Does anyone know where I can get a map editor for Civ2 ToT? (I am looking for a shareware/freeware as to not infringe on copyrights)
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Map Editing
I had the same problem, and thanks to Mercator, now I got ToT with map editor. Email me on and I'll share knowledgeBig Kay-Ooh
Wait a second!!!
I've made an improved version.
The previous version required you to create a new directory and copy several files...
Now you only need to put three files into your ToT directory. All in all, it's only 743 kB.
Post your e-mail address and I'll mail it.
It's on its way...
Yep... Open the Rules.txt and change the transformation base time (@COSMIC) to 0. Also change the result of transformation of the terrain to the result you want.
Load the game, place a couple of engineers in the city and set them to transform. I think after 2 or 3 engineers, the terrain will be transformed (in the same turn).
Thanks Mercator!
Now I know that it must work. I tried it but I didn't add enough engineers, I think.
I liked very much you program what converted maps to bmp and back. Also program for editing cities and CivTweak.
Have you thought about making a program which helps hacking into sav and scn files.
War4ever: Nope... I haven´t got Civ3, and I´m not planning to get it anytime soon. There will be a new utility out soon though, MapUtility v3 (by Allyn Flinchbaugh), which will be able to convert maps from civ2 to civ3.
Marko: No problem...
By the way, I didn´t create those CivCity and CivTweak utilities, if that was what you were thinking...
And yes, I have thought about a program to hack sav and scn files... But it hasn´t gone much beyond that, and I´m not thinking about it anymore
Miner is working on something like that though (I think):