The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
At last, i start a thread for my ever work Baby. By the way i think it schould be a ToT Scenario, giving me maximal creation possibilities. My thoughts about it are still very crude so i hope for some feedback:
-> The Scenario should go over the Time Period from 1990 to 2008
That's the first problem, do i make several scenarios with independet files or do i stick to one big Scenario ? I'd rather choose one big scenario, but this leads to the next problem:
-> How can i simulate the Breakup of the Nation properly
Just imagine you start the game 1990 as ruler of Yugoslavia, everything is all fine, just some small clashes with minor forces. Everything is under your command and just fine.
Then the first country breaks away, then the next you just fougth ( Like bosnia that fought 1991 with the serbs against croats and just 1992 against serbs as independent state )with and so on. The situation should be at least annoying. And i don't want to use the alliance princip but i rather think about an adhoc loss of parts of your state via events, but this means i have to made different starter files...
-> If the Breakup occured everything is fine, we got 7 Civ's + Barbarians for special roles and will see how yougoslavia goes.
-> Units are also easy, with focus on ground forces, cause there was no big sea war.
-> UN Units as domain three stuff something
-> I still need a map, i got an old CIV FW medium size map here from an older scen but it is way to small. My gigamap should have ca. x130 x y250, including pieces of surrounding countries, and the italic coast.
-> Interesting missions depending of which state you play
-> The techtree is rather military oriented 'cause in the beginning the states just had territorial armies that developed to real armies
But the biggest problem is to show the breakup of the state. I think this can be done by cleverly using the EVENTS and paradropping units ? in some way or is there a possibility to change city owners without units ?
I will do some reading up on the history of the conflict and see what ideas I can come up with. This will be a complex one to build but I guess solving all these problems is part of the fun of scenario building. What would the playable nation be, or would it be possible to play as several?
I should be able to make a start on planning the map from monday when I can make use of a photocopier. I usually make an A3 copy from the Times Atlas of the World and then draw a grid onto it. It is then possible to adjust the dimensions of the map quite easily. I got the Atlas from my neighbours who were chucking it out. It is like tombstone in size and is quite old (1981) but the maps are so detailed due to their size and not most of the geography stays the same until the end of the cold war anyway.
- Serbs
- Croats
- Bosniaks
- Slovenes
- Kosovoars ( In Partialunion with Albania )
- Macedonians
- U.N. / Nato
- West Bosnia / Vojvodina / Others ( Barbarians )
Problem will arise with independence of Montenegro in 2006, because this separation should also be shown i some way but is over the 7 + 1 Civs. Maybe turn the cities over to some barbarian neutral state?
Every nation should be playable. But to get this to work, there must be different starting files for every nation. I will solve this problem via a .BAT file, like in Eurasian wars.
So if you for example choose Croatia you will start with some randomly generated units and blockades to resemble the "LOG revolution 1990", where Croats blocked the streets with logs and some shooting occured at a soccer match. Then you get full power over the croatian part of yugoslavia ( Serb cities will suddenly change to croatian ) after their declaration of independence, at which point you are free to choose the fate of your young nation, maybe even conquer serbia for example.
This with the Map would be really, really great McMonkey. I already bought a Roadmap of Yugoslavia 3 years ago, but never started doing the map. So thank ya already , if ya could need the roadmap just tell.
And for the reading of the history, good luck, it is damn long but very interesting, the english wiki article is really great for this. The german one sucks...
I will do a crude timeline tomorrow in which we can insert everything that should be inserted or is interesting anyway via events.txt.
I remember Zvonimir Boban's flying kick at the policeman during the match between Dinamo Zagreb and Red Star Belgrade. At the time of the breakup I was just getting interested in world events (I would have been about thirteen years old) and I started collecting a magazine called 'Raids' which covered military units around the world and had some excellent articles on the war. I have just dug out these magazines and found some good stuff on the sieges of Sarajevo, Osijek and Vukovar as well as the Serbian land grab in eastern Bosnia. I will read through these as well as the Wikipedia article. You can't rely on Wikipedia for some things but for building a scenario it is ideal!
One thing to consider when planning the scenario is the balance between gameplay and historical accuracy. It is OK to sacrifice accuracy to get the gameplay right. You are never going to make something that is 100% accurate with the Civ2 engine and if you try too hard you could end up with a boring game. If people enjoy playing your game then they will learn about the subject. Playing good historical scenarios always gives me a good sense of the importance of geography and the key cities. Having played the scenario I have a much better understanding when reading about the history.
you could break this into 2 scenarios - one covering the war 1991-1995 and the other the kosovo problem and the conflict in Macedonia in 1999.
This way you could chose civs for the first war:
Bosnian Serb republic
Krajina (all allies)
Bosnia muslims
and possibly Slovenia which was only involved in the 10 day war (border conflict), leaving out Macedonia which wasn't involved in this war
Yeah balance is important. You should have your freedom as a leader, but a light, lets say grid should be available giving historical Background and information ( Also Event Units aka Muslim Brigades ), and in the end to say a final ground Invasion of Nato forces as last test.
@ Juggler
Interesting thougt, but i think it is rather tricky. For example, If i conquered back whole yugoslavia as serbs till 1995 ( Including Macedonia ), i would have a conflict with the Kosovo situation later.
