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American Civil War (McMonkey vs Techumseh)
February, 1864
Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of Virginia.
-William Techspeare, McMonkey III
A yankee infantry rgt is captured while trying to sneak across the Cumberland Mountains north of Chattanooga.Attached Files
Union February 1864
One CSA Militia killed NW of Knoxville as well as one CSA Volunteer unit and one State Militia SE of Charleston WV. Three Heavy Artillery and one Conscript unit are lost in this battle. Yet another east to west route for the Confederates is cut.Attached FilesLast edited by McMonkey; June 7, 2010, 18:33.
Three Battles in March
First; The Battle of Roanoke. A yankee force attempting to invade Virginia from the west was cut off and destroyed by a scratch force of infantry and cavalry led by Gen. JEB Stuart. One yankee artillery, 2 infantry and 3 militia units were killed with no southern losses. This eliminates the threat to Virginia from the west and cuts off another yankee force threatening Knoxville. (Yes we see you, yankees. We have cavalry.)
Second; The Battle of Opp, in southern Alabama. The Army of the Chattahoochie is overwhelmed in the woods near the town of Opp. Losses are heavy - three yankee infantry are killed, for the loss of three Confederate infantry and one militia unit. A handfull of northern survivors are trapped in the forest and will be rounded up next turn.
Third: The Battle of Arkansas Bend. Awakened during the night by the sound of steamboats passing, the crew of the ironclad William Clinton head upriver from Arkansas Point, searching for the vessels. In a series of brief encounters, the Clinton attacks a northern transport, the Lewinsky, who goes down with all hands. Seeking further conquests, the Clinton heads upriver again, only to encounter the Union ironclad Hillary. Unable to penetrate her armor, the exuberant Clinton is sunk by the steely determination of the Hillary's crew. While a partial success, this battle is a strategic defeat, since it leaves the yankees in control of the upper reaches of the Arkansas River. Some residents begin fleeing Little Rock, fearing a Republican takeover.
BTW, the Hillary is an ocean ironclad, not allowed on rivers.Attached Files
Every turn I look forward to your post, but I also dread reading what has gone on. It seems that every turn I make a series of blunders, though I'm sure a lot of these defeats are down to your skill as much as my incompetenceApologies for the illegal Ironclad. It will be disbanded (in a port) asap!
Union March 1864
Little Rock captured. One Volunteer, one Conscript and one Irregular unit destroyed. Three pesky Irregulars are left hiding out in the hills. Taking these into account and the CSN Ironclad leading upriver from Arkansas Post a big battle is expected for this remote objective.
This game has been fascinating to play so far. I have been learning a lot about my generalship. I can see where my weaknesses are and I guess I can turn these into strengths by acknowledging and eliminating them. Reading Sun Tzu is one thing. Applying his teachings is a discipline I am still learning!Attached Files
That was amazingly fast. Perhaps we can get a few turns in. This is the Victoria Day long weekend in Canada. Do you celebrate that in Britian, or are we the only subjects that still care?
Don't worry about the ironclad. The specs and cost are the same, except the ocean version is 2mp faster. When you get it repaired, just move it as if it were a riverine ironclad.
Speaking of generalship, how would you like to try a hand as the Rebels? We could both put our lessons learned to the test.
Spring has sprung!
Arkansas: the USS Hillary is sunk by the CSS Palin. Confederate irregulars and Civilized Indian forces occupy the terrain arround Little Rock.
Southern Alabama: the last US forces of the Army of the Chattahoochie have dissappeared. A futile search suggests that they have disbanded themselves. Fairwell Chattahoochie hootchie cootchie!
Eastern Tennessee: 4 militia, 1 infantry and 1 artillery are killed near the Cumberland pass to Charleston WV. 2 yankee infantry are routed NE of Knoxville.
Southern Missouri: The Civilized Indians have captured Springfield, Mo. 2 yankee militia are captured.Attached Files
Originally posted by techumseh View PostThat was amazingly fast. Perhaps we can get a few turns in. This is the Victoria Day long weekend in Canada. Do you celebrate that in Britian, or are we the only subjects that still care?
Don't worry about the ironclad. The specs and cost are the same, except the ocean version is 2mp faster. When you get it repaired, just move it as if it were a riverine ironclad.
Speaking of generalship, how would you like to try a hand as the Rebels? We could both put our lessons learned to the test.
To be honest I have never heard of Victoria Day, though I think we should celebrate it here too, especially if it means extra time off work.
Originally posted by McMonkey View PostI would love to play as the Rebels, although I think it will be a nerve-racking ride
To be honest I have never heard of Victoria Day, though I think we should celebrate it here too, especially if it means extra time off work.
Second is Canada Day, July 1. Because it's our national holiday, we can't move it to make a long weekend, but lots of people take the closest Friday off too.
August 1. Nothing really, just an excuse for a long weekend in August.
Labour Day, 1st weekend in September. The worker's holiday, in lieu of May Day. We already had a May long weekend. Labour Day is followed by the leaves dropping off the trees, then snow, more snow, still more snow, melting and then the May long weekend.
Originally posted by techumseh View PostGood. I'll start a fresh game and send you the file. Shall I make the final changes to the scenario first? I'll list my ideas on the original Civil War thread. Please let me know what you think.
I think you should apply the changes before starting, but I'm ready whenever you are
Labour Day is followed by the leaves dropping off the trees, then snow, more snow, still more snow, melting and then the May long weekend.
Maybe in western Canadabut here in the east, we slackers also have Thanksgiving, the second Monday in October, when the woods reach their peak autumn colors, signalling the end of summer and that it is time to party hearty before closing down the summer place/chalet/cottage for the winter.
Also, so as not to give the impression that Canadians settle down and industriously beaver away all winter, there are the obligatory Chrismas, Boxing day and New Year.
In mid-February, there is Flag Day (the Canadian response to Washington's birthday south of the border), followed by Easter, spring and, finally, Victoria Day when hordes of Torontonians head up here to open up their cottages. They do their bit to keep Parry Sound/ Muskoka/ Haliburton green by the liberal use of plastic in liquor, beer and food stores. In anticipation, clever shopkeepers have stocked their stores to the rafters with citified stuff not seen since the previous Thanksgiving.
This year, there is also a Potemkin village atmosphere in Muskoka. With the G-8 annual clambake about to take place ~40km from here, there has been a flurry of activity as roads are being repaved, city streets gussied up and locals advertise "interesting" accomodations for the media mob at more than 5-star hotel rates. The more cynical among us are eagerly awaiting the inevitable confrontation between sweet-smelling city slickers and the Muskoka Air Force - zillions of squadrons of black flies whose population peaks in June. The tiny buggers don't just suck blood like good little mosquitoes but prefer to draw blood by chewing a hole that can take weeks to heal and even require medical attention in those exposed for the first time.Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :
Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.
Sorry, where have you spent the last who knows how many winters? Florida? Canada abolished Christmas years ago, and you didn't even know it.
Union April 1864
More preparations, no doubt on either side.Attached Files
May 1864
One yankee infantry rgt. destroyed in the pass north of Knoxville.Attached Files