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Age Of War PBEM Game

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  • Russia is free here?
    Well, I played this scen quite a while ago but if you want, I could take them. Or did I misunderstand something?
    Ceterum censeo that trade units are included!!


    • Russia is currently free here (unless Darius took it, but he hasn't posted).....

      How about this everyone..... election day in Russia (who cares what day of the year it is in the game).... anyone who still wants to take Russia (Historical Atze, Darius?, etc?) write up a brief description of your political campaign to win the hearts of the voting population, or the staging of a coup or something.... and do it before Thanksgiving.....

      Thats my idea.... second? Or does someone just want to give Atze or Darius Russia straight off? (personally I want to see some more roleplaying here, I just want a taste first. )
      Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
      -The Artist Within-


      • St. Petersburg, Sept 15 1907
        Special Edition - Revolution breaks out, Tsar found dead

        In the early hours of this day a rebellion broke out in Romanov Factory, St. Petersburg, where thousands of laborers worked under the yoke of the tsarist regime. The rebellion quickly spread all over the industrial complexes in the southern area of the city and hundreds and thousands of suppressed labourers joined the rebellion. They marched up to the
        Winterpalais and rushed the few defending soldiers. Afterwards they searched the Tsar and hanged him in publicly at the gates of the palace.

        The leader of the Rebellion, a man called Wladimir Iljitsch Histonov , then gathered all the revolutionary masses at the old market place of St. Petersburg and gave a great speech promising peace, freedom and security to all Russians. During the speech the crowd yelled Atznin, Atznin , the Russian word for Hero ( doubt that this is right, but sounds funny ) and sang with pride as Atznin proclaimed the Russian Republic.

        St. Petersburg, Sept 30 1907
        Special Edition - Revolution all over Russia
        The revolutionary masses march and nothing can stop them. This day the last stronghold of protsarist Gulags fell to the onslaught of 4 revolutionary Platoons south of Kasan.
        Now finally Russia is free

        Yet, during the Revolution more leaders all with their different Programmes came to bits of power, if Atznin can succeed is still not sure.
        Let's wait what the future brings to our Mother Russia.
        Ceterum censeo that trade units are included!!


        • I played the turn but forgot to post, but it looks like Atze beat me to the punch. Good luck with this one.


          • Ah well, never mind. I thought it was free ... you can play if you want to. Hmmm, I'd like to play but if you do too, let's just leave the decision to the others ?
            Ceterum censeo that trade units are included!!


            • No, you posted first, just play.


              • Ok, err, the problem is: I haven't got the password ... Russia is passworded *G*

                PS: Thanx, your services will be remembered by the Russian Revolutionary Government.
                Ceterum censeo that trade units are included!!


                • Password: 'enterprise'


                  • 'Holy ****!!!' Those were the only words of Atznin on Sept 30th when he received the status reports of all major Russian cities. The Tsar has managed to drive the country to the edge of total ruin and it will take a very long time to improve the situation. Up to now Russia has a living standard as low as former French Colonies ( What's the thing with the Yugoslavs having a french flag? I could read 46 pages and interpret >50 saves, but I think my time is too precious, so can someone just gimme a short sumup of what happened? ).
                    Yet, things already have become better as Atznin issued his so called 3 turn plan to improve the infrastructur as well as the political cohesion of Mother Russia.

                    Quickly held so called Sowjets , Counsils of Laborers, Farmers and Citizens have been ordered by Atznin to suggest forms of future political life in Russia. Within 3 Months the Outcome shall be a functioning Russian state which Europe can be proud of.

                    Ingame: Really, can someone tell me what happened up to now? This would be really great!
                    Thx, Atznin (Leader of Russian Revolution [weird, isn't it ] )
                    Ceterum censeo that trade units are included!!


                    • Ah, well, stupid, I forgot the save
                      Attached Files
                      Ceterum censeo that trade units are included!!


                      • Finally, are there any house rules? Or something else I should know?
                        Ceterum censeo that trade units are included!!


                        • Don't build railroads, they're gone becouse we want it that way.
                          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                          • Ah, ****, ok, yesterday revisiting my turn, I found it strange that noone had them, ok. I will destroy the ones I already built not knowing this rule. Apologies! Is it ok to have RRs to improve hills and forests?

                            Still, I'm really interested in the course of the game so far, so if someone has the time ...
                            Thx in advance
                            Ceterum censeo that trade units are included!!


                            • You can only place Railroad on squares that also have industry on them, hence hills and thus you cannot place any on forests.
                              Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                              "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                              • Well, strange, but ok.
                                Ceterum censeo that trade units are included!!

