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Arriba! (Spain wins ww2 scenario)

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  • I've made two unsuccessful attempts to "get the aim right".

    Your achievement is impressive, fall 1951 is far away.

    When I get "exchange tech" proposals from other civs and I agree, they get my tech but I don't get theirs... I tried to go commie several times this way, but never really got the tech... Is this a scenario thing? Only when I demanded tribute did I get communism on one occasion and took the chance to instantly revolt and change from monarchy.

    Do you play with version 2.42? I tried with MGE so the AIs are fairly aggressive. Allying is still a good thing, but only to prevent being attacked (I never got a tech from it). How did you get robotics, stealing?



    • BTW, is there a way to get rid of the AI's figthing between my turns? I've checked the box for AI movement, but I don't have the patience to wait and watch the AI every turn (even though it's useful).



      • yeah that does get quite annoying especially during the first two turns when everyone still has tons of units and is at war. I usually just do everything perfectly for 2 turns save and just restart from there if I must.

        fast piece slide also helps
        I'm 49% Apathetic, 23% Indifferent, 46% Redundant, 26% Repetative and 45% Mathetically Deficient.


        • Ave Caesar!

          Mea culpa, but I don't understand what you mean. How does saving and restarting change the AI's behaviour? Doesn't this just mean that you have to watch the fighting even more times?



          • the first 2 turns usually take the longest for the AI, so if you want to play the scenario again it saves you a few mins of watching the AI fight
            I'm 49% Apathetic, 23% Indifferent, 46% Redundant, 26% Repetative and 45% Mathetically Deficient.


            • Carolus


              • Gave it another go last night, things went a little better. I haven't finished yet, but the record is most likely out of reach this time too. I'm no threat, but it's fun!

                So far, I have started every attempt by building one engineer in each of the initial cities (5?). I mine and connect the cities with railroad. After the engineers I go for barracks in each city. I disband the riflemen as needed to help the production of engineers and barracks.

                Once the barracks are in place I go for armor. If I get robotics in tribute, I switch to howies (but I still send some armor with the armada heading for Spain). As soon as the AIs go from hostile to uncooperative I start demanding tribute from every civ. Particularly the Allies give a lot of techs in tribute. I get communism sooner or later from the AI and immediately revolt.

                Most generous is mon pot Petain who delivers 300+ a couple of times before going all the way down to 50 gold. Whenever the French, the Axis, the Allies or the Russians drop to this level I cease demanding, not wanting to risk a premature war. Need those shipping lanes to Spain and as usual the AI has naval vessels in absurdum... The Neutrals and Franco are squeezed without mercy. Hitler is cheaper than Petain, about 100-150 per turn, I guess he maintains his bunker. The cash goes to incremental buying of armor/howies.

                When I have enough armor/howies (15) I set sail with an engineer for Spain. The beach head I've chosen every time thus far is two squares south of Barcelona (from memory). Last night I conquered the Spanish mainland in the end of 1945, Tangiers was spared. The nice thing with the Spanish cities is that they can be left undefended if needed.

                I went with three transports to Britain. The beach head is always a square on the west coast so that only one square separates me from 3 British cities (London, Southampton and Newcastle?). All three cities were conquered in one turn, but here's where I made some mistakes.

                First, one transport was only half-full (I was impatient). Second, I attacked London first. The city had lots of mechanised infantry, meaning that each, "full movement" howie could only attack once. Next time, I'll attack Southampton and Newcastle first, where the howies still had one movement point left after taking out alpine troops and riflemen. Then they can be used to take out a London defender... Then maybe I can get Edinburgh the same turn?

                Before entering empty cities I placed units to prevent too many partisans from popping up. Here is where more units in the half-full third transport would have been useful. Armor is especially helpful with its 3 movement points. Decent defense as well if I have a stack of howies in need of protection. Maybe two engineers should be in there for instant fortresses? Probably not, howies and more howies...

                Meanwhile, I used four engineers (guided by a diplo to ignore zones of control) to railroad to the Russians.

                This is where I stand in the end of 1949 (or 1948?). 1951 seems out of reach, but maybe next time...

                Last edited by Carolus Rex; April 8, 2003, 09:12.


                • New record with the Allies

                  April 1944: Krasnovodsk falls.
                  Ike, glorious leader of the Allies, rules.
                  Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                  • New tiny Hall of Fame

                    (ww2 scenario, deity level, no caravan rehoming)

                    1) Smaller civs:
                    French: dec 1951 (La Fayette)
                    Neutrals: jun 1956 (cliff)
                    Spaniards: aug 1951 (La Fayette)
                    Turks: dec 1951 (cliff)

                    2) Bigger civs:
                    Allies: apr 1944 (La Fayette)
                    Axis: aug 1943 (Caesar the Great)
                    Russians: jun 1944 (La Fayette)
                    Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                    • New record with the Axis

                      June 1943: New York falls suddenly.
                      All objectives deep blue.

                      (here is a save in april 1943, for those interested)
                      Attached Files
                      Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                      • I'm reading through the forum about people beating the game with the neutrals, and crap, I don't know how that is possible. I just gave it a go and i got my arse handed to me. Someone mentioned the AI in MGE is more aggresive than in the version you were playing? Has anyone done it in MGE?

                        I couldn't stay at peace with anyone. The allies canceled our alliance as soon as I had a ceasefire with the Axis. The Axis never agreed to another ceasefire after they took Bucharest.

                        My ships (gallons only...) all got sunk before I could make any shipments to Britain. Axis bombers hammered Stokholm, I quit before they killed my last defense and destroyed the city.

                        The French offered me an alliance to go to war with the Russians, I figured it would be nice to have an ally so I went for it. Next turn the French canceled the alliance because I didn't give them 1000 gold. Of course the Russians didn't cancel the war and Tehran started being bombed.

                        I don't see how people won with just the neutrals.
                        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                        • The last 2 games I played (Allies and Axis) were played in UCC, which is equivalent to MGE AFAIK.
                          But the problem with MGE (or UCC) is that the AI isn't friendly at all. It is OK if you play one of the bigger civs, because you are strong enough to fight, but playing one of the smaller civs requires not to get hammered in the early game.
                          I dont think anyone has won this scenario with one of the smaller civs, playing MGE, yet. This might be a new challenge.
                          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                          • Well tonight I and some others will tackle the big three on MGE together. Setting up the game here:

                            Shouldn't be revolutionary since we'll have the Spainish, French, Turks and Neutrals all under human control and working together. It'll be fun though.

                            As for a MGE challenge, I'd like to see it.
                            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                            • Which civs do you define as small?



                              • French,Neutrals, Turks and Spaniards (as opposed to Allies, Axis and Russians).
                                Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental

