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The Eurasian Wars!

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  • #31
    That is because you are correct - It is!

    Tonight, I am going to try something foolhardy...!
    I am going to make a foray into using @Civilize2 and @Leader2 settings...!

    I might live to regret it, but I really need to find a way to
    stop the Soviets demanding the Luftwaffe tech (for example)!


    • #32
      Took me until feb 1945 to conquer the whole world and colour the planet red. If I had used true soviet tactics and had disregarded the loss of troops, it could have been done quicker I guess. In the end is mainly logistics, getting your tanks to the front asap. Directing over 200 tanks plus plenty AA, aircraft and mech armour takes a lot of time though.
      For a deity game this was far easier then Ostfront. But somehow I was rewarded with a stunning topscore of over 500% though

      I'll try and see how the other civs play.

      Oh, and the russian mech armour has a weird purple glow off the right front bumper while moving. Not visible when stationary.


      • #33
        Originally posted by PietH
        Oh, and the russian mech armour has a weird purple glow off the right front bumper while moving. Not visible when stationary.
        Sounds like you brought great glory to the motherland!

        Can you tell me exactly what unit has this trouble?

        Haven't noticed it myself...!


        • #34

          I've been making multiple events/rules files for all the civs,
          and I am busy experimenting with the off/on negotiation
          events triggers - with limited success! Seems like a feature
          that MicroProse did not really finish properly...!

          I'll be releasing a new major update soon!


          • #35
            I continued my game with the Italians until May ´43. Because the Soviets and Axis didn´t declare war on each other, I decided to cheat a little bit and changed the treaties.
            When I called my Axis partner he asked for an amount of 14000 Gold. So I had to use the cheats.
            The Soviets conquered Egypt and have war with nearly every nation. German tanks are now rolling into Russia and I conquered Malta and Gibraltar.

            Looking forward to the updated version
            American War of Independence
            A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


            • #36
              Hoping to have the diplomacy fixed in some way for he next update, but it seems the events suit themselves if they wish to work or not!



              • #37

                New version coming soon!
                I had meant to release it a little while back, but decided to redo the unit stats a few times, and have also
                edited the look of some of the units. Defence and attack infantry now have a pose that reflects their role.

                Many changes have been made, including dropping (unrealistic) airports from the scenario, dropping workers,
                giving engineers 3 moves, new OOBs for all civs, giving the neutrals a new '0 move' militia, and tons more!

                Also I am working (for the 2nd time) on giving each civ their own series of events and rules...Stay tuned!

                A few of the new units, with thanks to fairline!


                • #38
                  Tested out the new stats as Germany, and decided to delay my invasion of Russia in favour
                  of (what I thought would be) a quick invasion of the UK. What a battle it turned out to be!!!

                  Instead of transports, the new version has expensive 'invasion fleets' which attempt to show
                  that moving large armies over the water was not easy. In the scenario, this means that your
                  units will have to be ferried in, bit by bit - Can you say 'feed the meat gridner?' -

                  The UK now spawns tons of partisans from all cities, even after the tough defence of London
                  is breached...Without giving too much away, even with a vast 30+ unit force it was hellish!
                  Manchester was lost to the Allied AI and then razed...(a true scorched earth fight) Then
                  commandos and mosquito bombers attacked my troops killing up to six German Army divisions
                  in one attack...I had to drain occupied Europe of troops and artillery to plug the gaps...

                  All the while this new events version for Germany has a 10% chance that Stalin might just
                  attack before you get to blitz him, so this was presenting a real danger, as my Polish
                  and Romanian cities had seriously depleted forces...I like the new stats as it forces the
                  player to use units wisely, as it takes longer to bring fresh forces to the battlefield.

                  Can you risk leaving your flank open to the AI, while fighting off threats elsewhere?
                  This is the essence of fun CIV-play for me, using tough units to beat back brushfires.

                  Will have the other faction events ready this week, anyone wanting to play as
                  Germany now, let me know, and I can upload the German Reich events version...

                  'Eurasian Wars' is really coming of age!

                  Last edited by curtsibling; November 16, 2008, 13:02.


