I have been wondering how many of us would be interested in setting up a thread for modified scenarios and a corosponding section for them on the SL Wiki. I know Fairline has converted several MGE scenarios to ToT and done graphics mods for them (EG Sengoku Jidai, Bonaparte, Aeterna Civitas). Gapetit has also given a large number of MGE scenarios a revamp with Fairline's and his own modified units. I often feel the need to do a complete overhaul of the graphics before I attempt to play a scenario and have some modified ones on my hard-drive and I expect others do too.
As well as the visual aspect there are often bugs in the gameplay that can be fairly easily fixed. Often the designers are no longer around to do such work but as AGRICOLA showed recently, with Bonaparte, the fixes are often quite easily done. I can think of a few scenarios that would benefit from some minor tweaking. I am sure that the designers would not mind this tinkering. In fact I'm fairly sure they would be happy that people were still enjoying their work enough to want to take the time to improve it, I know I would be!
Just an idea anyway. It could be interesting to pick one scenario at a time, have a discussion on what could be done, dig out and finish off any graphics mods and make any minor changes to the rules or events needed and then upload them to the SL Wiki to allow them a new lease of life. Undoubtedly this will lead to some creative differences as everyone has different tastes but I am sure we could come to some kind of consensus and everyone can then do their own private alterations to suit themselves (shiny white roads etc...
Oh, and this most definitely would not include Red Front!
As well as the visual aspect there are often bugs in the gameplay that can be fairly easily fixed. Often the designers are no longer around to do such work but as AGRICOLA showed recently, with Bonaparte, the fixes are often quite easily done. I can think of a few scenarios that would benefit from some minor tweaking. I am sure that the designers would not mind this tinkering. In fact I'm fairly sure they would be happy that people were still enjoying their work enough to want to take the time to improve it, I know I would be!
Just an idea anyway. It could be interesting to pick one scenario at a time, have a discussion on what could be done, dig out and finish off any graphics mods and make any minor changes to the rules or events needed and then upload them to the SL Wiki to allow them a new lease of life. Undoubtedly this will lead to some creative differences as everyone has different tastes but I am sure we could come to some kind of consensus and everyone can then do their own private alterations to suit themselves (shiny white roads etc...

Oh, and this most definitely would not include Red Front!