Also i want to keep some part of freedom with the seperatist states.You should for example choose macedonia as state and why not establish the former great macedonia and assault kosovo an serbia.
the krajina/srpska guys should be serbs i think. I know the serb army was not fighting in Krajina directly but it supported it with what it could.
As for slovenia i think i will let it in the game for who knows what Could have happened, if serbia managed to pull of croatia and go back into slovenia ?
Got the photocopy of the map today and have the grid, cities, rivers, and mountains marked out. I just need to work out the dimensions you require then I can start working with the map editor. You said about x130 x y250. The paper map I have made is 33cm E-W and 28cm N-S. The map I built for Fortress Europe etc... is about the right shape and is 143 E-W and 225 N-S which is roughly the size you are looking for. Bear in mind though that this map covers the whole of Europe on a fairly good scale. By just focusing on Yugoslavia it will be pretty huge! That would be fine for PBEM games but if you intend this to be for single player you may find the AI struggles with the large distances. The map will be the foundation for the scenario so it would be essential to get it right from the start. If you haven't already done so I would suggest you look at some of Techumseh's scenarios (such as Frederick the Great or Warlords of China) as an example of how the AI copes better on a smaller map. Your shout either way
Man, ya're fast . Yeah 143 x 225 is just best. More room to rock and be tactical, i like tactical ongoing, not just sticking to the roads but have some more clever thoughts on my approach like in the "Herbstnebel" scen. Can't wait to see the map...
Bear in mind that the "Herbstnebel" scenario was designed with the Germans in mind, not six or seven different nations. If you want the AI to be at all challenging you will need to do a hell of a job with the events, especially if you want all the nations to be playable. It might be an idea to pick one nation to focus on first of all, for argument sake Croatia, and use all the event space to help out the Serbian AI. You could later on make other events files for each nation you want to be playable. That would be a lot of work but its the only way I can see the AI being of any use on such a huge map. I have learned this from bitter experience. Its good to be ambitious but you don't want to start something that is so big you will never get it finished!
Anyway, if its a huge map you want then its a huge map you will get
You're right. It WILL be hell of a work, but in the end this is the thing that makes scenario design interesting. To get the things to work. I will make a setup for every state. By doing this, maybe i can get around some problems with Macedonians and Montenegro.
At the moment i am working on the Serb - UNITS File, but i am just halfway done. Altough i limited sea and air units, the Nato/UN units are eating space, i hope i can get 'em done tomorrow.
Tell me how much Beer i owe you, when the map is done
Next Thing i thougt about is the timeline, to be aproppriate to the size of the map and my objective to be a tactical game i thougt about a day timeline with seasons summer, fall/spring, winter where every 120 -180 days the batchfile for season is run end day counter reset. So the Counter on will read
for example 78 days in summer 1991 instead of July 1991.
Concerning huts i either keep them and choose the trigger technologies carefully as to prevent too many barbs popping up or stick to the roman scen principle with barbarian units as cities, that create a random event.
Main Timeline ( very Crude, improve a lot ):
- Jan 1990 Last congress of delegations of republics which
"never" came together again
- May 1990 Violent soccer game between Zagreb and Belgrade
- May 1990 Croatia sets Serbs in Croatia to minority state
- August 1990 Krajina Serbs referendum, log revolution, police clashes
- September 1990 Autonomy of Krajina region, armed clashes
- December 1990 Referendum of Independence Slovenia, Setup of home army,
JNA to disarm territorial armies
- April 1991 ZNG of Croatia to replace Crotian Territorial Army
- June 1991 Slovenia declares Independence -> 10 Day War
- June 1991 Croatia declares Independence, Battle of Dalmatian Coast
between Croats and Krajina Serbs starts
- August 1991 Battle of the Barracks in Croatia, Home Army seizes JNA
- August 1991 Battle of Vukover, Croatia attacked by JNA
- October 1991 JNA withdraws from Slovenia
- Octobre 1991 Battle of Dubrovnik, Montenegro attacks Croats
- November 1991 Fall of Vukovar, Bosnians still fighting as part of JNA
- Decembre 1991 Krajina declares Independence
- Jan 1992 Slovenia and Croatia aknowledged as states by Europe
How many turns will the scenario last? This is another area where it is very easy to get carried away. Less can be more! If you make it too long nobody will ever finish it. I would be interested in what others think but I would guess that a scenario of between 100-200 turns would be a good target. That's just an estimate though. Just playing Devils advocate here
Huts are a tricky one. I am using them in the Ancient Greek scenario I am building but I have not used them in any of my modern scenarios. If you do decide to use huts it is essential to get the planning right from the start as it is quite fiddly. William Keenan's Barbarian Paper is the essential guide to this.
Regarding the map, it might take me a while to get it finished and I won't guess at a completion date because it always takes me much longer than I think. No beers required in payment. I enjoy the craft of building maps. It gives me a real sense of achievement when they are finished and it will be great to see those fine units come to life on it!
Well, seems intentons diverge here. Let's see how we can find a solution for this.
I could go for a weekly Timeflow aka. giving a year 52 Turns, or go up to 2 week turns as to have ca. 200 Turns in 8 years. Gotta experiment on that. But thanks for pointing on that McMonkey.
The Units so far:
My Question, do we have the same problem with the Knight, Musketeer Slot in ToT as in MGE ?