                  • #39
                    Sorry for the long delay but here is my first little playtest.
                    I started a new game with the Soviets and played now until October '41. I know, these are only a few turns but I will continue and make only some first suggestions on this scenario.

                    The Axis declared war in March '41. I started immediatelly producing T-34, Bombers and Artillery for defending the German invasion. But there wasn´t a German army, only some few troops which weren´t really dangerous.
                    I thought you would give the Germans new units at the beginning of the invasion.
                    I conquered Finnland and starting now an invasion on the rest of Scandinavia.

                    One suggestion I have:
                    I´ve noticed, that you are using an independend and a neutral civ. Is this really neccessary? Because I would include the French instead of one of the civs and starting the game in June '40.

                    All in one the scenario is very funny to play and I like it.
                    American War of Independence
                    A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


                    • #40

                      My game is in May 1942. Although I’m not ready to do a playtest report, here are a few observations that relate to your previous post.

                      Here’s my strategy for the early part of the scen:

                      1. Capture Balkans
                      2. Capture continental Italy
                      3. Eliminate Sweden, Switzerland and Spain
                      4. Capture Gibraltar
                      5. Capture Great Britain
                      6. Control Mediterranean
                      7. Take on Soviets

                      Phases 1-5 have been completed; all of western Europe is learning German; and a number of new operations are under way:
                      A force is being assembled in Narvik for amphib operations against Murmansk and other sub-Arctic cities.
                      Units for an assault on Leningrad are massing in Helsinki.
                      An amphib convoy bound for Dakar and the rest of western and central Africa is now at sea, south of Casablanca.
                      Malta and El Alamein have been captured and Panzers are about to pound on the gates of Alexandria and Cairo.
                      The Ostfront from Konigsberg to Bucharest remains on the defensive along the original start line.

                      I have a few comments about your last post.

                      Tested out the new stats as Germany, and decided to delay my invasion of Russia in favour of (what I thought would be) a quick invasion of the UK. What a battle it turned out to be!!!

                      I also decided to delay Barbarossa . . . . probably until early ’43. There are multiple good reasons for this . . . . science progress, unit availability, no wish for a two-front war, vulnerable flanks, etc.. This decision has created an unexpected, ghastly problem, as I will explain in a subsequent post.
                      My invasion of Britain (and Ireland) was very, very quick . . . . . it started and ended in Dec 1941.

                      Instead of transports, the new version has expensive 'invasion fleets' which attempt to show that moving large armies over the water was not easy. In the scenario, this means that your units will have to be ferried in, bit by bit - Can you say 'feed the meat gridner?' -

                      Nope, I can’t say that . Ten IF’s from Bremen and Amsterdam, loaded to the gunwales with a total of 60 Assault Guns and assorted other units made short work of the Allies. The Wehrmacht lost one Assault Gun.
                      Klotzen, nicht Kleckern! (H. Guderian)

                      The UK now spawns tons of partisans from all cities, even after the tough defence of London is breached...Without giving too much away, even with a vast 30+ unit force it was hellish!

                      Without giving anything away, I either astutely chose the right strategy (my humble opinion) or got lucky (everybody else’s sour grapes) in carrying out the invasion and never saw a British partisan, not even in Sherwood Forest.

                      Manchester was lost to the Allied AI and then razed...(a true scorched earth fight) Then commandos and mosquito bombers attacked my troops killing up to six German Army divisions in one attack...I had to drain occupied Europe of troops and artillery to plug the gaps...

                      Sorry to hear about the fate of Manchester. Fortunately, in my game, the Mossies had nowhere to come from. However I had to destroy two Lancasters on the ground before I was able to put a permanent end to Lancasters flying from the nearest Allied bases at Dakar or Alexandria to attack Britain (by Dec. ’41, the swastika was already flying over The Rock).

                      All the while this new events version for Germany has a 10% chance that Stalin might just attack before you get to blitz him, so this was presenting a real danger, as my Polish and Romanian cities had seriously depleted forces...I like the new stats as it forces the player to use units wisely, as it takes longer to bring fresh forces to the battlefield.

