With my Sobieski scenario somewhat stalled (OK, I know I few things I could do, but for some reason I never get around to them) I've begun to start on a new scenario idea - a NATO vs. Warsaw Pact clash set in the mid 80s, using Curt's Ostfront map. Somewhat loosely based on Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising (well, I am thinking of some events that might allow the AI to quickly conquer Iceland, and raid the Atlantic therafter) I'm hoping for a large clash of military might across the fields of Europe, but no nukes. (Out-of-game explanation: because nukes take all the fun out of the game, making things quite unfair for all sides. In-game explanation: because nobody wants to wipe out the earth. Yeah, that'll do it. :P )
Anyway, just thought I'd start this thread for commentary and development. For a start, here's some of the units I've got (I don't have all the units set out, stats haven't been written up, and I need to finish city placement (plus maybe remove some placeholders someday, or something) but still...)
(Image uploading seems a bit too sluggish tonight, so...)
Anyway, just thought I'd start this thread for commentary and development. For a start, here's some of the units I've got (I don't have all the units set out, stats haven't been written up, and I need to finish city placement (plus maybe remove some placeholders someday, or something) but still...)
(Image uploading seems a bit too sluggish tonight, so...)