manhatten project (at a hell of a rate considering how few shields they were generating ). Used some sabotage and taking of cities to stop it being built . Bribed last Turkish city and took a couple of turns to finish the French and Spanish. With Fundamentalism, JSB, AS, MC, Hoover the money's flooding in and production is high.
Should be finished by 1962/3
"One day your life is going to flash before your eyes, make sure it is worth watching."
Finished all the objectives (barring 1 or 2 destroyed when the Axis and Russians were fighting) in Oct 1960 and took the last Russian city in Dec 1960. After Moscow fell the Russians became extremely keen to build the Manhatten Project. Captured a city with a nearly complete MP several times . They managed to throw away 1047 units (cf 123 for the neutrals). I had over 500 units at the end about half of which were Mech Inf defending the cities and about 100 howitzers and 75 tanks . Probably should have used them better and won earlier.
"One day your life is going to flash before your eyes, make sure it is worth watching."
Originally posted by EOL on 05-14-2001 03:34 PM
Taking up the Neutral's challenge.
After the axis took Amsterdam on turn 1 they offered a cease-fire and then peace. I was able to ally with all the other civs then. The Axis sneak attacked to take Belgrade a few turns later. The entire world declared war on the Axis and the gifts started to roll in. This was the end of the German challenge for me as they threw units at the Russians and left Stockholm alone.
It is clear that the Neutrals are so weak that lucky results in the field of diplomacy are key to a good start. Ally with all against the Axis is probably the best one can get , and you managed to get it. Congratulations!
Tiny Hall of Fame:
Neutral: EOL, oct 1960
French: La Fayette, april 1961
Spaniards: La Fayette, Aug 1961
Turks: ...?, ...?
(it seems that DrFell is bound to win with Neutrals in 1963, and I should manage it around 1975; 'it's a long way to Tiperary...'; therefore I suppose I stop where I am, nice place in front of Istambul,(my mother lived there when she was a young girl), and switch to the Turks).
Originally posted by La Fayette on 05-15-2001 08:36 AM
It is clear that the Neutrals are so weak that lucky results in the field of diplomacy are key to a good start. Ally with all against the Axis is probably the best one can get , and you managed to get it. Congratulations!
Certainly helped having nobody knocking at the gates from the start. MP never getting built probably sped things up a little as well. No need to rush-build SDI or recover from being nuked. Almost every AI city I took had an SDI though, so a nuclear war would have been a bit one-sided .
I only saw about 5-6 Russian Howies after the first turn of the invasion and didn't lose any units to them. I think this was mainly because most of their offensive units had been tramping around on my territory before I cancelled the alliance, so that they were all destroyed when I took every city along the front (except Murmansk) that turn. They had nothing left to counter-attack with .
"One day your life is going to flash before your eyes, make sure it is worth watching."
Originally posted by EOL on 05-15-2001 03:58 PM
. They had nothing left to counter-attack with .
... the russian bear stayed asleep...
Anyway, it seems that you are #1 (of all times and all levels?) to win ww2 as neutral leader and this deserves SPECIAL CONGRATULATIONS.
(Nobody has claimed to have won as French, hence that pleasure is mine, and it is a special pleasure for a frenchman to win ww2 as leader of the French
aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental
I think the Turks may be a big challenge. Stuck between the Axis and the Russians I can't see peace lasting for very long, perhaps a new mountain/hill city will be needed.
"One day your life is going to flash before your eyes, make sure it is worth watching."
Although I never finished a game, I have played as the Turks several times.
It's not too hard, really. If you can stay out of war with the russians for at least 10-20 turns, you can build rails to connect your civ and yourself to the axis, and then I send freights into the heart of Germany. With some trade flowing and cities growing, I build tanks and howies and attack the two French cities down there (can't remember the names, it's been some time). By now the Russians have usually declared war, but it's easiest to just let them waste units on Istanbul (coastal fortress) and whichever city is in the east closest to the Russians (walls + SAM). From here it's your choice. Taking the French And Spanish cities of Northern Africa gives you a nice launching pad for an invasion of Spain, and a MUCH larger empire. This has always been my way at it, but I'm sure there are some MUCH more effective ways of doing this.
I might try this again tonight After my homework, of course...
Originally posted by SandMonkey on 05-16-2001 07:21 PM
I might try this again tonight After my homework, of course...
You are welcome SM
(there is a name in front of the French, the Spaniards and the Neutrals in the tiny Hall of Fame, but none yet in front of the Turks, why not yours? ).
aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental
December 1956: Turkish troops led by President Mmluke have just taken Berlin. The proud Axis empire has become almost as weak as a chicken, but there was some hard fighting meanwhile.
The turkish army is in fact very small (never more than 12 howies up to now) but President Mmluke noticed that the Axis was mostly strong on defence (an average of 8 to 12 units/city) and decided to use wisely some very charming spies who had a look at nearby Axis cities before each attack and destroyed a number of bombers, helicopters and howies before completion.
The name of President Mmluke, considered almost unpronounceable in most foreign embassies in Ankara a few years ago, is now revered. And it seems that foreign embassies are soon going to prove superfluous, since the known world will be TURKISH .
aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental
Originally posted by SandMonkey on 05-16-2001 07:21 PM
I build tanks and howies and attack the two French cities down there (can't remember the names, it's been some time).
Originally posted by Cavalcadeus on 05-18-2001 05:49 PM
Beruit and Damascus
(in fact neither Beirut nor Damascus were French, but French troops were stationed there between ww1 and ww2 and many people speak french fluently in both cities, especially in Beirut).
Where is the guy who said that the AI is always dumb-this and that, and ever predictable?
Turkish troops had just taken Moscow and intended to roll over fat Russian cities when the Allies and what was left of the French and Axis armies all sneak attacked together. Hell in the north, hell in the east ,..., the number of Turkish howies was reduced from 35 to 8 in 2 years!
Fighting you said?
OK the world will be Turkish, but this will be a bit later than expected by President Mmluke in Berlin .
(latest news: Axis accomplish Manhattan project, nuclear war started by the Allies, London and three other proud Turkish cities already hit)
(this really seems to be a game for cyberamazon and smokey da nukes ).
aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental