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Age Of War PBEM Game

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  • Age Of War PBEM Game

    For this scenario we will play on prince difficulty. the civs are listed below in order of play. Just put your email after the Civ you want to play and we will get going. I would like however that France, Germany and Russia is filled up before anything else then Italy then Turkey then spain last of all if anyone wants to play as turkey or spain. Because Russia etc are the main civs.


    Oh yeah the Scen is Age of war by exile hehe
    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"

  • #2
    I'd like to play as the French by where can I get the scn?


    • #3
      Im afraid youll have to ask Exile that one its still in playtesting but its so minor its almost the complete article
      Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

      "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


      • #4

        Well, I'm happy that someone wants to play Age of War as a MP game, after all the work on it so far, it seems that mp is almost certainly the best way to play it.

        But . . .

        It's hardly a finished product. It is still largely a work-in-progress. I conceptualized a couple of weeks ago and actually began work on it only last thursday. Every day I end up testing and changing things. For example, the version that I have now has a new wonder; the Maginot Line (Thanks to Henrik for that idea). And although this new wonder is placed, I have not even had a chance to test which tech it should be finally linked with. It is now tenatively linked to the Public Utilities tech, but in no way is that final. I am still working on both the People.gif and the leader dlls. Now, granted, both of these latter two things are cosmetic changes that will only make the game look good, but the reality is that the tech tree changes after every single time that I test-play it. I can say that the units will probably not change at this point, that the wonders will not change, and that the improvements will not change. But as for events, techs, links of wonders, improvements, and units to the prerequisite techs--all of these are still up in the air, and certainly require further testing to get right. I expect it will be another couple of weeks of intensive improvements before the realization hits me that no more are necessary--and we've got a finished scenario on our hands.

        Grothgar, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your readiness to launch into a mp game, nor express my heartfelt thanks that you have been willing to playtest this monster. My suggestion is that you go ahead and recruit your players and I'll send out the latest version to anyone interested. Then, when you've assembled all the necessary civs, I'll send out the very latest version to all involved. Hopefully by that time the scenario will be sufficiently advanced to the point that it will be both a good test of the thing and a lot of fun for all concerned.

        What I don't want to happen is for everyone to get into playing it, get 20 turns into the scenario, and then suddenly discover a glaring "bug" of some sort, thus wasting everyone's time and effort.

        I'll watch this thread to see what develops

        Lost in America.
        "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
        "or a very good liar." --Stefu
        "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


        • #5
          I'll take the Germans.


          We sure this is the order?

          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!

          -The Artist Within-


          • #6
            Edit: Ooops, France was allready taken

            In that case I want the Italians.

            My mail:
            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


            • #7
              Yes im sure its this order i played a hotseat by myself with 7 players and thats the order that came up

              Right so at the moment we have


              Now i would, before starting, like to have at least the russian being played by a human because that balances out the powers. The Turks and Spanish are a bit too backward to play but if anyone fancies a challenge then just put your email up.

              Of course history can change in this. England allied to Germany hmm lol. of course we are agreed that no negotiations should go on without prior notification by the two people it involves. Ie send them a private message on here and then play your turn and put your response on worshipful and then offer them an alliance etc

              But we can do this.
              Rule Brittania!!!!!

              P.S exile its my pleasure for this scenario. its amazing. i love the map!!!! (have i said that before )
              Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

              "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


              • #8
                You better not backstab me with Germany my friend instead we should crush them


                • #9
                  Sorry France, but I intend to make nice to Britain. After all, where not Britain's and Germany's kings brothers? Besides, being as I have no far off colonies to take care of or establish, I have no need for the navy which came between the two countries anyway. Rather, I propose an alliance with Britain to contain French aggression. France is Britains natural enemy, and I'm sure England would want her possesions back. Never mind they've been in French hands for who knows how many centuries.

                  "Headline: Germany's king abdicates the throne to a little known Welshman going by a Greek name who came from America."
                  Ioanes Schroeder (as his last name translates into German) hopes to keep the peace between the fueding factions of Europe.

                  Don't those look so cute?

                  Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                  -The Artist Within-


                  • #10
                    Daily Telegraph June 22 1900

                    SMITH ELECTED PRIME MINISTER!!!!!

                    Early this morning as the votes were totalled up it emerged that a Mr Gary Smith was to become the next Prime Minister. Gary Smith of the Liberal Democrats has been the main opposition to the Conservative Government under Anthony Balfour. Still it seems that he has taken an over whelming majority in this election. Out of 659 parlimentary seats Mr Smith and the liberal democrats managed to take 525 of these seats. 92 went to The Conservatives and the other42 seats went to the labour party.

                    Mr Smiths policy has been one of complete honesty from the outset and the people elected him because of his amazing flair for diplomacy. His foreign affairs minister, Henry Gladstone, and Mr Smith himself have been instrumental in the talks between the German Empire and the British Empire. Many matters of concern were sorted out and the people of britain hope that Mr Smith can keep the alliance with the French going as well knowing the animosity that the Germans and French Feel for each other.

                    In his acceptance speech Mr Smith quoted "I and my allies shall not allow tyrants to continue unchecked on ths continent. I feel it is my duty to see to it that Czar Nicholas II is tried for crimes against humanity! To this end i am in the process of forming an alliance with the German Empire under my very good friend Ioanes Schroeder. Let this day see an era of stability and peace settle across europe. I invite my esteemed colleagues from France and Germany to form the Alliance for Democracy. This Alliance will ensure that all of our children can grow up in peace. But be advised that any country that messes with belgium also messes with the British Empire. Apart from this i invite my estiemed collegues to sign this document that i have prepared for the formation of this Alliance for democracy!!!"

                    Mr Smith then stepped down to a thunderous applause. We believe that some of the points in this Alliance are:

                    1. Free trade throughout the three countries
                    2. A united navy made up of the three navys but with clsoer co-operation.
                    3. Free movement of troops through the respective countries to borders that are threatened.
                    4. Free sharing of technologies obtained during the course of this alliance.

                    I hearby sign the above document and promise to prosecute these tasks to the best of my ability.

                    Gary Smith, Prime Minister of The British Empire

                    "This will bring peace in our time" was Mr Smiths last words before he quit the chamber.
                    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                    • #11
                      See whats happening lol

                      See what your scenarios done exile!!! its so good that the political manuvering has begun even before the game has started i look forward to this and iwasnt joking about the above statement
                      Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                      "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                      • #12
                        Democratic Alliance

                        Looks like Mr Smith left Washington and went straight for London!

                        Ioanes Schroeder, in a still contraversial move, signes Mr Smith's Democratic Alliance, as it is now commonly known. However, untill France signs this treaty too, I can only be wary as to her intent.

                        Though remaining a monarchy at a national level for now, Germany's cities and provinces have been organized into republic states, each of which will be represented in the future by their own vote in the national parliment. In turn, the parliment will be headed by King Ioanes, untill which time, he will give power to an elected President, which Ioanes will hope to run and continue his administration.

                        Ioanes will conference soon with Britain to plan the attack on Czarist Russia, particularly concerning the details of the sea attack and coordination, and for that matter, the proper division of Russian protectorates.

                        Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                        -The Artist Within-


                        • #13
                          And i thought AoI was unrealistic

                          France's president Raymond Poincare sent this letter to the British ambassador:" Allied are we since long ago, ended your splendid isolation did we. Now you ally with the Hun menace, we must question your logic in that course of action."

                          To America:"Helped you gain your indepedence did we, where was germany then?"


                          • #14

                            I don't like this, what kind game are we going to have if the main actors suddenly ally whit eachother?

                            There wont be anything to do

                            This age was about the nations of Europe competing with eachother, real life Germany wouldn't agree to become the lap dog of the brittish empire (and I am a bit suprised that a human controlled germany would )
                            Last edited by Henrik; June 27, 2001, 04:27.
                            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                            • #15
                              Ahh my good friend the italian ambassador Henriko.
                              As you can see the good people of france are against this union with the german empire which could produce friction in the near future. And as for Germany and England allying they were allied against the french not 20 years ago in this time line in the Franco- Prussian war so there is no reason why it wouldnt happen again.

                              As JMarks said the english and german kings were half brothers so an alliance is not out of the question.

                              The PM Mr Smith welcomed the integration of the German Empire into the alliance for democracy. While realising that the Germans are not yet a democracy he welcomed the integration of free elections into the German Empire. He also sent a non to subtle warning to the french not to mess with the new alliance because, In Mr Smiths own words, "No nation in the entire world can compete with the Twin collosi of the British and German Empires."

                              This could be intresting
                              Right what im thinking is that we should wait a week for any last minute entries and then go ahead with the game. hopefull exile will also have one of his last updates ready for this PBEM game

                              So if you want to join ask exile for the scen and then put your email up.


                              Gary Smith, Prime Minister of England
                              Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                              "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"

