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Balkan Breakup Scenario - Creation Thread

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  • #61
    @ Mc Monkey

    Yeah, there will be no great blitzkriegstyle ( Later you can try it, but your resources are just so scarce and military vehicles are a rare good ), but wait till Agricola tries this scen as serb. If you choose the serb side you have the possibillity to hold Yugoslavia together, but i promise you, to make it as difficult as possible. I considered many things from the agricola thread ...

    We got Snowstorm here, but i'm sitting at home and warming my feet hehe...
    Last edited by Hans99; January 11, 2010, 11:13.


    • #62
      Little progress report:

      I did a testrun with no events.txt and no good working tech tree yet. Turn rate is 1 Week starting with 1 Week of July 1991. I played as Slovene till March 1992 ( 26 Weeks ).

      I was amazed how historically correct the AI was going forward. I had thrown out the Yugoslav army out of slovenia after 4 weeks. Croatia had a hard time, as Vukovar was conquered after 6 Weeks and Vinkovci fell shortly after. In west Slavonia they captured Pozega and planned to cut Slavonia off of croatia just as it was planned in reality.

      Dubrovnik came under heavy siege, but held out till March 1992

      Zadar also came under heavy siege, but held out till now.

      The Krajina Serbs fortified their positions, just as intended.

      Sanski Most was lost early ( As in reality ) but the 5th Corps defender of Bihac managed to hold on their pocket.

      Sarajevo was under heavy siege, but managed with help from roaming UN Units to hold on.

      Most of the small Croat pockets in Bosnia were conquered by serbs.

      Zvornik, Brcko and Brod fell in February 1992 ( reality was i think also around Feb 1992, at least the Chetniks came into Zvornik town around this time )

      Mostar is under heavy siege.

      It is remarkable, that the AI has no greater problems in this scen yet.

      My Observations:

      -> The AI military works very effective against itself in this scen. But you as human can exploit the known weaknesses...

      -> Villages work as intended, but i somehow have to prevent the tech gifts from them, maybe there is some way around this problem ?

      -> Serbia declared war only to croatia and bosnia ( Peace - war - peace - war etc... with bosnia, just as in reality, sometimes 2 Peace treaties a week that got broken even as fast )

      -> Albania, Macedonia, and the UN/Nato stayed at peace with serbia all the time. In Macedonia the AI even reatreated their armies ( As in reality 1992 )

      -> in the first few turns the ai seemed to explore the map, as they moved their units in all directions rather than towards enemy cities, guess this is a problem as i did not save it as .SCN yet.

      -> Air Force was used in a effective way by the AI

      -> SPAA and AA is too powerful

      -> A serb marine got lost in italian territory

      -> Serb infantry conquered Temschburg ( Romania ) ?! Will make some events, as to protect the neighbours/minorities or even mount an counterattack.

      -> I must place the UN strategically to prevent serbia to be too powerful...

      -> The bosnian cities in the Sandzak region in reality remained at peace with serbia throughout the war, in the testrun the were attacked. I somehow have to prevent serbia attacking them all the time or to conquer them too early. Maybe with some Hex editing...

      -> The albanian army stayed in their territory, just moved some units into macedon terrain, which already is major ethnic albanian.

      -> Serbia set up a SAM Screen around the city of Beograd

      -> The Battle of the barracks worked as intended.

      So im very confident to get this on a good run...

      wish me luck guys


      • #63
        Question, are you going to simulate the little Russian involvement there was, like the capture of Pristina airport by Russian comandos?


        • #64
          @ Gileon

          Hmmm, i still got two unit slots free, and i know that there were twists between russia nd NATO/UN, and also many russian volunteers in the serb army.

          I think in some way those twist will also flow in.

          A Russian/Nato Conflict would be difficult to simulate as i run out of civilizations, altough i could use one slot for a russian unit wich is from the barbarian civ, which generates some events if attacked or destroyed.

          Why you ask ?


          • #65
            -> Villages work as intended, but i somehow have to prevent the tech gifts from them, maybe there is some way around this problem ?
            One of the techs stops advances via huts. See the 'Barbarian paper'. At work now so I can't provide a link. Worked perfectly for me in 'A Soaring Spirit'!


            • #66
              Originally posted by Hans99 View Post
              @ Gileon

              Hmmm, i still got two unit slots free, and i know that there were twists between russia nd NATO/UN, and also many russian volunteers in the serb army.

              I think in some way those twist will also flow in.

              A Russian/Nato Conflict would be difficult to simulate as i run out of civilizations, altough i could use one slot for a russian unit wich is from the barbarian civ, which generates some events if attacked or destroyed.

              Why you ask ?
              I was just wondering if that important part of history was covered in your scenario. NATO was pro-independence, and Russia tried to support the Serbs, but without much success. Since you have NATO as a separate civ, I though it would not be bad if the Serbs had some additional positive events.
              This is what I was talking about, I know nothing about Russian volonteers in the field. Kosovo Force is a good place to start researching as well.


              • #67
                @ Mc Monkey

                I know that invention does this, but this changes all of my city styles to renaissance..
                Even Civtweak could not convert them back...
                At the moment i am trying to use some dummy tech's or to block the tech tree temporarly for a few weeks... i dunno...

                @ Gileon

                Will check this out, thanks


                • #68
                  Short question:

                  I now saved my .Sav as .Scn...

                  Now when i end the turn i get to see every battle of the other factions. This is rather annoying. Is there a way to turn this off ?


                  • #69
                    You must have saved your scen when you had the "Reveal All Map" enabled. Depending on your goals you can do either of the two:
                    1) Re-save the scenario after you switch to the map to the civ you are playing in under "Show map" options.
                    2) Enter cheat mode in your scen test and disable the "Reveal All Map" option by doing the same as in N1.


                    • #70
                      So, better late than never.

                      @ Gileon i already did what you proposed but it did not help.

                      But i found the reason why every nation was able to see every battle that occured around the world.

                      It was the wonder of Marco polos Embassy.
                      Even if it was obsolete but built i still would see any battle of the world. Only a total absence/destruction of the wonder could render this effect void.

                      Now i only see the battles in my line of sight, as it should be.

                      I do not know if the effect of this wonder was known before. Might be worthwile to note for the Great library.


                      • #71
                        Handy to know. It can be a pain to have to watch every enemy move, especially when building/testing a scenario with a lot of units.
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                        • #72
                          So next issue, i guess there is no way for the UNITKILLED command in the events.txt
                          to include the location of where the unit is killed ?

                          Any ideas ?


                          • #73
                            Maybe you could find some use in this:


                            • #74
                              @ Varwnos

                              I'll see where i can put this to use, Thanks *Thumbs up*

                              Concerning the unitkilled command, well i found out it is not possible.


                              • #75
                                So, next Update, i am using the "Civilization Scenario Programming Library" CSPL from Angelo Scotto at the moment ( Downloaded it from the Cradle of Civ Website ), as it seems to be the only way for me to satisfy my needs for some specific events.

                                My Question is: does someone still have the old update of CSPL ( from mercator in 2005? As my version of CSPL is from 2001!!!

                                I did some testruns with classic events.txt with flags and masks, but were disappointed by the results, as i did not have the freedom of choice, as i wanted it ( Altough using flags and masks is a BIG advantage ).

                                Time to dust off my old Basic and C Programming skills and upgrade them...