                      Germany had to preempt Stalin in July ’41 because his units were crawling around frontier cities and occupying vital supply squares. Destroying the infiltrators started a defensive war of keeping Russian units at a respectful distance from German territory. Unfortunately, Stalin considered that this was the start of all-out warfare. The consequences of this unintended start to Barbarossa are going to be interesting.

                      Can you risk leaving your flank open to the AI, while fighting off threats elsewhere?

                      Nein. No. Nyet. Non. There are too many treacherous neighbours . . . . . . . AND EVIL DESIGNERS .

                      I’ll get a full report out within 2 weeks.
                      Last edited by AGRICOLA; December 12, 2008, 14:31.
                      Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                      Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                      Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                      • #41
                        Agricola keeps amazing me with his genius gameplay.

                        I started a game as the germans. I decided to try to improve on the historic path, and avoid the strategic mistakes that many historians think the Germans made.
                        So I ended up doing the exact opposite of Agricola, and start an early war against the soviets, hoping to catch them off guard. I disregarded the balkans and went straight for Moscow. I was succesfull at first, but got stuck a few turns against a bomber/ground defence trap. By the time I came to Moscow in july '41, it was littered with defensive troops and my precious assualt army was destroyed.

                        I think I will start again, on the recommended level this time.

                        Impressions so far:
                        -Artillery is far improved, and now probably even more useful then Assault Guns (more fire power, same movement)
                        -infantry units are no longer the useless walkovers they were
                        -the use of multi unit forces is needed. Tanks are usefull against units in the field, but not against cities. AA is needed against the relentless air attacks.
                        -airfields are no longer allowed, that would probably be a slowing factor in the end stages of the game.


                        • #42

                          Thanks, but the term 'genius', however loosely applied, is most inappropriate.

                          With a few changes due to the nature of CIV II, my approach was based on what military historians have concluded was Germany's best WWII strategy. At best that qualifies me as a reader of military history who hasn't forgotten quite everything he has read.

                          Similarly, the business of not encountering Robin Hood's descendants in Britain was the unintended and unanticipated result of trying to squeeze the maximum gold out of conquering the islands (whatever civ I play is chronically on the edge of bankruptcy due to gross economic mismanagement). I had no idea that Ciaran had cooked up an extra nasty surprise for invaders. I got an optimal result for a completely irrelevant reason. Bu**er all genius in that.

                          Extrapolating from your 1941 misadventures in Russia, I shudder to think what I'm going to encounter in early 1943. However, let's see what a Luftwaffe OOB of 75+ DO-335's can do despite the lack of Airports.

                          Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                          Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                          Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                          • #43
                            I am now in Dec '43 and have conquered nearly everything of Europe except Great Britain. The Japanese Empire continues their successfully campaign in India and the Axis only control three cities in North Africa. Unfortunatelly the Swiss bankers stopped my war against the Neutrals.

                            Europe nearly complete red

                            When the Allied events are complete I would like to start a game with them.
                            American War of Independence
                            A Divided Nation - US Civilwar


                            • #44
                              German Playtest

                              I am testing the German events and am now in February 1943. Everything is going really smoothly, and my planning (with some dirty tricks thrown in for good measure) seem to be efficient!

                              First of all, is the deliberate stacking of bomber with AA and other defensive units cheating? I did a little bit of, and if it would be forbidden, then it would slow me a bit, without changing the final outcome much.

                              So here is what happened in my game: I decided to wipe the hated Brits from their island before going east! The amphibious Waffen SS where the spearhead of my onslaught.

                              1. Operation Sea Lion

                              So I launched a reworked Operation Sea Lion using my dirty trick n°1 (explanation in my email, as well as a suggestion on how to make it impossible): my Waffen SS emptied a city from the sea, and then 2 fleets ferried units, which then attacked from the land.

                              I first landed in June 1941, and took my last city (London) in the UK in September 1941. Dublin fell 1 month later.

                              I could have been faster, but I'm too lazy for optimization. I maybe lost 1-2 units in the process, not more!

                              Note: british commando appear on european soil even after all GB has fallen!

                              2. Barbarossa and Mediterranean Sea

                              I then started to send back my troops towards Russia, and a small fleet south to Gibraltar.

