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A Very Civil War

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  • #16
    Originally posted by McMonkey View Post
    There shouldn't be a need for passwords, especially between friends. Even with passwords I think you could probably cheat by re-naming the file to .sav and taking a look if you were determined to cheat.

    I tend to agree with you Drew - I'm not sure I know how to enable save passwords anyway

    Do you have a link to your game at the German forum btw? I'd be interested to see how your game goes...


    • #17
      State militia answer the call! The Free States are Determined to Confound the Rebellion. Film at eleven.

      I've added a passord, and would appreciate it if you would as well. Just click 'game' and then 'set password'. I know there are ways around it, but it eliminates the possiblilty of accidentally seeing the other guy's junk when you load the file or if you automatically hit enter at the end of your turn - as I sometimes do.
      Attached Files
      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


      • #18
        Originally posted by fairline View Post
        Do you have a link to your game at the German forum btw? I'd be interested to see how your game goes...
        Here's the link Gareth: McMonkey vs Gelion at Civ Webring

        The restart has been delayed as Gelion has had some RL problems to sort out but we should be up and running this weekend. I can't wait. I'm glad Confederacy has been pushed back a little and it will now be worth building some of the State Militia's. The Louisiana Zouaves look great!

        Feel free to dl and look at my saves as we go along if it helps with the playtesting, just don't tip off Gelion about any of my masterstrokes . I will report any bugs I find and let you know of any additions I think would enhance the game.


        • #19
          Sir, I would apologise for my tardiness in resolving this conflict to it's inevitable outcome, but it is customary to imbibe beverages of a Friday night in these parts

          Can't get past your password to load my turn - I get ditched to the start screen whatever I do. do you have to end your turn with enter before saving?


          • #20
            Thanks Drew; I'll be sure not to give away your battle plan


            • #21
              Originally posted by fairline View Post
              Sir, I would apologise for my tardiness in resolving this conflict to it's inevitable outcome, but it is customary to imbibe beverages of a Friday night in these parts

              Can't get past your password to load my turn - I get ditched to the start screen whatever I do. do you have to end your turn with enter before saving?
              These parts also. No worries. The password is 'emancipator'.
              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



              • #22
                War it is then. Fort Sumter has been reduced and the forces moving on the arsenal at Harper's Ferry have been defeated.

                1 union militia + 1 fort killed

                notes: You need to get a hex editor to sort out the civilopedia / military units list so that all the entries can be viewed.

                BTW, I'm snowbound at home today so I can play as many turns as you like if you are around.
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  Snowbound you say? We're getting the first above zero weather in a month. I knew it would happen if I washed my car.

                  So it is WAR! We shall not rest until the Union is Restored. Rebel aggression will be Repayed a Thousand Fold.

                  REPORT: Mobilization of the Various State Militias continues. A Skirmish east of Harper's Ferry resulted in the Loss of a Rebel militia unit and the Capture of a Confederate general.
                  Attached Files
                  Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                  • #24
                    Oh bugger, I knew I should have checked the general's defensive stats before parking him in the open like that!

                    Not a lot to report - general mobilisation etc.

                    This is the coldest winter we've had in years - snow since before Christmas and at least -2 or -3°C I know, that probably counts as Spring weather in your neck of the woods...
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      Little to report. Radical Republicans criticize the President for failing to invade the South, while anti-war Democrats demand negotiations. President Techumseh keeps his own counsel.
                      Attached Files
                      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by fairline View Post
                        This is the coldest winter we've had in years - snow since before Christmas and at least -2 or -3°C I know, that probably counts as Spring weather in your neck of the woods...
                        Yes, that's about what we have now, and it's a great relief. People are outside doing stuff. The the rink across the street has been pretty busy with kids playing hockey.

                        If you're still up, I'm available for the next couple of hours to play. I had some errands earlier. Sorry.
                        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                        • #27
                          Skirmish outside Cairo - 1 union infantry regiment destroyed. Mobilisation continues.
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Nothing to Report. Very Quiet. Too Quiet.
                            Attached Files
                            Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                            • #29

                              An indignant public demands to know why the Federal Army is not marching on the Rebel lair of Richmond and putting down this insurrection. Surely with all of the northern states military and industrial might at its disposal our generals can smash this rag tag rebel militia with little effort. Our Generals aren't chicken, are they?

                              *In character as the northern public with their picnic hampers packed ready to go and watch the big battle live
                              Last edited by McMonkey; January 11, 2010, 06:29.
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                              • #30
                                I'd say those damn Yankees is yellow

                                Apologies for not posting my turn yesterday - Poly was playing silly buggers when I was trying to post. I'll let you have the save this evening when I get back from work.