                              I took Athens in January 41, Gibraltar in February 41, and Valetta in May 42.

                              Barbarossa itself started in April 42; it is advancing steadily, without too much problem; I make good use of the Artillery I had from the start, as well as Assault Guns and Nashorns for attack, AA and some defensive units.

                              The cities fell as follow:
                              April 42: riga, tallin, narva, vyborg, lvov, kishinev, odessa
                              May 42: Leningrad, Minsk, Vilnius, Kerson, Sevastopol, Liev
                              June 42: Smolensk, beginning of the attack on Moscow
                              July 42: Belomorsk
                              August 42: Arkhangelsk, + Tobruk and El Alamein
                              September 42: Murmansk
                              October 42: Kharkov and... Moskow after 5 month of slaughtering red units (I probably destroyed over 60 units in Moscow)!
                              Nov 42: Rostov
                              Dec 42: Gorky, Kalach + Alexandria
                              Jan 43: Kazan, Maikop + Cairo

                              I will soon take on Stalingrad (where I'll use my dirty trick n°2 to minimize the effects of the counter attack), probably in March or April: it should be quite easy! In the meanwhile, I'll advance towards Siberia + take Kuibishev, Astrakhan and Baku.

                              My main units now are:
                              Nashorn: 41
                              Panzer IV: 24
                              Ju-88: 23
                              BF-109: 23
                              AA: 94
                              Waffen SS: 40
                              German Army: 75
                              and a few others

                              And the Reds lost up to now (mainly to my forces):
                              Red Army: 207
                              Il-4: 53
                              t-34: 30
                              and a few others
                              where I lost about 50 units against Brits and Reds from the start!
                              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                              Discworld Scenario:
                              POMARJ Scenario:
                              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                              • #45
                                Great reports, gentlemen! Bravo!

                                This new version gives many options about where to take the focus of your campaign. Choosing
                                to attack a different enemy (from history) or take a new territory can have interesting effects!

                                You've performed a economic miracle to churn out so many IFs and SP guns!
                                (It's lucky this man was not born around 1920 in Germany!)

                                Can't wait to see how the Battle against old 'Unlce Joe' will go...
                                Watch out for the T-34 and Assault troop rushes! Keep those Do-335s flying!

                                The same thing happened to me initially - I Under-estimated the evil of the Soviet AI and
                                Stalin crushed my Moscow siege army, then kicked me out of Rostov too...Helluva beating!
                                The assault troops and T-34s were joined by endless fighter attacks...Barbarossa became
                                a total disaster...And then the D-Day event loaded...And I lost Paris...

                                Glad you like the new unit stats - !
                                The basic artillery has a more piercing hit than the Assault Gun, which has better armour.
                                Once the better mobile guns come in, they really do the job, but can still be killed. I tried
                                to make tanks good for open battles and for fighting other tanks. Guns are great for sieges,
                                but will be crushed when out on their own...I try to keep a good tank/gun/AA/bomber mix!

                                Comrade! You have kicked nazi butt all over the place! - Good work! And I think you
                                might like the new events package I have added to this post...Includes the Allies!

                                Nice strategy! It's cool to see how your game and Agricola's took a different
                                path, due to play style and plan...Love to read this kind of thing! I was stuck
                                at Moscow as well for months...But that is appropriate, it should not be easy!

                                Good luck at Stalingrad, and I hope the strategy pays off!

                                To everyone:
                                BTW - I consider stacking a bomber (or P-51) on top of armour or AA units to be OK! As long
                                as the CTRL-N (freeze end turn) is NOT used to give exhausted air units more airborne time!
                                Air units must return to base as normal...This is as close to a house rule as I get!
                                But in the heat of war, whatever gains victory over the dreaded AI!

                                Nothing quite feels as secure as a King Tiger/Coelian/Ar-555 combination on a mountain!

                                Attached are the new events, batch file, and updated (just tweaks) rules!

                                Rules overwrite the existing ones, Events go into the events folder as ever...

                                Also delete the rules and events called 'default' they are no longer needed!

                                Enjoy and many thanks for your playtests, guys!
                                You rule! :b
                                Attached Files

